influenza like Tamiflu*, Relenza*, amantadine, or rimantadine.The most common side effects are runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, and fever over 100°F. Register for the ESMO Post Show Virtual Roundtable.Ahead of a critical flu season, AstraZeneca is upping its manufacturing efforts to deliver more FluMist doses than previously anticipated, joining the top flu vaccine manufacturers in a push to deliver about 200 million doses.After shipping just 757,000 doses of its nasal flu vaccine to the U.S. last flu season, the company is planning to produce nearly 8 million doses this year, a spokesman said. Große Spekulation.SCHLAG auf SCHLAG! A Seqirus exec said the company plans to ship 57 million doses while GlaxoSmithKline is aiming for 50 million doses, a spokesman said.Amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, healthcare experts worry this year’s flu season could put an extra burden on healthcare systems and have urged vaccination for Americans 6 months and older.But getting vaccines to people worried about contracting COVID-19 may pose a challenge this year. In response, AstraZeneca has Experts have said they’re exploring ways to reduce contact during vaccinations, such as curbside or parking lot immunizations and one-way traffic in clinics.Six pharmaceutical execs are set to head to Washington next week for pricing hearings at the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.After sifting through the data, one analyst figures the latest Opdivo-Keytruda showdown in kidney cancer might come down to commercial execution.Biogen is giving former chief finance officer Jeff Capello a multimillion-dollar cash payment plus other severance benefits.Enclose phrases in quotes. Pediatrics (AAP) both recommend FLUMIST QUADRIVALENT as an option for influenza vaccination in the US. The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the American Academy of

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The supply of the FluMist nasal spray influenza vaccine will be limited during the 2019-2020 season due to manufacturing constraints, reported the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official said to AAP this nasal spray vaccine supply limitation ‘is not expected to cause an overall shortage of flu vaccine.’.“Based on manufacturer projections, we believe that the total supply of flu vaccine for the 2019-2020 season should be sufficient to meet the demand for seasonal flu vaccination in the United States,” CDC spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said via email to AAP on May 17, 2019.The reduced supply of FluMist Quadrivalent, a live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV), will impact both the public and private sectors, according to an AstraZeneca spokesperson.According to this AAP press release, ‘AstraZeneca plans to spread distribution throughout the season and said the reduced supply will not impact vaccine quality.’,Nordlund said ‘healthcare providers may need to check with multiple suppliers or purchase a different brand of vaccine.’,‘Those providers replacing LAIV also will need to consider factors like the ages of their patients and the setting for vaccine administration.’.AstraZeneca said it will continue to update regulatory and public health agencies as well as other stakeholders about its supply.This decision is a change from the current season in which the AAP considered inactivated influenza vaccine the primary choice while saying LAIV could be used for children who would not otherwise receive a vaccine.The CDC and the Academy recommend everyone 6 months and older get vaccinated against the flu.Flu vaccines of any type can cause side effects, which should be reported to a healthcare provider of the CDC.Precision Vax LLC websites do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or prescriptions.