Plant Biol. PubMed  In addition, the coding region of GS9 was amplified and sequenced in a set of 114 rice germplasms (Supplementary Tables 6 and 7), and the phylogenetic trees of GS9 haplotypes were constructed using MEGA 5.0 software. b–i Grain length (b and f), width (c and g), thickness (g and h), and 1000-grain weight (e and i) of Nipponbare and NILs. Copy number variation at the GL7 locus contributes to grain size diversity in rice. b Cross-sections of spikelet hulls. Article  4d. Sci. Regulation of OsGRF4 by OsmiR396 controls grain size and yield in rice. 44, 950–954 (2012).

An essential role for 14-3-3 proteins in brassinosteroid signal transduction in Arabidopsis. As a convenient method of utilizing the null gs9 allele, the CRISPR/cas9 editing system was used in Yandao8 (Y8), another high-yield cultivar.

Google Scholar. 5a, e, f). Partial repeats were observed at both the 5′ and 3′ ends, matching multiple regions in the rice genome thought to have originated from recombination of various repeated sequences (Supplementary Fig.

GS9 - Shyste Time Lyrics. Slender rice grains are highly commercial worldwide due to their transparent appearance and lack of an undesirable chalky texture and taste3. These findings will help studies aimed at understanding the combined effect of multiple alleles on grain size49, thereby contributing to improving grain quality of rice.

Rowdy Rebel & Bobby Shmurda, More tracks like "Shyste Time" by GS9 feat. 1).

The black arrows indicate the lower epidermis cells. d shows the transcription activity in Arabidopsis protoplasts by co-transformation of different effector vector(s) with the reporter plasmid pGIL and internal control pRIL. Go listen to my new song on YouTube. Relevant primers are listed in Supplementary Table 6. GS9-C1 means the vector containing the C1 terminal of GS9 as shown in Fig.

5a, e, f). Stream "Shyste Time" by GS9 feat. 5d). Publisher's note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 22). 1f, g).

Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. Duan, P. et al.

Biol. In conclusion, gs9 is a rare and specific allele involved in regulating grain shape and appearance quality in rice, and its benefits were shown in several high-yield rice cultivars via introgression of gs9 allele (Fig. Article 

The main structure of vectors is shown in c. LUC firefly luciferase; RNL LUC renilla luciferase. Rowdy Rebel & Bobby Shmurda, Users who like "Shyste Time" by GS9 feat. A total of five polymorphic sites were identified (Supplementary Table 3), as described above, between 9311/Qingluzan11 and Nipponbare (Fig. 7d). In addition, the entire coding regions of OsOFP14/LOC_Os04g33870 and OsGSK2 were introduced into the pGBKT7 vector, respectively. Loss of function of IAA-glucose hydrolase gene TGW6 enhances rice grain weight and increases yield.
6) and possible better grain quality14. 1b). ADS  Scale bar, 50 μm. The resulting constructs (nYFP-GS9 and OsOFP14-cCFP) and corresponding empty vectors were transformed into Agrobacterium strain GV3101, respectively. All authors reviewed the manuscript. Similar findings were observed in the WYJ8-gs9 grains, with a 5.4% increase in length and 3.2% decrease in width (Fig. Plant Cell 19, 3578–3592 (2007).

Nat. Interestingly, the N-terminal region of the GS9 protein (1–237 residues), BD-GS9-N1, was found to be sufficient for activation of the reporter, while its C-terminal truncates, BD-GS9-C1 (238–346 residues) and BD-GS9-C2 (265–346 residues), were not (Fig. If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. Moreover, introgression of the gs9 allele caused similar improvements in the potential new breeding line 2661, which has a large grain size and high yield. b Decreased chalkiness in milled rice of NIL-gs9 compared with those of Nipponbare. These authors contributed equally: Dong-Sheng Zhao, Qian-Feng Li and Chang-Quan Zhang. Data are given as means ± SD, with three biological replicates.

In Nipponbare, GS9 transcript level was preferentially high in young panicles, decreasing gradually during panicle development (Fig. Huq, E. et al. 6a). Except for InDel2, the remaining five polymorphisms also existed between the two parents, Nipponbare and Qingluzan11, resulting in the insertion of one amino-acid residue and substitution of three residues (Fig. Pigmente im Leder reflektieren die Sonnenstrahlen, bevor sich die schwarzen Einsatzstiefel unnötig aufheizen.

Xie, X. et al. Starch granules are loosely packed and spherical in a chalky endosperm45, 46. Confirmation of GS9 in regulating grain shape.

Theor. Values are shown as means ± SD (n = 3). Plant Biol. 3). Pagnussat, G. C., Yu, H. J. 6f–i), as previously reported7. The rice genome contains 31 putative OFP genes; however, little is known about their functions33.