UPCOMING. If, at any time, you change your mind and want off that list, let us know.

Dear ICCA Members and Congress Delegates. By sharing your email address with us, you can get on our list. COVID-19 Resources for Venues & Events Reopening. Round Table. More information will be available at a later stage. The conference is designed for interventionists from all fields specializing in acute stroke intervention, vascular surgeons, neurologists and stroke physicians, anesthetists and anyone involved in endovascular stroke treatment, pre- and postprocedural care. 59th ICCA Congress 01 November 2020 - 03 November 2020 Normally, this information is reserved for our customers. May’s ICCA gathering in Edinburgh has joined Paris Arbitration Week in falling foul of the current pandemic.

ICCA Stroke provides a comprehensive overview of carotid stenting and acute stroke interventions. ICCA 2021 January 27th-29th (In Loco and Online) 5th International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence. Although representation is improving, women still account for less than a quarter of arbitrator appointments in an industry that needs to do more to remove the obstacles faced by female candidates. We engage. ICCA STROKE VIRTUAL: Congress Information: Archive: Contact: ICCA STROKE VIRTUAL. We collaborate and partner with some great organizations. Ready for another edition? ICCA Stroke will take place 10-11 September 2021 in Frankfurt, Germany. While we were heartened to see how many of you had maintained your registrations for the ICCA Congress, our priority must be protecting the health of all those attending. 59th ICCA Congress 2020 | November 1 - 3, 2020. The conference is designed for interventionists from all fields specializing in acute stroke intervention, vascular surgeons, neurologists and stroke physicians, anesthetists and anyone involved in endovascular stroke treatment, pre- and postprocedural care. The 59th ICCA Congress in 2020 will be a very special: Over a period of 6 weeks (September 28 - November 3, 2020) the global events community will be coming together in a hybrid event. Find out what the 6-week programme has in store for you and learn more about the innovative tools used to facilitate an interactive congress. We are working with the Scottish Arbitration Centre to identify the best alternative dates for the rescheduled Congress in Edinburgh in 2020 or 2021 and will share those dates with you as soon as possible. The launch event is free of charge and open to all ICCA Members and ICCA verified associations. Child Safety Nets. Choose which modules fit your specific needs from the most expansive, fully-integrated platform available. Make it your own.Choose which modules fit your specific needs from the most expansive, fully-integrated platform available. ICCA Invitations:Invitations are offered to all ICCA Members. 高雄成功競標國際會議協會(International Congress & Conference Association, ICCA)2020年會主辦權,這是ICCA有史以來最激烈的競標。從2016年13個城市表達競標意願,第一輪8個城市正式提出競標書,含芬蘭赫爾辛基、希臘雅典、中國澳門、荷蘭鹿特丹、俄羅斯聖彼得堡、日本橫濱、哥倫比亞卡塔赫那 … ICCA's 25th Congress will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland. As a global leader in flexible, comprehensive event and venue management software, Ungerboeck aims to be a model in data protection and privacy. At Ungerboeck, customer success equates to user delight and the best business outcome! We empower. Please take care of yourselves and those close to you. Mix it. ARCHIVE. The 2020 International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) Congress, due to be held in Edinburgh in May, has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The ICCA Congress scheduled for November 2020, this hybrid event is yet another example of ICCA‘s adaptability in the face of change. We hate spam so we promise not to spam you. While we were heartened to see how many of you had maintained your registrations for the ICCA Congress, our priority must be protecting the health of all those attending. ICCA STROKE VIRTUAL During these unpredictable times, we stay in touch virtually. ICCA Stroke provides a comprehensive overview of carotid stenting and acute stroke interventions. Round table. L. Nelson Hopkins, MD, Neurosurgeon, Jacobs Institute, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Science University at Buffalo New York, USA Kenneth Snyder, MD, Neurosurgeon, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, USA, cme4u GmbHCongresses, Meetings & EducationDenise ThomPhone +49 - (0)6109 - 69 60 760Fax +49 - (0)6109 - 69 60 769E-mail  d.thom@cme4u.orgWeb  www.cme4u.orgFollow us on Twitter. If you are not able to participate in the rescheduled Congress, you can transfer your registration to a friend or colleague free of charge or cancel and receive a refund in line with the revised cancellation policy. Announced yesterday, 19 March, by ICCA President Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, it follows the postponement of Paris Arbitration Week from the week of 30 March to 3 April to the week of 6 to 10 July, announced by the organising committee on 10 March.