(See CARE International Safety and CARE International Safety and Security Management Plan Guide and Template Guide and Template on how to assess. A systematic, planned response for crises will help lessen the impact on individuals and on the organisation, should they occur. Staff must know how to access critical incident debrief protocols and services provided by the respective Lead Member-details are available in Chapter 21 Human resources. 4. This ensures all perspectives are heard in regards to safety and security matters, and promotes ownership and adherence to security practices. Be prepared: Partnering starts during preparedness, 3. Best practices for successful partnerships, 6.

Cash and cash equivalents control procedures, 1. Let’s start at the beginning and take a look at some standard considerations for safety and security for event organizers. As outlined in Chapter 21 Human resources, recruitment, hiring, leadership, workplace violence and termination of contracts need to be seen through a security perspective. Role of emergency preparedness planning (EPP) in an emergency, 5.

Communicating, reporting and other outputs, 3. Ensure contingency planning is conducted to prepare for any critical incident or change in security situation (Part E of the CARE International Safety and Security Management Plan Template). During the security assessment, the Safety and Security Officer will need to examine if the current emergency situation has changed the nature of existing threats. Define the Risks An event. Risk is a combination of harm and the likelihood that it will occur. Quality and Accountability (Q&A) Roles and Responsibilities. Trained security people can identify holes in your security plan you may not see. Ongoing contract administration during implementation and monitoring, 9. See assessment checklist at section 5.1. Role of media management in emergencies, 5. analyse the general evolution of the security situation. The assessment of the security situation involves general assessment; specific assessment of security threats, vulnerabilities and risks; and an assessment of the safety and security operating conditions. 3. Humanitarian objectives of the emergency response operation must be balanced with the safety and security risk considerations to ensure that the lives of CARE staff members, contractors, beneficiaries and programme partners are not put at risk. (Part C of Safety and Security Management Plan Template). Advocacy in relation to non-presence emergency operations, 3. These are interim procedures while the full Safety and Security Plan is being revised or written. Information support for media and fundraising work, 12. %%EOF Establish an information gathering system to enable ongoing monitoring. Immediate attention is required if you notice that a colleague or yourself may be suffering from acute post-traumatic or cumulative stress. Organisational planning and staffing requirements, 11. A review of event safety basics; Insight into more sophisticated measures; Ways to implement cybersecurity best practices; A review of the basics. When security changes in scope-even briefly-the safety and security officer must update staff on any changes in policy procedures in the Safety and Security Plan and why they have been made. Address this immediately to ensure that sufficient budget covers the needs assessment report and initial proposals. (See CARE International Safety and CARE International Safety and Security Management Plan Guide and Template Guide and Template). Aligning proposals with the programme strategy, 1. Role of human resource management in an emergency, 2. CARE’s policy is that the safety and security of CARE staff always take precedence over all other factors. Developing an advocacy strategy and taking action. Guidelines on humanitarian assessment are outlined in the Assessment chapter. What’s the point of training and learning in an emergency? {K�I�dY��������s!�+ጫ��:0�K!k�M�4�MT���%�,�Yg ׶�B�*)PR�D�N�l�FTlFMz�`)惡}����!���3$�ek���60ޡ�D�W�A�\|��`��`�Dz��rKZT��շڀ���#�Nh#��m��WR!�m�4CػƸ���hU��-�錗������k��њ���o c�]�

Training and briefing on safety and security, 2.

CARE’s vision, mission and programming principles, 5. 12. All staff must complete the CARE Security Training and should receive a printed copy of the relevant section of the Safety and Security Contingency Plan and a copy of the CARE International Personal Safety and Security Handbook in the appropriate language. Establish basic safety and security procedures for immediate intervention needs. Telecommunications and IT assessments and planning, 5. Coordinating the proposal development process, 5. CARE has developed extensive online training with the CARE Academy, which is mandatory security training for all staff; Module 2 training is for specific staff.