Nighttime Microphysics RGB (right) - HTML5 Loop, 2019-02-25 - A hurricane-force low impacts the Aleutian Islands - RGB Airmass - HTML5 Loop, 2019-02-22 - Well-defined ship tracks in the North Pacific from GOES-17 - GeoColor - HTML5 Loop, 2019-02-21 - 1-min. GOES 16 Satellite Disclaimer: Due to space and processing NESDIS are only making Animated-GIFS for the selected subset of the GOES 16 bands which most closely correlated to the older GOES … - RGB Airmass - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-17 - One month away from the summer solstice and the Northwest Territories and Nunavut are still mostly snow-covered (apologies for the missing Nunavut boundary on the map) - Natural Color (Day Land Cloud RGB) - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-16 - Streaks of rain-cooled (and even hail-cooled) ground are evident in northeast New Mexico - Fire Temperature RGB - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-15 - Severe thunderstorms in Colorado leave behind a swath of hail 4-6 inches deep (from 14 May 2018) - UL: Band 02, UR: GeoColor, LL: Natural Color (Day Land Cloud RGB), LR: High/Low Cloud/Snow Discriminator - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-14 - A pyroCb from the Mallard Fire in West Texas ends up producing 1 inch (2.5 cm) hail (from 11 May 2018) - Fire Temperature RGB - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-11 - Low clouds in the wake of last night's MCS over Nebraska - Natural Color (aka Day Land Cloud RGB) - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-10 - A squall line at sunset in 1-min./500 m resolution - Band 2 (0.64 µm) - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-09 - The development of a mesoscale convective vortex (MCV) - RGB Airmass - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-08 - A hurricane-force low develops south of Greenland - RGB Airmass - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-07 - Horizontal convective rolls in northern Ontario - Natural Color (aka Day Land Cloud RGB) - HTML5 Loop, 2018-05-03 - 1 min. Now let us hope the fine people at COD can find an adequate/reliable source for ECMWF data!

mesoscale sector from GOES-17 - GeoColor with GLM overlay (Note: GeoColor and GLM are now available for the mesoscale sectors on SLIDER) - HTML5 Loop, 2019-02-27 - Saharan dust over the Cape Verde Islands - GeoColor - HTML5 Loop, 2019-02-26 - Fog advances on the high plains of Colorado at night - GeoColor (left) vs. GOES-17 is operational as of Feb 12, 2019. GeoColor is a multispectral product composed of True Color (using a simulated green component) during the daytime, and an Infrared product that uses bands 7 and 13 at night.

Cool Satellite (spacecraft and imagery) viewer from SSEC: GOES-16 ABI imagery from a DIY GRB receiving system by, Product Peformance Guide for Level 1b and CMI, NOAA NCEI's Archive Information Request System (AIRS), NOAA/CIMSS Volcanic Cloud Monitoring Web Portal. - GeoColor - HTML5 Loop, 2017-11-14 - A variety of gravity waves propagate through the stratocumulus deck off South America - GeoColor - HTML5 Loop, 2017-11-09 - Smoke from fires burning in Arizona - GeoColor - HTML5 Loop, 2017-11-08 - Picturesque midlatitude cyclone approaches the NW coast - GeoColor - HTML5 Loop, 2017-11-07 - Strong storms in Paraguay - band 2 and band 13 VIS/IR Sandwich - HTML5 Loop, 2017-11-06 - Limb view of a midlatitude cyclone in the Gulf of Alaska - GeoColor - HTML5 Loop, 2017-11-05 - Close-up view of a supercell thunderstorm in Indiana - 1-min band 2 VIS - HTML5 Loop, 2017-11-02 - Storms forming after dark south of St. Louis, and low clouds building southward behind a cold front north of there - GeoColor - HTML5 Loop, 2017-11-01 - Many fires still burning in northern California - GeoColor - HTML5 Loop, 2017-10-31 - Ship tracks in the northwest Atlantic from 10/30 - GeoColor (special thanks to the OKX NWS Office for pointing this out!) 5 comments. Band 2 (0.64 µm) - HTML5 Loop, 2018-06-11 - Low clouds, fog and snow in Patagonia - Natural Color (Day Land Cloud RGB) - HTML5 Loop, 2018-06-10 - Multiple fires burning in southwest Colorado - GeoColor combined with the Fire Temperature RGB - HTML5 Loop, 2018-06-08 - The TransCanada pipeline explosion in West Virginia (7 June 2018) viewed four ways - UL: Band 7 (3.9 µm); UR: Shortwave Albedo (Band7 reflectance); LL: Natural Fire Color (Day Land Cloud Fire RGB); LR: Fire Temperature RGB - HTML5 Loop, 2018-06-07 - Severe storms over Iowa and Nebraska - 1-min.