"In recognition of her commitment to social causes and deep connection to her Jewish and Israeli roots.". The prize is backed by the Genesis Prize Foundation which was established in 2012 by Fridman's Genesis Philanthropy Group, the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel, and the Jewish Agency for Israel.

So, the kinds of social services and humanitarian aid that may have been affected during the pandemic have always been outside our mandate.However, once it became clear that COVID-19 had become a global pandemic, with far-reaching implications economically and communally, we knew that we could not continue with business as usual. More broadly, social distancing and forced isolation presented the Jewish world with a terrifying real-life perspective on a possible future – if the current tendencies of polarization and division within the Diaspora and between the Diaspora and Israel are not reversed, and our communities drift apart.

Telephone: *2421 * Extension 4 Jerusalem Post or 03-7619056 Fax: 03-5613699E-mail: subs@jpost.com

The prize caused some controversy in 2018 as that years winner.Committee members who select awardees have been chosen based on their leadership and support of Jewish causes.On November 7, 2017, the Genesis Prize Foundation announced that actress,On January 27, 2020, the Genesis Prize Foundation, the.Bloomberg donated his award to a subsequent competition, the Genesis Generation Challenge, to fund young adults' ideas to solve major problems.Douglas' award led to a program called "Avenues to Jewish Engagement for Intermarried Couples and their families," which dispersed $3.3 million in grants to organizations promoting the engagement of intermarried families in Jewish life.Kapoor said he would direct his $1 million award to helping alleviate the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis and focus on expanding the Jewish community's engagement in a global effort to support refugees.The Genesis Prize Foundation announced that U.S. Supreme Court Justice,Genesis Lifetime Achievement Award laureates,"Jewish group honors Ginsburg for lifetime achievement" Washington Post, November 15, 2017 AP,"Russians Establish $1 Million Jewish Prize With Israel","Elie Wiesel, Yuli Edelstein to help select Genesis Prize winner","The Robert Kraft prostitute scandal is another PR headache for the 'Jewish Nobel' prize","Do the Jews really need their own Nobel Prize?

We have chosen to focus primarily on geographies that do not have a robust and historically rooted philanthropic infrastructure, as they were being most hard-hit – such as the FSU and in the local small European Jewish communities. We see this in the enthusiastic response to Our Common Destiny – Genesis Philanthropy Group’s joint initiative with the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora under the patronage of the President of Israel. She participated in a panel discussion on Jewish leadership in the fight against.How has COVID-19 damaged the structure and organization of Jewish communal organizations?The pandemic has not spared a single area of life or segment of the economy. Telephone: *2421 * Extension 4 Jerusalem Post or 03-7619056 Fax: 03-5613699E-mail: subs@jpost.com Checks should be made payable to Jewish Funders Network, with a memo indicating “Ilia Salita Memorial Fund.” The mailing address is:May his memory be for a blessing and may his family and loved ones be comforted among the mourners of Jerusalem and Zion.The Jerusalem Post Customer Service Center can be contacted with any questions or requests: 4.1K likes. Genesis Philanthropy is a non-profit organization dedicated to prevention and wellness for the region. The prize cere…

Genesis Philanthropy Group is a private foundation whose mission is to develop and enhance a sense of … In 2019, he spearheaded the development and launch of the Our Common Destiny Initiative, a partnership of  the Genesis Philanthropy Group and the State of Israel, under the auspices of the President of Israel, aimed at strengthening global Jewry by linking Jewish communities worldwide to a shared set of values.He is survived by his wife, Irina, his two sons, Joshua and Robert and his father, Mikhail.