"They're going to have their agenda and we can't just, as a party, focus on micro targeting tax credits or having tax cuts.". - Will review “unhealthy food taxes” such as sugar tax on soft drinks.- Wants to increase defence spending by £15bn over the next five years. - Promises to keep free TV licenses for the over-75s. - Has previously said money spent on the EU could be put into the NHS. |.LifeSiteNews welcomes thoughtful, respectful comments that add useful information or insights. - Backs both HS2 and a third runway at Heathrow.- Pledges more money for public sector workers and wants to increase the National Living Wage. - Wants to target manufacturers of unhealthy foods to make them cut the sugar content. Your submission has been received!Oops! - Pledges to cover the cost of tariffs imposed on the exports of the farming and fishing industries in the case of a no-deal Brexit.- Vows to leave the EU by the 31 October deadline "come what may", but claims the chance of a no-deal Brexit is a "million to one". "It doesn't look like the Liberals are doing all that well and this provides an opportunity for a pedestal to do better.
The June 27 vote will be only the third time the Conservative membership has elected a leader. "The party hasn't tried to appeal to the next generation of voters," said Coletto. - Will get Migration Advisory Committee to examine the plan. More. Canadian pro-life group registers 26K to vote in Conservative Party leadership race. ",Lewis' delivery has been compared with the other social conservative in the race, Ontario's Derek Sloan, who has been.Chambers says Lewis comes across as authentic because she is not trying to be anything she is not. Derek Sloan and Toronto lawyer Leslyn Lewis and eschew MacKay and Ontario M.P. ".To an extent all politicians are starting from the same place, crafting a vision for how the country will move through this pandemic and into the future. (It's) seen as old traditional, close-minded, some even described it as racist," said David Coletto, CEO of Abacus Data. - Pledges full fibre broadband in every home by 2025.- Promises more funding for social care. - Promises to maintain spending 0.7% of GDP on Foreign Aid.

The Conservative Party chooses its new leader this weekend with voting done by mail - which means a lot of sorting and verifying of ballots to get ready for counting.

There’s no online voting option. Erin O'Toole has won the leadership for the Conservative Party, promising to present a vision to make Canada more prosperous and reaching out to broaden the party's base of supporters. UPDATED May 29, 2017 3:07pmET. Their trust in our pro-life leadership is humbling,” added Fonseca.The new leader will head up Canada’s Official Opposition just as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seeking to.Proroguing Parliament will end the House of Commons finance committee’s probe into the Trudeau government’s relationship with WE Charity, which cabinet voted to award a now canceled no-bid contract to manage a $912-million national youth volunteer grant program.His longtime finance minister, Bill Morneau, who with Trudeau is under a conflict-of-interest investigation by the ethics commissioner over his personal ties to WE Charity,Trudeau has appointed Toronto M.P. ".If Lewis' candidacy has helped to broaden interest in the Conservative Party to some minorities and women, the next leader still needs to increase the party's appeal with young people. "There's a huge opportunity here for whoever is the next Conservative leader and that's to talk about a vision, a new direction for Canada," said Lantsman. Conservative Party of Canada leadership candidates (clockwise from top left) Erin O’Toole, Peter MacKay, Leslyn Lewis and Derek Sloan during the English-language leadership debate in … Conservative Party of Canada Leader Erin O'Toole speaks after his win at the 2020 Leadership Election, in Ottawa on Sunday, Aug. 23, 2020.

- If not, will abandon talks and focus on no deal preparations. - Mental health support to be offered in every school and a crackdown on social media companies that fail to regulate their content.- Rules out a pay-for-access NHS, saying it would remain "free to everybody at the point of use" under his leadership.

- Pledges to scrap the target to reduce net migration to below 100,000.- Wants a new Australian-style points-based system, considering factors such as whether an immigrant has a firm job offer and their ability to speak English.