As long as the initials are recognizably connected to you, and you do it the same way each time, you can choose which you please; rather like a signature.

Those questions are great for other environments though. Answer: All India 2012)

An initial is the first letter of a word.

Knowing good questions to ask is essential …Because asking questions is the most powerful way to get to know someone.Of course, not all questions are equal.Having the right questions to ask prepared goes a long way in helping you to connect with people more effectively.. And I know it sounds too good to be true, but the right question to ask someone can change your life. Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter, Hot Meta Posts: Allow for removal by moderators, and thoughts about future…. Then, the recruiter helps you convince these candidates that your business is the best place for them to work. (All India 2016) Why are you job searching right now?

Hopefully you’ve done your homework prior to your interview to learn as much as you could about the role, the organization and the culture. Instead, talk about the things you would want to do long-term.

Answer: M. Hamel had great love for the French language which he had been teaching for forty years. All India 2016) You can tell your interviewer that, but clarify the actions you've taken to remedy it. (All India 2015) You don’t need to ask all five of these questions, but you should ask at least three if you can. M. Hamel told his students that a new order from Berlin has declared that all schools of Alsace and Lorraine would teach only German so this was going to be their last French lesson. Question 43. (Comptt. Think of questions like: "What's the biggest challenge you think I'll face coming into this position?" When M.Hamel announced that this was to be their last French class a grim realisation dawned on Franz that he could hardly write his language and now he was being deprived of the opportunity to learn it. How well did you do in school? (All India 2014) What was the impact of this on Franz?

"Again, your preparation and research will come in handy here. What were those words and what was their effect on Franz? Question 30. One more question: "Resident’s Representative for Notices" - is it here I fill in my parents? The example you choose should be something that's not widely applicable, meaning don't mention graduating college. You can start by explaining the parts you got right (no one wants to hear you hated everything about your last job), then explain what you didn't.

He had on his green coat, his frilled shirt and the little black, all embroidered silk cap that he never wore except on inspection and prize days. Question 18. While you have several options when deciding how to answer this question, the key is to explain why your specific experiences and attributes make you the best fit for the role. Delhi 2014) Why? Think of questions like: "What's the biggest challenge you think I'll face coming into this position?" Most likely, those will make the cut, and you should come prepared with succinct, descriptive answers that don't over-embellish. He was also deeply pained at the thought that M.Hamel was leaving. (Delhi 2009) Answer: When M.Hamel was giving his last French ; lesson, the mood in the classroom was solemn and sombre. In honour of his last French lesson in the school, M. Hamel had put on his fine Sunday clothes.

All India 2012) How would you describe your learning style? Question 1. Delhi 2010) Demonstrating your drive to better yourself is key. He also blamed the students themselves for delaying the learning of their lessons thinking that there was plenty of time. Why? “We’ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with”, said M. Hamel. "You committed to one professional direction, but you're not feeling it anymore. Suzanne's work has been featured on notes publications including Forbes, CBS, Business Insider, and Yahoo.

So my question is, are they asking for my signature or initials which does not make sense to me. Do you consider yourself a smart person? Don't play lip-service if you genuinely can't see it. What was the last book you have read? Hamel blamed the parents who sent the children to work instead of sending them to school. Answer: By Abby Roskind, Career Contessa | March 13, 2017. Question 46. Even little Franz listened to his teacher’s words with a new-found interest. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for the school that day? It was to be their last French lesson that day. Little Franz was tempted to run away and spend the day outside instead of attending school as it was a warm and bright day with the birds chirping merrily. What interview questions should you ask to get the answers you need, and why? The order from Berlin allowed only German language to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. When M.Hamel mounted on the chair and announced that he was there to teach his last French lesson that day, Franz was shocked and surprised. M. Hamel’s regret on the last day of the French lesson was that they all had put off learning their language till the next day and now most of them who claimed to be Frenchmen could neither speak nor write their language. At first glance, this question can seem easy to answer (and it can be), but you need to have your compass pointed true North to pull it off. What should be the value change if pawns are doubled? Perhaps your passion is music – why does it make you tick?