If a unit is deemed uninhabitable, the city offers temporary shelter while the landlord works on repairs. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi speaks as other House Democrats listen during an event on police reform on June 25 at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Marcus Henderson and Naudia Miller of Black Collective Voices arrive to speak on June 25 at a news conference in Seattle. Players kneel in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign before the match, as play resumes behind closed doors, in Wigan, England, on June 27. website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area. Copyright © 2020 by WTOP. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts, DaSun Millard stands next to Black Lives Matter sign on a traffic light post, at the newly named "Black Lives Matter Plaza" on 16th St., near the White House in Washington, June 6, 2020. We would not have missed this moment.”. Her office did not respond to requests for comment or to confirm whether she was home during the demonstration.

Now that does take some planning, and it takes a lot of implementation of moving folks so that they are safe in the meantime. “A lot of people were asking for shirts for their kids yesterday, so I knew they would do well,” McEachin said. [5], Protesters blocked Broad Street starting around lunchtime on May 29 at the University of Georgia. In Paris, police officially banned protests on Saturday citing fears of the respiratory illness, and U.K. officials urged people to stay home for the same reason. in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic also have advocates worried the city will not be providing enough shelter space. “To make sure things go smoothly. “All of our concerns have never been voiced like this since the ’60s.”. Belarusian security forces detained protesters and fired water cannon to disperse crowds as thousands took to the streets of Minsk against the abrupt inauguration of veteran President Alexander Lukashenko. In New York City, where nightfall has brought widespread scenes of destruction, large crowds rallied peacefully in Times Square and Brooklyn during the day. Andre McLemore stood Saturday with his two children, admiring the collection of signs remaining on the black fence outside Lafayette Square. McLemore, 49, said he decided to bring the children to the protest for the first time on Saturday because he had been worried in previous days about safety. Richmond County Sheriff Richard Roundtree spoke and deputies marched with the group. Governor Brian Kemp announced on May 31 that he had authorized 3,000 National Guard troops ready to be deployed to cities across the state.
The spokesperson said some of the families remaining at Days Inn will be transferred to rapid rehousing units. A woman looks at signs left on a fence surrounding the White House after large peaceful protests the day before in Washington, June 7, 2020. Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin has been charged with murder, but protesters are demanding that three of his colleagues be prosecuted, too. A banner in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign is seen in the stands during the match, as play resumes behind closed doors, in London, England, on June 29. ", "We deeply regret that we did," the statement read in part. The College Football Hall of Fame's gift shop was looted; Hall of Fame CEO Kimberly Beaudin told ESPN that "no artifacts or displays were damaged. Hundreds of Black Lives Matter protestors congregate despite heavy rain at the City Hall as part of the "Defund NYPD" and "Occupy City Hall" movement continues in New York City, on June 30. I’ve been here. “So it’s on our mayor to be bold and progressive. Although Bowser garnered national acclaim for painting “Black Lives Matter” on 16th Street near the White House, she has a fraught relationship with local Black Lives Matter leaders, who object to how she has handled police shootings in the nation’s capital. Healthcare professionals, grocery store clerks, truck drivers, cleaners and postal workers in the Washington area share their thoughts on working in a pandemic. REUTERS/Eric Thayer, James Lowman, 11-year-old Rashad, 2-year-old Lyric and Fran Cunningham participate in the protest in Washington, June 6. .