Allegations of defilement, according to the Court, should be properly investigated and perpetrators of such crimes should be prosecuted to deter others. & Another v Astarikoh Henry Amkoah & 9 Others, the Kenyan Court affirmed the constitutional and fundamental rights of women and girls against assault and sexual violence. It articulates the domestic and international legal obligations of governments and non-state actors to ensure good quality testing and treatment for TB is available and accessible without discrimination. The absolute poverty under which the majority of the people of this continent live is the greatest violation of their rights as human beings.

More recently in 2014, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on protecting women human rights defenders and the African  Commission adopted a resolution which seeks to protect HRDs working on sexual orientation and gender identity. However, Afri… They take Western pressure off their backs by acceding to international instruments but delay or never domesticate such laws or conventions in their judicial system.However, the hypocrisies, both international and national, that are glaring about human rights standards should not lead one into concluding that human rights advocacy and discourse is useless.

There were no funding bodies to write proposals to yet through the efforts of our own people we got rid of colonialism.Three, human rights groups also need to engage and educate themselves about local, national and sub-regional instruments.

The illegal occupation of Iraq by the Anglo-American imperialists, the torture of prisoners, the inhuman affront that Guantanamo signifies for all decent human beings have shown that the West is not the … When it comes to socio-economic rights the rhetoric of the typical African state is one of not being ready due to resource constraints with the result that socio-economic rights are always pending capacity.On the whole Africa faces many critical human rights challenges, far too many to enumerate. That number has soared in recent years, partly due to ongoing crises in the Central African Republic (CAR), Nigeria and South Sudan.

Elsewhere in Africa, Gambia signed an international treaty committing the country not to carry out executions and moving to abolish the death penalty. The ruling confirmed that President Al-Bashir did not have immunity from arrest and that any states party to the Rome Statute were obliged to arrest him if he entered their territory, and hand him over to the Court.

The ease with which various Western governments are ready to support human rights organisations in the third world while not doing the same in their own countries have also undermined many human rights NGOs domestically. Since the UN Declaration on human rights defenders (HRDs), there has been the appointment of a UN Special Rapporteur on HRDs and an African Commission Special Rapporteur on HRDs (2004). In many countries, these gaps are also compounded by political instability and conflict.Along with the inequalities in land ownership and the political economy, many Africa countries inherited deep gender inequalities from the colonial state – inequalities that were reflected and continued to be entrenched in the laws and social structures.

The Declaration further noted that “addressing structural causes of human rights violations affecting these human rights defenders should be prioritised since it requires repeal of legislation, removal of policies and practices that create or reinforce violence, discrimination and stereotypes.” Increasingly, the discourse around human rights is being negated and human rights defenders are under attack in many countries in Africa. economic means, a job, a decent income, etc). Jurisprudence has established that states and other duty-bearers are liable for the failure to effectively protect, respect, and fulfil women and girls’ human rights by protecting them against assault, sexual abuse, and violence. This was the period of the big man syndrome and privatization of national institutions. Allegations of fraud, misconduct and exploitation surfaced in several operations in Africa.

Tradition and the stigma of straying from tradition perpetuate child marriage in many communities.

These imperialists did not see any contradiction in making the declaration while having their jackboots on our backs and pillaging our human and material resources. The Declaration specifically noted concerns about “the human rights violations targeting specific groups of human rights defenders, including women human rights defenders, human rights activists working in conflict and post-conflict States, on issues related to land, health, HIV, sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, as well as sexual and reproductive health rights”. Yet current tuberculosis control approaches, including in parts of Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, have not been able to achieve similar success.The central truth about the tuberculosis crisis, as the cases in this compendium demonstrate, is that social  and  economic  factors  and  structural  barriers  drive  the  epidemic. Guinea became the 20th state in sub-Saharan Africa to abolish the death penalty for all crimes, while Kenya abolished the mandatory death penalty for murder. In the industrialized world, tuberculosis is something rarely encountered. And  following  the  introduction  of  chemotherapy  treatment,  the  trend  continued  until the disease was no longer a public health threat. In 2014, the African Union launched a campaign to eliminate child marriages on the African Continent. Cameroon and Togo blocked the internet to prevent journalists from doing their jobs and closed media outlets. civil and political rights) there is much more to be done in the areas of economic, social and cultural rights.

High levels of overcrowding have resulted in African prisons becoming a fertile ground for the spread of infectious diseases.A widely discussed theme within the international framework of penal reform and prisoners’ rights is juvenile detention; mainly that young adults should be diverted from institutions of criminal justice towards more non-punitive and rehabilitative efforts.According to Amnesty International, in at least 30 countries – more than half the countries monitored – media freedom was curtailed and journalists faced criminalization.