In 2018, Russia accounted for 1.8 billion tons of CO2 – compared with India’s 2.5 billion, making them the fourth greatest global emitter, contributing 4.61% of the total. Nicola Sturgeon declares 'climate emergency' at SNP conference, You don’t need CO2 level to explain any weather that we have seen during our lifetimes. Rejection!

I have been asked by a couple of people to produce a simple climate change factsheet, and it might be worth bookmarking for future use.

Evidence from around the world, including South America and New Zealand, confirms that there was a massive growth in  the size of glaciers between the Middle Ages and the end of the Little Ice Age. I hope that is helpful. Same applies to the famous carbon footprint? Our team of exam survivors will get you started and keep you going. You could add that natural CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere and only 4% of that is man-made. Help us improve our website Take our short survey. Excellent post, Paul. The BBC could illustrate how much that 400 ppm weighs by illustrating what happens to a few tons of dry ice when it sublimates.

However this has come at a great cost. Fact 10. The facts about cows and climate It seems that every time we hear about the the climate emergency in the news nowadays, the finger of blame is disproportionately and incorrectly pointed at …

I wonder, though, whether you could have a link from each point to a linked list with one or maybe two scientific references in support of each. Thank you for giving us an interesting summary.

Read about our approach to external linking. The United Kingdom straddles the higher mid-latitudes between 49° and 61° N on the western seaboard of Europe.

It would end with a Flintstone man, huddled in a cave, gnawing a bone. This is a marvelous summary for those of us who are not scientifically literate but sense that this whole climate orthodoxy is a fraud.

A poll for alarmist lawyers Client Earth shows what we might be up against as the lies have become ingrained in an ignorant public bombarded by scare stories. It is in the temperate climatic zone and the sea affects the weather.

The UK has a temperate climate.

@hotscot UK Facts for … I make these rather trivial points because your brief will I hope get wide circulation.

Oh look, the suns come from behind the clouds and its getting warmer! ), husband of Joanna Nova, essentially says this is what drives it all. As those familiar with this blog, every” >. on other matters, also relating to your post; “Claim is that over half of people will be looking at climate change in the election”. I would like to crowdfund the manufacture of a “Climate Crisis Cow Corrector”: A small transparent plastic cube representing ice with the skeleton of a cow inside. Do we agree that therefore these are factually correct? It seems absolutely inconceivable that this multi-trillion dollar farce is based on such obvious falsehoods !!

These factors lead to the lapse rates. It is generally reckoned that global temperatures have risen by about 1C since the late 19thC. would increase, and CO2 would vent from them to reestablish an atmospheric equilibrium!

This however is only a guesstimate at best, as most of the world had very little climate data in those days.

I also corresponded with Prof Iain Stewart about his Planet Oil programmes. Thank you. One of the biggest sources for the myth of extreme weather is 24/7 media coverage, which now brings events into our homes which would have gone unreported not long ago.

The only supporting evidence are man made models built with the assumption of warming which have greatly exaggerated expected warming and have been consistently wrong over the past 30 years. Take the “CO2-is-the-control-knob-for-the-Earth’s-climate” scientific concept away and the whole house of cards crumbles. Many types of weather can be experienced in a single day. @ HotScot: Hey my friend! Our UK Facts for Kids provide interesting and fun facts about the United Kingdom, its geography, its landmarks and attractions. There is particularly strong evidence of this fact, as Alaskan and Alpine glaciers were already being closely surveyed as early as the late 18thC.

Many thanks for this article. Even before a referee could be chosen…one who might even be objective.