If your initial dough was rather dry, you may want to produce steam during the first 5 minutes of baking.

It’s cheap and very practical.Sharp knife or pizza steel. Fold from the 8” side to the middle of the dough, do the same with the other side. However, the temperature of our refrigerators is usually much higher, although it indicates otherwise. To trim the edges of the dough during laminating, and to precisely divide the croissants before shaping them. Gently and by using a rolling pin roll the butter to form an 8” square. Would it take the flavour in a wrong direction?But I see that you have made even prettier sourdough bread than me, so I assume that you know even more about the sourdoughs effect on the crumb. Thank you very much for posting this in such detail, and with all the helpful videos.Just a quick question: For the détrempe you metion «unsalted butter». Best regards, Phil.is the recipe quantity the same video it looks like the double in the video.Hi! Bear in mind that during proofing, yeast consumes part of the sugars. Si la masa se resiste puede estar debido a una harina incorrecta, a un amasado incorrecto (sobreamasado en este caso) o a que efectivamente no has dejado reposar la masa lo sufuciente. If i Use All Purpose Flour with 10% Protein is that good eough to Laminated Pastry including croissant.Hi.

Well, this not quite correct. I’ll have to try these out soon…it’s been a while since I’ve baked something fun like this! Me alegro muchísimo que te hayan salido bien los croissants y que la recete te haya parecido interesante!I have been making croissants over the last years. Exactly. That’s why the infrared thermometer is so important (and also keeping the surface and rolling pin cold)!Thank you, Sylvain! Do you mean you pains had a brioche-like texture? The layers were broken and separated. This is an exemplary article and croissant baking instructions. Well, as you know I am far from being an expert but I’ll try to answer your questions.Hope it helps but again, I’m not an expert. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your generosity with responding to all of the questions from everyone who reads your blog!Hi Dave, thanks for your message! If you use tap water, leave it a couple of hours inside a glass so that chlorine can evaporate.Although some recipes add egg, croissant dough does NOT carry egg.

So if we use a heavy rolling pin like the stainless steel one we may break the layers. No, I have other recipes in English (ciabattas, brioche, etc.).

You probably know more than I do, although I understand your frustration. It’s inspiring!Thanks Gustav. When choosing the flour, you have to check some technical data: baking strength, elasticity/tenacity ratio (P/L) and the protein percentage.Croissants can be fermented using various methods, the three main ones being: yeast (direct method), a mix of preferment (poolish) and yeast, or a combination of sourdough and yeast.If you do not have experience making croissants at home, I would not recommend to start using sourdough. The interior seemed undercook too. Very helpful. Si usas el tipo de levadura que mencionas, tienes que diluirla en un poco de agua tibia. If you want to proof and bake the croissants the next day, I recommend freezing the dough for 2 hours after the last fold, then placing the dough in the fridge (cold, approx. I love the idea of shortening the process. I wanted to ask what could possibly be wrong and what is the size of the beurrage I should be changing to if I x3 the recipe?

Egg would provide a rather “brioche” texture, but in the case of croissants we are looking for a drier and lighter texture.Yes, especially in fermented doughs. Quick question- how much milk does this recipe call for?Hi Ava, There is no milk in this recipe I apologize. Por normal general, la levadura (fresca) se puede congelar y aguanta unos días sin que se muera, por lo que no te preocupes por la temperatura de los líquidos.That’s a very good recipe, was looking for a genuine recipe like this for ages.