Please check with the local supplier beforehand, as this is not included in the price.Extra hygiene precautions are being taken due to the COVID-19 virus:All vehicles are thoroughly disinfected every day and social distancing measures have been implemented.Masks are available and mandatory inside vehicles. It is closed on Sundays, Mondays and holidays. 100 huge stones were shaped and positioned in a roughly circular shape, on an eastern-facing slope. JOIN US AND EXPLORE! Drone Image of the Megaliths Near Evora, Portugal. Wander around Évora Cathedral, and climb its roof to admire the golden plains surrounding the city. Seen from the cromlech, the menhir indicates the sunrise in the summer solstice (the longest day of the year).This dolmen on the outskirts of Evora, close to the small village of Valverde, is more recent than the above mentioned ones, with less than 6000 years of existence.Anta Grande do Zambujeiro is a collective funerary monument. If anything the tour was too short - we,Amazing views combined with a nice nature experience,The tour hosted by the very friendly guide called Francisco has been one of the best tours i have ever done in my life and definitely the best one in Évora. Makes me wonder what the ancients used them for and if the purpose was something beyond religion. He is clearly very passionate about wildlife and knew everything I asked about the birds and plants we saw. In fact, the area is considered the most important area for megaliths on the Iberian Peninsula. It is considered of national interest in Portugal.To get to this monument by car you will have to drive through the Mitra section of the.Alto de São Bento viewpoint is one of our visitors’ favourite places outside the historic centre. The Almendres Cromlech sounds incredible. Local legend has it that the menhir is the tomb of an enchanted Moorish princess, who can be seen combing her hair once each year on the eve of São João.We also found another group of stones but have no idea what it is called as there were no signs! Portugal possesses some of the earliest and finest examples of Neolithic structures in Europe. Probably the most famous example of a megalithic site is Stonehenge in England, but these megalithic sites in Evora are around 2000 years older than Stonehenge, so are well worth a visit! É vora is an ancient city listed as a World Heritage Site.It’s one of Portugal's top destinations for culture tourism, with architecture from different periods of history. The viewpoints were amazing, the ride on the bumpy roads were loads of fun and the nature was just stunning. The year of the harvest was then marked on the tree, so the farmer would know how long to wait until the cork was ready to cut again – in at least 9 years time! It also took into account astronomical phenomena related with the annual movement of Sun and Moon.Among many other megalithic monuments around Evora, a few stand out for their importance and greatness.The Almendres Megalithic settlement (or cromlech) is the biggest megalithic monument in the Iberian Peninsula and one of the oldest in the world. Yet, Almendres Cromlech is not just any megalithic site . Originally, the whole dolmen was buried beneath the earth, which just the ‘small’ entrance visible.One of the bonuses of taking an Evora Megaliths tour instead of going alone was that Nuno also explained to me how the process of cork harvesting worked. You leave from the center of Evora at about 9:30 and will be back by 1:15. There are many dolmens and standing stones in this area of Portugal, firstly on our way to Almendres we stopped at the.The Almendres Menhir (Menhir de Almendres) is single standing stone near Evora in Portugal dating from 5000-4000 BC. A Cork Tree near Evora Portugal – You can see where the cork was stripped off.