May you forever be blessed with good dice rolls!It's a way to bring creative projects to life.We've all had bad Initiative rolls, don't worry about it. The key is to manage expectations.That being said, even a well-planned campaign is bound to have a few unexpected problems. This can incentivize backers in a lower pledge level to upgrade if the pledge level they are in doesn’t include stretch goals.Remember, if you do add stretch goals, make sure that you have the ability to create and deliver them — you don’t want your attempt to please your backers to backfire.Another way to offer more value to backers is through.— à la carte items that Indiegogo and Kickstarter backers can purchase in addition to the items they receive through their pledges. It can be hard to get Kickstarter backers. After you’ve launched, see if you’re trending to hit your funding goal. It’s easier to balance all of your responsibilities, when you have a partner like BackerKit do the heavy lifting. It’s how you address those problems that will determine if backers continue their relationship with you.Your backers should feel valued — your success depends on them. But with a strong community of engaged fans, you won’t have to spend as much time or money marketing your project. Sign Up for Our Weekly Community Newsletter.Repeat backers can give your campaign the boost it needs to reach its funding goal early. Throughout the Kickstarter site, you can find ways to link your campaign with Facebook:On your main campaign home page, a button on the far right provides a link to your personal Facebook profile.If you end up creating a business page for your project, you can link to that page in your long description by adding the full website address in the copy and clicking the Link button in the editing box.Although Twitter gives you only 140 characters, you should be able to compel your followers to at least click through to your Kickstarter campaign link to learn more about your project.Here are a few tips for creating a Twitter post, or.Keep the content relevant to your campaign.Include a short URL that directs people to your Kickstarter campaign.
Tactical Adventures is raising funds for Solasta: Crown of the Magister on Kickstarter! In this update for the., the creators invite backers to see their product in action.People will feel more invested in your projects and your success if you include them in your journey.Add fun incentives to your campaign once you’ve launched to get Kickstarter backers excited. The crowdfunding email list comes in the form of an Excel file, meaning that you can easily edit the data, as well as sort it anyway you like and even use the search option to look for backers/investors. However, crowdfunding experts generally say that you can expect around.5% of the people on a high-quality email list to become backers.A high-quality list is one in which subscribers knew what they were signing up for when they submitted their addresses and where addresses were collected through legitimate means.
Similar to a personal page, you can post updates, photos, links, videos, and more.You can begin the process of starting a Facebook page specifically for your project by clicking the.Based on the nature of your project, select the appropriate category and begin developing your page.

But becoming a “Project We Love” isn’t easy.There are certain technical things you can do to make your campaign more attractive to their team, such as having a compelling project image and adding photos of the rewards you’re offering to your campaign page.