Healing Crystals Starter Kits – Amazon Affiiate.Tourmaline healing crystals are used to cleanse and purify. Pink tourmaline belongs to the Elbaite variety of tourmaline which is a borosilicate mineral containing sodium, lithium and potassium. Tourmaline has 3 species - Dravite, Schorl and Elbaite; and has 14 varieties. Indicolite instils responsibility and harmonious living.Indicolite has been used to treat upper digestive and respiratory system ailments.Indicolite can be useful in balancing the thymus, thyroid and pituitary glands.Indicolite assists in treating eye disorders.Indicolite may be helpful in calming migraine and headache.striated, elongated prismatic crystals, stubby, prismatic crystals; rounded, triangular cross-section; tabular crystals, columnar, radiating, stalactitic, tiny, elongated needles, compact masses,Buergerite, Chromdravite, Dravite, Elbaite, Feruvite, Foitite, Liddicoatite, Magnesiofoitite, Olenite, Povondraite, Rossmanite, Schorl, Uvite, Vanadiumdravite.All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect.
They will also help to balance the chakras and meridians.Place Tourmaline with your plants, to help keep insects and other pests away.Wear a green Tourmaline ring or pendant to protect against other people's energy.Place Tourmaline in your home to dissolve barriers to communication and to promote harmony. Ceremonies in ancient India supposedly used Tourmaline as a tool for gaining deeper insight while Arab traditions state that Tourmaline is a stone of the sun and gives strength to the heart and freedom from nightmares. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. Indicolite is a blue gemmy variety of Elbaite Tourmaline, and fine crystal specimens are sought after by collectors.

Pink elbaite (rubellite) is said to help feelings of anxiety and provide inspiration, green elbaite assists with sensitivity and compassion.

Rubellite stimulates the base and heart chakras. Different varieties of elbaite have different alleged metaphysical properties.
Choose the color crystal that best meets your specific needs.Carnelian a Stone of Strength and Creativity,Purple Fluorite, Getting Past Mind “Chatter”.Copyright text 2015-2020 by Your Crystal Journey.Crystal Quiz: Which Crystal Calls To You ? Use it with the intention to increase collagen and reduce wrinkles. This is the perfect description of this multi-colored crystal group!Tourmaline's different colors include: Black Tourmaline (Schorl), Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite), Brown Tourmaline (Dravide), Colorless Tourmaline (Achroite), Green Tourmaline (Verdelite), Rainbow Tourmaline (Elbaite), Pink Tourmaline, Red Tourmaline (Rubellite), Watermelon Tourmaline, and Yellow Tourmaline.These crystals  are 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs’ scale of hardness. As a result, it is difficult to trace Tourmaline in early lapidaries, texts which describe gemstones and their powers.Pliny the Elder (CE 23-79), a Roman author, naturalist and philosopher, may have described Tourmaline in his lapidary,During this time period, Tourmaline’s metaphysical qualities were first recorded. Black Tourmaline can be used to both repel and protect against negativity. Personal touch given fully fulfilled! Image by Carles Millan. It is an earth energy stone that will attune you to the vibration of Mother Gaia. Tourmalines are naturally pyroelectric and piezoelectric and some are pleochroic.Indicolite is a blue gemmy variety of Elbaite Tourmaline, and fine crystal specimens are sought after by collectors.Indicolite stimulates the third eye and throat chakras. Chakras - Base Chakra Zodiac - Capricorn Element - Earth Vibration - Numbers 3 and 4. If a stone is from another country, I am more cautious.Amazing LADY! And you sent me some tea! It also helps humans connect with plant and earth energies on a high level. Tourmalines are formed in all colours and are often multicoloured. Indicolite is immensely calming and is useful in meditation, stilling the monkey mind, raising and expanding consciousness. I feel like we’ve been reunited, I know that sounds strange, but it’s like I’ve met this one before. Green Tourmaline is a popular metaphysical stone that ranges widely in its physical, mental and spiritual properties. Healing Properties of Mixed Color Tourmaline. The name Tourmaline comes from the Sinhalese (Sri Lanka) word thoramalli, which translates as the stone of mixed colors.