Find out how a dolphin's speed and agility can help it to jump to great heights with help from an aquarium's curator in this free video on facts about dolphins. To keep an eye on their surroundings and notify other dolphins of threats dolphins may jump into the air frequently to be sure that there are no threats in the area. Some impressive math, Dumbfounded! Dolphins can jump extremely high, and some dolphins have been known to jump more than 20 feet high. , Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/18/09 at 09:16 PM. In fact a dolphins personality and outgoing or shy behavior can vary largely from one species to the next. Although dolphins are known for their acrobatic behaviors not all species of dolphin are interested in being flashy and some species are rarely spotted due to their docile lifestyle and inactive attitude. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I think it wanted to jump to the other small pool but instead it got stuck in the ground.

Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/19/09 at 07:53 AM. Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 03/18/09 at 01:04 PM, Kingmokey - I was thinking exactly the same thing, you beat me to it! Commenting is not available in this channel entry. Details. As these marine mammals pick up speed underwater it allows them to generate a tremendous amount of energy which they can use to propel themselves out of the water and into the air or use for a number of other purposes. According to Wikipedia, dolphin species vary from four feet to thirty feet long. This speed not only helps with jumping but is also used for avoiding attacks from potential predators or threats.

Posted by mrjazz on 03/19/09 at 12:52 PM, Posted by Madd Maxx on 03/19/09 at 12:55 PM. Disclosure Policy | Privacy Policy | Copyright © 2020 Like you say, Paul, that shot at the top is 20ft not 20 meters. To help them reach fast speeds and jump really high most dolphin species have light streamlined bodies which allow them to travel through the water with very little resistance. came to this story just to write 'pretty f'n high'. MC-128693 The dolphin would have to be about 30ft long otherwise. LOL, Posted by Jules in Connecticut on 03/18/09 at 01:30 PM, dumbfounded i think that falls above my clearance level. Log In. , Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/19/09 at 12:24 AM, I'm with you DownCrisis. they could jump over a 10 foot high stick A dolphins regular jump is 5m above the water.The highest one has ever gone is 8 m above the water. Dolphins communicate with one another using a variety of sounds, body language and jumps to alert one another of things such as nearby food, threats, a desire to mate, to play around and to show off their level of fitness. In addition to this dolphins may also jump high into the air to get a better view of their surroundings which can help them locate potential groups or swarms of prey that are at or near the surface of the water. Because some dolphin species are known to display acrobatic behaviors often scientists and researchers have become very curious in understanding why dolphins jump and what it means, and have come up with several possible answers for explaining why these marine mammals perform these amazing feats.

As a San Diego resident and frequent visitor to Sea World I can attest to the fact that that jump is only 20'. It’s not only used to show off, it also plays a big role in their survival ability to thrive in the ocean. Dumbfounded, would that be an unladen European marlin, or an African marlin? Dolphins are equipped with an excellent sense of hearing and echolocation which they use to locate food in nearby areas. your welcome mrjazz, we aim to please! Thanks! All rights reserved. As you can see their are many reasons and uses for dolphins when it comes to jumping.

i wonder if dolphin pussy smells like human?! In the ocean dolphins use flips and leaps as a form of play and to communicate to other dolphins in their pod. Dolphins are found in groups of 3-5 in all oceanbiomes, except frozen oceans.Dolphins continuously spawn as long as their spawn requirements are met, similar to squid. Communication is extremely important among dolphins both for their survival and because some species are extremely social and use jumping as a way to compete and develop strong bonds with one another. Hey Patty, are Dolphin Shows anything like Donkey Shows? Dolphins do not acknowledge landmasses when they leap out of water, dolphin literally went FLYING out of water and died of fall damage '-', Dolphins jumped out of water causing them to hit on land far away from water, Dolphins try to catch up with boat on land, Dolphins do not acknowledge landmasses when they leap out of water. Hey, that could be the elusive Pacific Dolphin-Whale in the top photo.