She’s too small to know them by name, but she like all water creatures. The most commonly known type of dolphin is the bottlenose. Scientists believe that the sounds travel through the dolphin's lower jaw to its inner ear and then are transmitted to the brain for analysis. …

that is such a cool resource! By Karin Lehnardt, Senior Writer. Thanks a lot for this great website.

They are mammals and breathe through a blowhole on the top of their head. I also love the idea of dolphins as a theme to interact and teach your kids. It is the smallest and rarest subspecies of dolphin in the world. What Is A Dolphin – Is A Dolphin A Fish. Dolphins can swim at 34 miles an hour. Hi, I  have just had look at your site. They might like to give you a test.

Write something about dolphins’ eyesight and hearing? The Killer Whale (also known as Orca) is actually a type of dolphin. The blowhole is the nose of the dolphin.

This video is a bit longer than the last one. This is one of the fun dolphin facts for kids of a certain age, especially children who like dinosaurs, such as the T-Rex. Dolphins are mammals not fish, and dolphins breathe through their blowholes whereas fish breathe through their gills. But they’re so charming and intelligent. Dolphin Facts for Kids Dolphin. I think many children do too, so it was an obvious choice for a post. A female maui’s dolphin can grow up to 5.5 feet in length and weighs around 110 pounds. By the way, I might be rather dated myself as I remember Flipper! These dolphins have round-shaped dorsal fins, which is unique. Here’s another dolphin video – also about 5 minutes long. – Just six questions but will you know all the answers? Yes and no. Many children like dolphins and so I have decided to do this page on dolphin facts for kids and how that might be the start of a project. Killer whales, which are a type of dolphin can be about 32 ft long.
Your email address will not be published. Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. I loved dolphins from an early age and enjoyed the children’s TV programme “Flipper”. I think it would be a good one for them to bring back. This one is a lot more complex–cms-28672. A female maui’s dolphin can grow up to 5.5 feet in length and weighs around 110 pounds.

Bear in mind that not all websites will give you the same information so you need to decide what you think is the most likely right answer, or whether you decide that nobody really knows the right answer. Many children like dolphins and so I have decided to do this page on dolphin facts for kids and how that might be the start of a project. Dolphins are mammals; this means that they nurse their babies with milk from the mothers.

You could then follow up with further questions or perhaps give them a fact that you know and they can tell you if they already knew that from their reading. It is known for its large size and black and white coloring and the ability to work together to herd prey. I loved dolphins from an early age and enjoyed the children’s TV programme “Flipper”. These resources you offer are great, I happen to have a friend whose daughter loves animals.

That ages me! You can decide how much of an expert you can pretend to be.

This one is harder but it marks itself as it goes along, so you get to learn at the same time. But it is great to share activities like this with children! There are only about 47 individuals of Maui’s dolphins around the world and therefore, it is critically endangered species. Name one type of dolphin which may have become extinct.

My son isn’t home schooled (he’s actually just three years old) but I’d definitely enjoy doing a project on a topic like that with him in my spare time. I was always fascinated! Dolphins can swim up to 260 m. below the surface of the ocean.

Do dolphins have hair? Published April 11, 2017 Updated April 14, 2019. She gives birth to a single calf after an interval of 2 to 4 years. As cute as dolphins are, just like the T-Rex, they only eat meat.

15 Dolphin Facts for Kids A dolphin is an aquatic mammal that is a member of the Cetacea infraorder. The striped dolphin can leap as high as 20 feet into the air. Maui’s dolphins usually inhabit off coastal areas in pods (group name).
More challenging questions, but again you get the answers as you go along so it is interesting to do. Dolphins are meat eaters (carnivores) The Killer Whale that is also called an ‘Orca’ is really a type of dolphin.