For this reason, it is important to keep this difference in mind when considering what code to use for Incident Type.

All rights reserved.Remove yourself and others from the area.If anyone had contact with the hazardous material, they should be isolated and await treatment by emergency personnel. ), that broadly define the incidents within that category.

If time permits, stabilize lab procedures, turn off stoves/ovens, and unplug or disable any device that could make a dangerous situation even worse. For buildings without an Area of Refuge, the disabled person should be moved to the nearest stairwell, or a room with the door shut which is well clear of any hazardous area.Ask others leaving the building to notify emergency responders that a physically disabled person needs assistance in evacuating.

Allowing others into the building will not jeopardize your safety.Close all exterior doors, windows and any other openings to the outside.Avoid overcrowding by selecting several rooms if necessary.Monitor the Emergency Notification System and email for further instructions.Report any emergency or unusual condition to Public Safety at (413) 572-5262.Do not leave the building until receiving the “all clear” from a police officer, Public Safety officer, the Emergency Notification System or website communication.All building occupants are required to evacuate when the fire alarm sounds or upon the order of an authorized University official such as a Public Safety officer or Emergency Response Team member.If time permits, stabilize lab procedures, turn off stoves/ovens, and unplug or disable any device that could make a dangerous situation even worse.Move to the closest exit and proceed down the EXIT stairwell in a safe and orderly manner. This information is a critical component in data-driven decision-making and will enable a better understanding of your department’s overall operation.The Incident Type data supports the "fighting fires with facts" concept by providing an accurate picture of the types of incidents responded to in your area. Quickly determine the best way to protect your life.Bomb threats usually come by telephone.

Throw items at the shooter if possible.Activate the fire alarm system by pulling a fire alarm station on your way out of the building.If time permits, stabilize lab procedures, turn off stoves/ovens, and unplug or disable any device that could make a dangerous situation even worse.Leave the building via the nearest exit. Fire (FIRE) A general incident type for reported fires with no additional detail. ), that broadly define the incidents within that category. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Do not leave the building unless you are confronted with imminent danger inside.If outside, seek shelter in the nearest building.Take shelter in a lockable room if possible.

It all starts with understanding the Incident Type.The Incident Type is the actual situation found upon arrival to the scene. If you receive a bomb threat call, remain calm and obtain as much information as possible from the caller:Do not open the suspicious item. EVERYTHING

Warn others as you leave.Feel doors before opening; if a door is hot, don’t open it.Close doors and windows as you leave if safe to do so.Report the fire by calling 911 once outside.If trapped, keep the doors closed and place cloth under them to keep out smoke. Here are some scenarios to consider:The Incident Type not only determines what information you need to collect and enter into your incident report, but over time (e.g., weeks, months, years), it can show you what types of incidents your department (and resources) respond to.

If you have opened it, remain calm.All crimes should be reported to the Public Safety Department at.If you are in contact with a student who appears to be an immediate threat to his or her own safety or that of others, call Public Safety at (413) 572-5262. Emergency responders,may lock others manually.

An area of refuge is a good option if you feel that you may be injured if you evacuate using the stairs; however, they are typically not available in older buildings and you may be overcome by smoke before getting help from rescue personnel.Use of elevators – Elevators are useful in non-fire emergencies; however, they are shut down automatically if the fire alarm is activated. Keep roadways open and beware of approaching emergency vehicles.

Name - Apple Fire Incident Type - Wildfire Start Date - 2020-07-31 Last Updated - 2020-08-03 07:16:48 Admin Unit - Unified Command: CAL FIRE Riverside/ Riverside County, USFS - San Bernardino, and Yucaipa City Fire Some exterior doors will lock automatically. With 176 choices it can be overwhelming to get started.

Illegal Fire (IF)