Scheer unveiled his platform Friday near Delta, B.C.Singh defends platform, says tax hikes wouldn't send businesses fleeing,Green platform has some big fiscal holes, hidden costs,Party leaders debate climate, deficits, Indigenous services, assisted dying, SNC-Lavalin,Key moments from the final leaders' debate of the election campaign.Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau criticized Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer for delaying the release of his party's platform - which he said downplays the party's "$53 billion worth of cuts" - to the last day before a long weekend.released their platform, which included PBO costs for most major initiatives,released the costing of that platform earlier today,releasing a costing of most of their major initiatives,CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices.Freezing hiring in the federal public service — maintaining jobs at 2020-21 levels until the budget is balanced — for a projected saving of $558 million by 2024-25.Reducing operating expenses by cutting the use of consultants, clamping down on travel and hospitality expenses, tightening procurement tools and scaling back on government-owned real estate for a projected saving of $5 billion a year by 2024-25.Earmarking less money for infrastructure by focusing on projects that are ready for construction for a projected saving of $6.726 billion a year by 2024-25.Cutting corporate welfare payments by $1.5 billion annually.Cancelling planned increases to international assistance to save $726 million annually by 2024-25.Cutting foreign aid by 25 per cent for a saving of $1.5 billion annually.Imposing a three per cent tax on tech giants that operate social media platforms, search engines or online marketplaces in Canada, bringing in an additional $610 million annually by 2024-25.Allocating $750 million from other as-yet-unnamed government departments to set up a Tax Gap office that would crack down on tax evasion, to bring in a projected additional $3.37 billion a year by 2024-25.Forcing tobacco companies to pay for anti-smoking campaigns to the tune of $58 million a year.Withdrawing investments from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to save $9 million a year.Repealing parts of the 2019 federal budget, such as subsidies to companies for the purchase of electric cars and eliminating the Canada Training Credit, for a projected saving of $362 million a year by 2024-25. Indigenous Issues: A New Relationship Based on Mutual Respect Learn More. In Canada, the rise of the socialist Co-operative Commonwealth Federation pushed the Liberal Party to create and expand the welfare state before and after World War II. amid anger over pipeline purchase,7 things you might have missed, or were missing in the Liberal platform,Trudeau vows to 'fight for all Canadians' as Liberals win minority government,Live election results & real-time interactive map,The 6 biggest surprises of election night,Scheer praises party gains after Tories fall short of majority,NDP bleeds seats in Quebec as party sinks to fourth place,'Ottawa doesn't care': Western separatist movement gains traction as Albertans react to Liberal victory.Implementing a Universal Tax Cut, which would reduce the tax rate on income under $47,630 which will cost $548 million in 2020-21 but would more than quadruple in the year following, hitting $5.9 billion by the end of a Conservative first mandate;Removing the GST from home energy bills, which the Conservatives estimate would save the average household in Canada $100 in 2020. Fiscal conservatism in Canada is generally referred to as blue Toryism when it is present within the Conservative Party of Canada. This is the People's Party of Canada's Platform for the October 2019 general election. "They [the NDP] probably would have liked to have gotten it out a week ago. This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff.We aim to create a safe and valuable space for discussion and debate.

and the Ontario Line Yonge Subway Extension in Toronto.Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, speaking in Surrey B.C., described the Conservative platform as a return to the austerity seen under former prime minister Stephen Harper. Among the costed elements are spending $25 million annually to make admission free to Canada's national museums, for Canadians and international tourists; and replacing MRI and CT machines at a cost of $250 million in 2020-21.The Conservatives say they would also extend EI for parents whose infant dies; develop an autism strategy; tackle cyberbullying; “prioritize genocide survivors, LGBTQ+ refugees, and internally displaced people” as refugees, and direct the immigration department to match employment backgrounds of newcomers to the employment needs of companies that rely on temporary foreign workers.Indigenous-centric commitments span just two pages with the Conservatives saying they would “remove barriers to prosperity”; modernize Indigenous governance; keep up with the Liberals’ plan to clear drinking water advisories on reserves; and develop a missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls “action plan.”.Scheer has also spent considerable time chiding Trudeau on his record on international relations. Economy: Encouraging Investment and Productivity Growth Learn More.