Yet, after the law went into effect in … asked Kennesaw Mayor Derek Easterling, reports,Lt. The Kennesaw, Georgia, law states that “every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm.” reports: “It was meant to be kind of a crime deterrent,” Kennesaw Police Lt. Craig Graydon, a 30-year law enforcement veteran, told CNN. Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Seat Is Ours...And There's Nothing You Can Do About It,Too Tired? In 1982, a law was passed requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm. According to local law in Kennesaw, Georgia, “every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm."

My guess is they don't do anything if you are in violation of the law. Most criminals don't have a death wish. Daoust_Nat Well-Known Member Supporter. ".And many are surprised by the town when they actually visit. 5,503 4,497 113. Kennesaw proves that the presence of firearms actually improves safety and security.

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"T,hey're not dangerous, it's the people that get them that are dangerous. The reason is obvious.

In Kennesaw, Georgia, a good citizen is an armed citizen. They want us to believe that guns are evil and are the cause of violence. Summary of Georgia Gun Laws. Just knowing that residents were armed prompted them to move on to easier targets.

"We get a lot of calls, conversation, and it seems to keep crime control, gun safety, things like that on the minds of many of the residents, because people are constantly talking about the gun law," said Graydon. There's no shootouts down the street. In terms of reciprocity, Georgia reciprocates in recognizing firearms licenses with states that recognize Georgia permits. Georgia gun laws for a concealed carry license require a person to be at least 21 years old or 18 if they are a member of the military. "It's strictly a home defense system type of deal. ".While the 1982 law isn’t actually enforced, the town’s mayor spoke highly of it nonetheless. All Rights Reserved.ou know, firearms are part of our culture," another resident says. I remember reading about this when it first was enacted, and am surprised it was not challanged. "We can't say that just that gun law contributes x number of percent to why we have a low crime rate. Craig Graydon of the Kennesaw Police Department explained the law “was meant to be kind of a crime deterrent.”.And while it’s difficult to prove a causal relationship between the law and crime in the town, Kennesaw, which boasts a population of 33,000 people, has a violent crime rate of less than 2 percent and has only had one murder in the last six years.

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The bad guys didn't force the residents to prove it. No one has ever been charged with violating this ordinance.