The verse says wine or strong drink. You are thinking of Catholics.Alcohol is a toxin. salvation that Christ purchased on His cross, there is no victory available over The only wine, other than ‘the fruit of the vine,’ mentioned by name in OT is the ‘sweet,The ‘mingling’ or mixing of strong drink denounced by Isaiah (.The attitude of the prophets and other teachers of Israel, including our Lord Himself, to the ordinary use of wine as a beverage is no doubt accurately reflected in the saying of Jesus ben-Sira: ‘wine drunk in measure and to satisfy is joy of heart and gladness of soul’ ( Sir 31:29 RV [Note: Revised Version.]

kill someone on the highway!Know addiction of alcohol - for a more thorough study, contact your pastor.the ",principal alcoholic beverage of the ancient Israelites,,"Smith's Bible Dictionary – Christian Classics Ethereal Library","Reformed Theology and Apologetics – Connecting Christians to the Christ of Scripture","Easton's Bible Dictionary – Christian Classics Ethereal Library","Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, Volume 2 – Christian Classics Ethereal Library","Systematic Theology – Volume III – Christian Classics Ethereal Library",,"Biblical Horizons » No. deceived:- Fornication is sex before marriage. "Anything done in moderation is not a sin." In regards to social drinking, and any consumption of alcohol it is wrong and sinful. First all the evidence supporting this contention comes from extra biblical sources such as Pliny's Natural History. correctly, but when they get to the word “,” they Not picking a fight here :-) But without an *objective* standard, you have no way of measuring your claims.very interesting discussion. This is surely a metaphor for religion that Jesus came to show had "made the Pharisees" to drunk to know their own conscience. If the same wine that got Noah and Lot drunk was acceotrd by a type of Christ then that settels it for me.Gen 14:18 And Melchizedek4442 king4428 of Salem8004 brought forth3318 bread3899 and wine:3196 and he1931 was the priest3548 of the most high5945 God.410.I personally hate fundamentalism in any religion. So here Jesus obviously drank alcoholic drink without getting drunk or having an addiction to it. Decay is death. ".New Testament scripture consistently condemns drunkenness, drunkards, and being drunk with wine as a transgression of the Law of Christ.Paul speaks of taking care for the weak conscience of the NEW believers in Christ. I am not a historian, and would love your comments.Never read the Stein article, but it would not alter my view. So the wine must have been potent. We should be focusing on lost souls, and not quarreling over alcohol.Eric..what is considered moderate? The Old Testament employs a number of words for different kinds of wine. No body can go against God's Word. Another important aspect of the water to wine miracle is: it's a wedding (metaphor), it's a celebration of eternal joining (marriage), Mary issues the most important command to "the servants": "do whatever he tells you to." . As they become more civilized, and their consciousness was raised, Jesus was possible. and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.where the Deacon must Here are few of the Scriptures: Hebrews 10:28-29, Luke 12:47-48, Hebrews 2:1-3, Revelation 6:13-17.Thank you for taking the time to write your post Eric.

!Mark Higgs, clearly you have committed the unpardonable sin and are unfit to minister in any capacity. The difference is really between wine (mixed with an appropriate ratio of water) and strong drink (unmixed wine). In regards to Timothy alcohol was used for medical purposes in his time. word “wine” in the Bible can refer to either.- called, “New Wine” - Juice of the Grape."). We honor winemakers, wine drinkers and wine lovers of every conceivable demographic. @danehbear you are absolutely right.
If we're tempted, and try to disregard that temptation of our own will without asking for God's supernatural strength to do so, well, we're screwed (and heavily in denial and justification mode). If you drink alcohol to get tipsy, that is a path to drunkeness, then one should abstain.

The Christian stays clear of things that can hinder their ability to serve While this does not directly prove my claim, it does show us that we can't just throw away or ignore the Old Testament. I personally do not partake but I have never liked the taste of wine or any other type of alcohol. While the message is clear, the messenger wasn't always loving or forgiving in his portrayal. If you read the story in John about Jesus at the wedding feast.ANSWER ME ONE QUESTION,WHATS RIGHT WITH IT?ALCOHOL CAUSES UNTOLD SORROW AND HEARTACHE. I doubt your pastor would support your logic that leaps from 1776 to smoking doobies.While this is a rather unrelated subject, the principle could apply:I don't drink alcohol as a matter of health, and to provide an example to my children, but I don't appreciate others distorting the truth on this matter. Though there are several examples of passages in the Bible that involve Jesus drinking wine, with the most famous one likely being The Last Supper, the Bible also includes innumerable references to wine in general, wine drinking that does not necessarily involve Christ. Basically, this only applies to John because this is the only time in the Bible God specifically states that anyone would be restricted "For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink". Firstly, wine is a good gift from God to be enjoyed: Psalm 104:15 (God has given us) wine that gladdens the heart of man. If you are a new creation in Christ Jesus you have been adopted into the Kingdom of Heaven and you are now and kings and priests, you are royalty, start acting like it.

(2 pet 1:20),Christian sects and cults arise, not because they promote obvious exemptions to God's rule, such as homosexuality churches, drunken parties, railing and cursing events, which all believers by faith know to avoid.
Should we follow the OT ruling, stay away from it and keep a clear head in all circumstances?Thanks for posting this man.