This whale is the champion of deep diving",Status and Conservation of Cetaceans in the Adriatic Sea,"Secrets of the animals that dive deep into the ocean","ASCOBANS | Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas","Pacific Cetaceans - Convention on Migratory Species","Lethal Sounds: The use of military sonar poses a deadly threat to whales and other marine mammals","Does a lack of observed beaked whale strandings in military exercise areas mean no impacts have occurred? As the animals age, the color on their head, neck and back lightens, which is more noticeable in male individuals. From time to time, the animal comes to the water surface, quickly blowing air out of the special blowhole; releasing air makes a stream of watery mist known as a "blow". Hunting in the lightless depths, the animal uses echolocation to detect potential prey.Cuvier's beaked whales are carnivores (molluscivores). They can be found around banks, seamounts and submarine canyons. Currently, there is no information about the migration habits and seasonality of this whale.

On average, whales can remain submerged for 20 minutes. The Cuviers Beaked Whale is larger and more robust than the beaked whales of the genus Mesoplodon. Sometimes they are known as Goose-beaked whales and are members of the beaked whale, or Ziphiidae family. Pixabay. Cuvier's beaked whale or the goose-beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris), the only member of the genus Ziphius, is the most widely distributed of all the beaked whales. Genus Tasmacetus (Shepherd’s beaked whale) 1 species of far southern seas and around Antarctica. Content of this web page is sourced from wikipedia ( Thus, the skin color of head in old males seems to be almost entirely white. Then, several decades after the scientist's death, the 'extinct species' turned out to be a living and widespread mammal, today known as Cuvier’s beaked whale.The species occurs throughout the world, inhabiting temperate, subtropical, and tropical waters of most of the world's seas and oceans. Cuvier's beaked whale is one of the most commonly seen beaked whale species around the world. Name of animal-plant: Cuvier's beaked whale Species name: Ziphius cavirostris Animal type: M_MAMMAL Subcategory: whale Fact: All animals and plants are given a species name based on a technical term in biological taxnomy. Genus Indopacetus (Longman’s beaked whale) 1 Indo-Pacific species identified only from skeletons in 1926 and 1955. Its flippers are equally small and narrow and can be tucked into pockets in the body wall, presumably to prevent drag while swimming. Beaked whale is deep-dive champion.Heyning, John E 2002. Facts About Cuvier's Beaked Whale. In order to feed, this deep diver is able to dive more than 3.300 feet (1.000 meters), remaining submerged for up to 85 minutes per time.

Before a deep, vertical dive, Cuvier's beaked whale arches its back more than usually, showing its flukes. Bycatch - Cuvier’s beaked whales get entangled and die in drift nets and other fishing nets which are fixed, lost or discarded. They are likely to breed and give birth throughout the year with peak period, occurring in spring. TAXONOMYZiphius cavirostris G. Cuvier, 1823, France.OTHER COMMON NAMESEnglish: Goose-beaked whale; French: Ziphius de Cuvier; German: Cuvier … Currently, Cuvier’s beaked whales are classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List.1. The second most commonly found in Hawaii is the Cuvier’s, 9 feet long, with about 55 individuals here. The blow of this animal is hardly seen; it occurs with intervals of 20 - 30 seconds, pointing to the left and a bit forward while reaching 3 feet (1 meter) in length. They appear to hunt alone. Fun Facts for Kids.