People have joked that I might be a vampire. I have the opposite. None of my grandparents have food allergies. The broad autism phenotype or BAP encompasses the idea that people, especially family members of autistic people, may themselves have milder autistic traits.

Kindergarten Drawing Activities  My mum has hypermobility, pernicious anaemia, allergies and asthma.

Strength, flexibility and general fitness training all help children with hypermobile joints to get better at everyday activities such as sitting for working at a table, shoulder control for handwriting, going up and down stairs, walking distances, running speed and fitness, enjoying climbing frames and monkey bars.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a blanket term for an etiologically and clinically heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental disorders commencing in early childhood. Something that is not present or absent, but present to varying degrees in a lot of people. Is ligament tissue in hEDS stuck in the middle of the cell danger response in the same way that autistic people are stuck in the cell danger response? Incidentally, autistic people are also rumored to look young. aloof, anxious, hypersensitive, overly conscientious, rigid, and untactfu, Science Monday: How Grapefruit Juice Can Be Fatal, From The Club To The Clinic: Ketamine Infusion Therapy, What You Need To Know Before Switching To A Home Birth, The Dead Baby Talk aka America’s Impeccable Bedside Manner, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome — hypermobility subtype (hEDS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS). What if people with hEDS have been manufacturing collagen and other extracellular matrix components in abnormally large amounts since before we were born?

Jason learns to catch a ball - a teaching session  This approach has fallen flat with autism, hEDS, MCAS and ME/CFS. While this has been personally devastating to me, that is not what this article is about. I came across it in this list of female aspie traits composed by a psychologist specializing in autism.

Autism and hEDS co-occur in families. This casual type of hypermobility is not part of any formal testing for EDS and is so common it goes generally unnoticed. Tania Marshall, who writes about girls and women with autism, lists “looks younger than her years” as a component of a profile for female autistic people. Connective tissue includes the skin, ligaments and tendons in the body. Increasing research into ME/CFS and hEDS could help increase our knowledge of autism.

It’s a totally normal process in the body that happens every time you have a minor injury or get a cold. How can I improve my child's muscle tone? All types involve joint hypermobility. Associated with toe walking, Anxious/fearful temperament 

HSD is the designation given to people who have hypermobility but do not meet the current, stricter criteria for hypermobility type EDS. Maybe being fidgety keeps them from losing flexibility.

I have been wondering if it's a thing, too. They break down tissue that has been injured so that it can be removed and they lay down fresh new connective tissue. The term is confusing to me. It causes strange reactions to foods, mold, heat, chemicals and other things and chronic inflammatory symptoms.

Anyone else really bendy, or have some strangely flexible joints? Hyper mobility is linked to anxiety, I know I have seen links to talks about this from the EDS conference in r/ehlersdanlos . It's called Ehler-Danlos syndrome, the hypermobility type. Whatever is going on, it’s getting worse. Like most people, I had always thought that autism was for boys. Children on the autistic spectrum often have difficulties with posture, balance, coordination and motor planning.

What does this mean? Read more: My child has been diagnosed with low muscle tone.

Although a chiropractor told me i was "kind of on the verge of being a little osteopenia-y????" In addition children with GJH often have some tight muscles in the hips and shoulders. It is why our joints are hypermobile. Previous occupational therapy made differences in other  areas but not that one. People with these conditions have connective tissue that is defective, but each person can present differently, from being asymptomatic to severely disabled. An interesting study was published in 2018 about connective tissue in hEDS and in hypermobility spectrum disorders (HSD). Muscles are also affected, with a tendency to weakness (sometime mistakenly called low muscle tone).

hEDS stands out as having no known genetic cause. The toe walking is probably more related to muscle tightness along with poor motor planning , rather than be a sensory issue. I think the important thing about the broad autism phenotype is that it is in fact broad enough to incorporate a sizable chunk of humanity.

They are motivated to take on new challenges, explore different ways of achieving their goals and expect to master new skills with repeated practice.

Is hED what people can look like when the cell danger response has been occurring across the entire body since early life? (I am suffering from GAD myself.) Many do not even get diagnosed.


Tune in for research updates on hypermobility disorders related to ASD.

Not sure. The core characteristics of ASD are impairments in communication, social interaction, and restricted repetitive and stereotyped behaviors (1). I think that somewhat close to this junction are the most of the people you know who are especially quirky, talented, creative or bright or anxious. I encourage you to read the parents’ statements here. Youthful-looking skin and hypermobile joints.