Spritz a preheated 425 degree F oven with water, close the door, and get the croissants. Stretch these triangles again 9 inches long, then place on the work surface and put a piece of scrap dough in the center of the wide end to enclose, which will plump up the center. Roll the triangles up towards you starting at the wide end and place them 2 inches apart on a parchment lined sheet pan with the tip tucked under and the ends slightly curved in to make a crescent shape. Be careful not to beat too much; you don’t want to incorporate any air. If the dough slides around, use a little water at the corners to tack them in place. Once it’s pliable, roll it to a 20˝ x 10˝ rectangle, picking it up and dusting lightly with flour as needed. Remove from the oven and let cool on the pan on a rack for 20 minutes before serving. Mix until the dough forms. And watch videos demonstrating recipe prep and cooking techniques. Before folding the dough over on itself, use your pastry brush to sweep off excess flour. In a mixer with a dough hook, place the yeast, flour, sugar, salt and the milk and mix for 2 minutes until a soft moist dough forms on the hook. They should expand noticeably, and when you gently press one with your finger, the indentation should remain. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Unwrap the butter square and place it in the center of the dough at a 45° angle, so it looks like a diamond in a square. See. Have a little water on hand; don't be afraid to brush the corners of the dough with it, to tack the dough in place. You can also freeze the dough at this point. Remove from the oven. 2020 Cut the dough in thirds lengthwise and in half down the center. If most of the flour isn't moistened with this quantity of milk, add more, a tablespoon at a time until it is moistened and smooth, using up to 4 tablespoons. Do this again three more times (some people only do 3 turns total, some do 6, some do 3 plus what's called a "wallet" turn for the last one which is a 4 fold turn that's folded into itself like a book jacket) marking it accordingly each time and chilling in between each turn. As you roll, you tend to expand the top layers more than the bottom. Take the croissants out of the refrigerator, and let them warm and rise for 60 to 90 minutes at room temperature. Typical ingredients include wheat flour, water, milk, yeast, salt, sugar, butter and egg. As you work, keep the dough, work surface, and your rolling pin well dusted with flour. When rolling the dough, especially for the first time, be sure the dough and butter are at the same consistency; this will make rolling much smoother and the layers will be more even. Trim the edges about 1/4˝ all the way around with a ruler and pizza cutter. This removes the folded edges that would inhibit the dough’s rise. Proceed with the rest of the recipe as shown until the dough is finished. Roll the dough out once more to 20˝ x 10˝ and fold it as before. Place the butter in the middle, long-ways. By flipping the dough over, you'll even that out. Copyright © Traditionally, the unbaked croissant was then curved into a crescent shape, though nowadays croissants are often left straight. Mix until the dough forms. Wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Once the dough is smooth and elastic, pat it into a 9˝ square, then wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Whisk together the remaining sugar, 2 1/2 cups (298g) of the flour, the dry milk, and salt and add to the sponge. Dust the top with flour and turn the packet over. Place the shorter side of the dough parallel to the front of your body on the work surface. Beat it with your rolling pin on a floured surface to soften it and form a rectangle 6 by 8 1/2 inches. Adding flour to the butter inlay helps to stabilize it, so the butter won't flow out the seams of the dough as it's being rolled.