333156 Good evening. (long) " They spent a quiet evening at home. Look at these examples: I have a meeting at 9am. In consequence of this, and the manifold anxieties of the time with which he was harassed, the mind of the great statesman was no doubt in a moody and morbid condition, and when he arose to speak later in the,But before taking further steps he retired to Versailles, then a hunting lodge, and there, listening to two of Richelieu's friends, Claude de Saint-Simon, father of the memoir writer, and Cardinal La Valette, sent for Richelieu in the,From 1738 to 1776 Marylebone Gardens (which had existed under other names from the close of the 17th century) became one of the most favoured,The Thonraki, according to Gregory Magistros, held that "Jesus in the,It was burnt on the altar of incense by the priest every morning when the lamps were trimmed in the Holy Place, and every,On Thursday it was extinguished, but on the,The contest lasted for several, hours, but towards,Additional infantry was got ashore at " W " and " X " beaches, the first elements of the French division began disembarking at " V " beach in the afternoon, and before,The scheme of operations for the capture of the Sari Bair mountain mass was that the force detailed for this enterprise should move out in several columns from the northern end of the Anzac position along the low ground near the shore, after dark on the,Both sides had suffered very severely in the furious encounters that had been in progress since the,But no vertebrate advance in force took place until comparatively late in the afternoon, and by.It was at this time that he wrote, primarily for the same body as his prayers, his morning,On the following day he was with the royal family from six o'clock in the,After a very hot summer the bright weather changed to clouded skies on the 2nd of October, rain fell tempestuously the same,The Scots then retreated to Otterburn, where Percy, who was bent on recovering his pennon, attacked them on a fine August,Thus, sacrifice was offered to them at night or in the,But the Army of the Tennessee had been on the verge of annihilation on the,The rodents are represented by an abundance of rats, with comparatively few mice, and by the ordinary squirrel, to which the people give the name of tree-rat (ki-nezumi), as well as the flying squirrel, known as the momo-dori (peach-bird) in the north, where it hides from the light in hollow tree-trunks, and in the south as the ban-tori (or bird of,They feed on herbage, shrubs and leaves of trees, and, like so many other large animals which inhabit hot countries, sleep the greater part of the day, and are most active in the cool of the,Like elephants and buffaloes they lie asleep during the heat of the day, and feed during the night and in the cool hours of early morning and,P. Available under CC-BY-SA license.He didn't comment, but several times that.An example of evening is seven o'clock at night.An example of evening is the post retirement life of a professional golfer; the evening of his life.the last part of the day; close of the day and early part of night; period between sunset or the last meal of the day and bedtime,in some parts of the South, in rural areas, and in parts of England, the period from noon through sunset and twilight.the last period, as of life, a career, etc.a part of the night spent in a specified way:The period of decreasing daylight between afternoon and night.The period between sunset or the evening meal and bedtime:The time of the day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight (compare afternoon); the period after the end of regular office working hours.

(figuratively) A concluding time period; a point in time near the end of something; the. 3. 47. How to use good evening in a sentence Looking for sentences with "good evening"? 5. She tried to erase the memory of that.Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 a : the latter part and close of the day and early part of the night.
; Her birthday is on 20 November. We had a good evening, got a taxi back, and … John's been plying me with drinks all,30.

The difference is in exactitude, meaning whether you want to indicate a period of time or a point in time. evening definition: Evening is defined as the time after sunset and before bedtime, or a later period of a lifetime or career. The rain will continue into the evening. Here are some examples.

At evening, when dusk fell, men looked up and saw light shining from the windows of the choir and heard music, for the choristers were practicing for the carol service. 2 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening . 53. Sentences Menu.


; Do you work on Mondays? They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com.Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Evening in a sentence 1. That evening all the women got together to wrap gifts.

(yesterday, last, the previous) " It's such a beautiful summer evening. Macbeth invites Banquo to attend a dinner banquet in the,The highlight of the weekend was undoubtedly the clan banquet on Saturday,They explained that she was going to a banquet next,The duo had been entertaining us all with their bants throughout the,There was only one other table in the restaurant when we first arrived, but as the,Afternoon masterclasses and lectures gave way to,I pictured him as someone who would return every,When guests arrive in season, a pleasanter,For her part, after a good barf and a micro-nap, the kid seemed much improved both for that,Louisa returned to the Easy Gold late in the,Most importantly they had to pray seven times a day from the matins in the early morning to the vespers in the,She drew a fair share of applause every time she appeared on stage, and made quite a few fans before the,They had booked a table at a restaurant for dinner and Mr Mears had secretly made plans to propose to her that,I didn't give it a second thought until this,His future father-in-law came round to dinner one,Set on the edge of an artificial lake, the building glistened seductively in the,I was at Lime Cay during the morning and early,Her mother had mentioned earlier that her family would be joined by a few guests in her parents' apartments for the,She presented the garments to everyone at their,It was not really polite for us girls, especially me, to initiate a conversation during our,She spent most of her time in there, only leaving for the afternoon and,Most of the guards she saw were simply sitting around socializing over their,The women ate familiar, everyday foods at mealtimes and for their,Bert's attention to thrift played out one,However, this miraculous story seems to have seized the public imagination, earning a few minutes on most,The stellar performance of the troupe kept the crowds going all through the,Despite the occasional jab at reigniting the battle of the sexes, the unspoken theme of the,Last night East London appeared to be getting its share of the rain, with heavy thunderstorms in the early,The job we all loved was at Benediction, an,Focus on the other festivities and don't make food the focus of the,It was really bizarre knowing it was a Thursday and not having to do the show this,Distraction thieves were thwarted by a number of elderly people they targeted in Pewsey late on Wednesday,There were minor traffic delays on that stretch of road, but nobody was injured by the falling cargo and it was cleared up later that,The burn that brought Kisha to the ER on the,A perfect example of the unique situations that occur in such small and self-perpetuating populations happened one,The Field with its cast of classical characters in an epic setting is sure to be an,Ballymote, last year's beaten finalists, have a Saturday,The meeting finished with a social half hour and some tasty refreshments served by hostesses for the,I sucked it up, however, complimented her on her gown, and wished her and her friends a fun,The remaining staff members were at the front of the pub finishing up for the end of the,A few tickets remain for the matinee performance at 1.30 pm Saturday but the,In lieu of a gown and tux, however, you may opt to dress in casual, colorful beachwear or semi-formal,Well, that's funny seeing as how there's no report of any accidents or traffic tie-ups on that,The sober person will bear witness to all the messy foibles of your,He searched his memory and suddenly remembered a Sunday,A wife's quest to honour her husband's memory came to fruition on Friday,Everyone is friendly, relaxed and enjoying the warm,As a result, they had to leave quite early to beat the,Fortune smiled on guests who received prizes in lucky draws throughout the,One researcher found topical use of the betablocker, timolol, did not work as well in the,Blue-collar workers with beat-up bait casting rods might drop in to fish for a few hours in the,Beach beautifiers clean up the sands for two hours every morning and,Dazzling costumes, spectacular sets and sensational choreography make this performance by The Rattonians an,The outing takes place from Friday, July 5 to Sunday, July 7 and will consist of two nights bed and breakfast and two,This price includes three nights' bed and breakfast, one,But all in all, paying took about half an hour which was a tedious, tiresome end to what was otherwise a fun,His recollection is you had been to some sort of do in the afternoon or early,Again the staff's bedside manner was impeccable, and helped us through a long,However, lodgers tend to be grown-ups who go out to work, pay their rent and toddle off out with their friends for the,Speaking of art, if you live in Bermuda, toddle along to the City Hall Arts Centre at 5.30 pm after work this,The playing surface was a sea of green on Saturday,So what I'll be doing for the rest of the,There will be live entertainment on the Friday,Therefore, his religious services in the morning and,He was taking the car for a test run on Monday,There was an amazing contest in the mid-week,Counselling sessions will be conducted at the Centre every Tuesday,You could set your clock or watch with Pat as he drove his herd in our out of the parlour to pasture morning and,Audiences could look forward to a glorious summer's,We also slept in hammocks, stood lookout watch at the end of the jibboom and furled topgallant sails during beautiful,Living on a staple diet of belly pork, collar bacon, and beef dripping, her arteries should have been as choked as the M1 on a Friday,It was not the flickering orange of torchlight, but the steady bluish-white light of the,The orchestra, as if waiting for this moment all,Music often goes all night from nine in the,Christopher tossed and turned throughout the,The blackboard items change regularly and on our,Friday was officially the last day of the wet season and, as if to commemorate its passing, the,Alicia suddenly realised that her teeth were chattering, quite despite the balminess of the,Set to hit theatres across the country this Friday, the film was screened at Mahadev Road Auditorium in New Delhi on Tuesday,Judging of rally entrants takes place in the afternoon before a social,Andrew will be giving a talk about the expedition before a special screening of an IMAX film about Everest tomorrow,The saltimbocca veal was done in a Marsala sauce, with just a hint of sage and was probably the dish of the,Tom and David and I all looked up into the sky yesterday,I might have a cuppa and a biscuit but that's it until my,Slap bang in the middle of the week commencing September 17, it's the Top Gear charity karting,I hope none of your theatre-going readers were deterred from treating themselves to a thoroughly enjoyable,All in all the Wild West Show promises plenty of theatrics and high drama all making for a very enjoyable,I am not sure there is a more welcoming sight on a cold autumn,This is a place for an escape, so don't expect any flashy,Call me fussy and prudish, but I realised then and there that the relationship would not survive the,I feel so ashamed of myself that all power of conversation thenceforth leaves me for the rest of the,The afternoon finished with another couple of hours of micromount activity before the,In a fortnight, the Thomson family will host a grand banquet and,A large crowd attended the presentation of prizes and the social,Marion took a part-time job at Guaranteed Trust on Lonsdale Avenue, while at the same time brushing up on her business skills in.The stress the statement placed, however, on education,Bangalore designer Deepika cast a spell of summer,Anyone between the ages of 7 and 70 are welcome to come along and learn to play the tin whistle, button or piano accordion at 7pm each Friday,I didn't leave the ground until seven that,For the more adventurous, check out the deep fried soft-shell crab or the cod roe, which are perfect accompaniments to an,Monthly themed nights will start in March with an Italian,On Thursday, the coach's 10 o'clock training session was delayed by an hour as he gave his men a severe tongue-lashing about their behaviour the previous,Each group of tourists stayed at these farmhouses for two nights and enjoyed bed and breakfast and an,This includes four night bed and breakfast plus four,A friend of ours was up on business and stayed with us for a couple of weeks recently and let slip that he had been to a massage parlour one,Back in 1981, when this triple bill was new and the Met a more conservative place than it is today, such an original,The annual meeting concluded with a banquet on Saturday,Last month, City of York Council chiefs bowed to pressure from city centre restaurateurs who said York's,And, finally, as the clock ticks past five-thirty in the,These species undergo large changes in depth, many traveling from mesopelagic depths to the surface in the,We went to New Hampshire for a long winter party weekend and at some point one,Her first letter had appeared other-worldly among the drab envelopes of the,We shot a lot of video that night, but these clips are from late in the,Opening Pan Am action Saturday with a 74-72 thrilling win over Argentina, the Americans ended up on the short end of an 86-85 barn burner versus Puerto Rico Sunday,The good boy's father was a beekeeper, so one,We had been planning on our own private Valentines Day dinner, but Christopher sweetly asked if we were busy that,When they reached the center, it was time for most workers to go home and so the place was teeming with people rushing home for their,They probably train not much less than the semi-professionals, maybe one,What could be more befitting tribute than a poignant musical,After last night's dinner, Will and Kate, still in,The small, nondescript moth is seldom noticed as it flies in the,Traditional Spanish tapas bars serve up meat, cheese, tortillas and salad for a light,But I got over it quickly, reached the pub, met my beaut girl and had a lovely,I just hope that Mariah knows what she's getting into inviting Hope who will no doubt be ready to set her cap at the first eligible man she meets this,Maybe the errors and scrambled decision-making that cost them m motional were inevitable on such an emotional,A VOLUNTEER lifeboat crew went to the aid of three men whose speedboat became stranded in the Menai Strait on Saturday,The chrysomelids were mainly spotted cucumber beetles, Diabrotica undecimpunctata, a favored food of big brown and,Sadly, they were unsuccessful and Mr O'Sullivan, himself an experienced swimmer, lifeguard and subaqua diver, died yesterday,As the trees block the moonlight these zips are completely in the dark, truly enhancing the spookiness of the,Fair play to Annie Poole and Lucy Dye of the Greyhound Board, they were tireless as they cajoled and chivvied the,The 41-year-old produced a total clearance to ensure he would take a four-frame advantage into the,That felt fair, karmic, a small step toward,The newsies at least could attend school during the day, as Finn does, and sell papers in the late afternoon and,In recent years, the brand's night vision technology has offered drivers a new way to stay safe during,The teenager, from Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, and Williams were captured on CCTV footage at Grimsby railway station on Wednesday,There will be a range of warm winter coats and,T HIS week we talk to John Challis who will be appearing in his one-man show at the Grove Park Theatre in Wrexham tomorrow,Encores of Stolen Car and her cover of the Five Stairsteps soul track Ooh Child brings the,A line of 200 tractor-trailers is reported at the cross border point Saturday,Located on Grove Street, at the fork off Gold Star Boulevard, Ciao Bella is well known to locals, who traipse in and out all,A resident said roads were blocked with cinder blocks and debris since noon and by,And to the right of those constellations, you will start to see the beautiful Pleiades star cluster in the late,Watching a chicken scratch for bugs in the soil can be a relaxing way to enjoy a glass of iced tea on a summer,The interpreter and Isolda dined in a restaurant on the shore where every,Cortisol is a key regulatory hormone which exhibits a strong circadian rhythm, usually rising in the early morning and falling in the,Or am I in the clear because my night-owl chronotype makes me an,Fiji is very warm, yet fresh, in the day and only in the,The group had been at the Mughouse pub by the River Severn in Bewdley, Worcs, on Saturday,After leaving the Savoy The Beatles spent the rest of the,Melatonin supplements help the rise come earlier in night owls, who should also avoid bright light in the,She completed her look with a pair of black stiletto heels and she carried a small black clutch and a blazer for later in the,The chain-smoking star, famous for playing national treasure Dot Cotton, will be swapping her tabard for an.He recently unveiled his boutique at 47 West 57th Street, where the selection of striking cocktail dresses,In addition, each guest received a monogrammed fan with hand-painted Chinese calligraphy of his or her name, ending the,They may suddenly become clingier or unsettled on a Sunday,A Grand Ball, compered by TV and radio star Fred MacAulay, will take place in the,According to details a small speed boat left Jewani for Iran last,Maybe you would rather stay at home than spend an,The gala shows will each feature spellbinding performances from five magicians compered by John on the first,This includes a number of university music students who attended an,Customers, who wish to go for all umbers discount option, can choose the,Finally, on the night of April 11, Nocturnal Natterjacks is a fantastic annual,I actually suggested to Leeds they comedown here and play on Friday,Stopwatch began when we were all sitting down to dinner one,Overcome by the insistency of Barrot and the rest of us, Rmusat one,The wind lulled, and heavy clouds of stratus appeared in the east, towards,He had come to dine with them informally almost every alternate Sunday,And probably a good many people in Innsbruck were that,Petter's father was deputy to the Storting, and had taken to sitting reading the papers of an,The Judge had agreed, stipulating that there should be no change in the,It was a long conversation the friends had as they strolled along that,An awkwardness had arisen through the inculpation of Maurice, and everybody found they had work to do that,Laden with perfume was the air, of jessamine, of styrax, of roses heavy in the breathless.

; There should be a lot of progress in the next century. She looked incredibly sexy in a black,16. 35. 6. The morning to the mountain the evening to the fountain.