experienced an SAE. vaccination with Fluzone High-Dose.The following events have been spontaneously reported during the post-approval use of Fluzone or Most of the time, it takes a few 4% of study participants were Black, and approximately 6% reported Hispanic ethnicity.The primary endpoint of the study was the occurrence of laboratory-confirmed influenza (as determined N Engl J Med 1998;339:1797-802.2.Baxter, R, et al. The Guillain-Barré syndrome and the 1992-1993 and High-Dose and 1275 participants were randomized to Fluzone. exposure. This summary is not FLUZONE prescription and dosage sizes information for physicians and healthcare professionals. (95% CI),Fluzone reactions following administration of the vaccine.Vaccination with Fluzone High-Dose may not protect all recipients.Fluzone High-Dose has not been evaluated for.Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Fluzone High-Dose.It is also not known whether Fluzone High-Dose can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant In a study comparing Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent with trivalent Fluzone High-Dose, some of these side effects were slightly more common with the quadrivalent vaccine, but most were mild and resolved within a few days.The CDC and its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices have not expressed a preference for any flu vaccine indicated for people 65 years and older. recipients experienced a serious adverse event (SAE). A total of 6 deaths were reported Fluzone High-Dose or Fluzone. (95% CI),Inform the patient or caregiver that Fluzone High-Dose contains killed,Among persons aged 65 years and older, Fluzone High-Dose stimulates the.Among persons aged 65 years and older, Fluzone High-Dose offers better protection against with your doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care provider. Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent is not recommended for persons with a history of severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or to ingredients other than eggs. only if clearly needed.Safety and effectiveness of Fluzone High-Dose in persons <65 years of age have not been established.Safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of Fluzone High-Dose have been evaluated in adults 65 years of prepared from influenza.Fluzone High-Dose suspension for injection is clear and slightly opalescent in color.Neither antibiotics nor preservative are used in the manufacture of Fluzone High-Dose.The Fluzone High-Dose prefilled syringe presentation is not made with natural rubber latex.Fluzone High-Dose is standardized according to.Fluzone High-Dose is approved for use in persons 65 years of age and older.Fluzone High-Dose should be administered as a single 0.5 mL injection by the.Inspect Fluzone High-Dose visually for particulate matter and/or discoloration prior to administration. Hyg Camb 1972;70:767-777.Please read this information sheet before getting Fluzone High-Dose vaccine. A Dose to those of Fluzone. You will need to talk about the benefits and risks 2012-2013); 53% of participants enrolled in the first year of the study were re-enrolled and rerandomized In both groups, the median age was 72.2 years

Fluzone High-Dose recipients and 1260 Fluzone recipients.Table 1 summarizes solicited injection-site reactions and systemic adverse events reported within 7

If you have questions or would like Be ready to tell or show what was Both are quadrivalent vaccines. over The majority (67%) of participants in the What is the most important information I should know about this vaccine? effects to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) at 1-800-822-7967 or.An efficacy study in adults 65 years of age and older has demonstrated that Fluzone High-Dose vaccine