Be cordial and watch.

Wenn Ihr Kind will immer noch einen Wutanfall haben, oder stürmen und zu weinen, nachdem sie gesagt nicht, dann lassen Sie sie wissen, dass sie berechtigt sind, nicht, aber Sie werden es zu ignorieren und geht weg für sie, es zu tun selbst. at one point she told him until I sat down and spoke to her he couldn’t see his kids the lawyer told him to call the police on his weekends but he refused to do so because he doesn’t want to get her in trouble because she’s their mother he just wants to be able to spend his time with them I understand he doesn’t want to fight with her but she runs all over him questions him about things that aren’t her business his daughter told her we bought the kids a new bed and she got upset & was calling and texting him about it … she’s always trash talking me to the point where their daughter comes around repeating things she say or she’ll tell his family or me that her mom doesn’t like me we have met before and all she did was demand things from me and got upset when I didn’t want to play by hers I can’t take there daughter anywhere even though she asks to go with me all the time her kids never attend my daughter’s birthday parties but I send our daughter to their children’s parties & I stay behind his daughter has school plays and things that I can’t attend & she ask and my excuse is I had to work their daughters hair is rarely done & she has always asked me to do it because I do her sisters all the time and they always want their hair alike & one time she cried about it and I felt so bad I braided her hair up like my daughters (her sister) & she got upset and bad mouthed me I have blocked her off him and my social media somehow she still sends him screenshots of my page or of his page we were at the park with the kids & he posted a video of the kids & I was in the background she called and told him to bring them home she doesn’t feel safe with her kids around me because what I did to her when she attacked me she’s always the aggressor & when I react he gets upset with me but when she’s upset he always finds a way to smooth things over and calm her down if she’s sick she’ll call him and ask him to bring her medicine and guilt trip him if he doesn’t and says he doesn’t care about his kids bcuz if she’s sick they’ll get sick on her birthday she sent a long ass message about how hurt she was becuz he didn’t wish her a happy birthday and they shouldn’t be on such bad terms that he didn’t & that he acts like she’s such a terrible person which she has been for the last couple of years but I’ve let it slide becuz she was hurt but because he felt bad on mothers day he decided to stop by her house and give her a card she had the audacity to try to embarrass me as if he was there without my knowledge as if I didn’t suggest that he do it… she’s controlling and she manipulated him & I will not be controlled by her as well And me & him continuously argue about things he does for her that I feel like he shouldn’t she knows he’s a good guy & he cares about his kids so she uses him & she makes him look like a fool I get so angry with him because I can’t stand to see him being taken adva Of HELP.

I feel, if we aren’t able to speak face to face like adults, why snoop on my Facebook page for your own rationalization(s)? I think I may write a baby mama drama chronicles! What does is mean to be country in the ADOS lexicon ? As I’ve written before, a daughter’s need for her mother’s love and support doesn’t seem to have an expiration date and continues long past childhood. Jemand sagte, dass dies ist, wie es ist: Ihr Kind wird Hausaufgaben zu machen und lassen Sie sie wissen, dass sie falsch machen, nur um sie zu finden so dass Sie wissen, dass gesagt wurde, es zu tun auf diese Weise. My daughters father has another family and I don’t need his woman to kiss my butt. This woman was your woman at some time and you have children together. and so now his first baby mama & their daughters grandma got my child a gift mind you we have never met. Lol my husband and i agreed to delete our fb, and havent been on fb ever since. Dabei denken sie, dass sie ihnen ihre bedingungslose Liebe ausdrücken, obwohl es in Wirklichkeit falsche Liebe, eine eigennützige Liebe ist. If your partner is not respecting you enough to put in appropriate boundaries with his ex, then you get to decided if it’s healthy for you to stay in this relationship. She will get the message loud and clear eventually. The conflict between what a daughter knows to be true and what she wants to be true can be ongoing for years, even decades.