If you are grieving the death of your son. Your comment…others who have from time to time let me know they were thinking and praying for me and our family …so PRECIOUS . I called Johnny. God does not want to sit back and watch us take care of ourselves. The contrast of his public image and the reality of his sinful deliberate and willful choice to create a ‘family’ with the OW but never ever intending to leave us and marry her is a HUGE weight for him to deal with …and he has rejected the Lord even though he began with a walk before our marriage and afterward until he changed….a new baby, the death of his mother and the prospect of many other enticements in his new career converged to cause him to depart from the faith and the integrity that once was a very strong aspect of his character! Here's What You Need to Know. Continue to put on the Word daily …trust in the Lord who is with you and in you through His Son Jesus Christ . When he died Padre Peo was canonized a Saint. Robert. However, I do not know of anyone who claims that Paul is attempting to make a pun in this passage. For him to see the hope of reconcilation with GOD and his priviledge in marriage to enjoy the jurisdiction of husband and father as he has rejected in the past. Good morning, sorry for not answering, I am house and cat sitting. I pray that your husband will set aside any misplaced allegiance or feelings he might have and simply obey God. We trust in Him and wait upon Him …which stretches our patience…The word builds up our hope and faith …since faith comes from HIS Word…as we hear it and trust Him and the testimony of the things recorded in what He has done,…for others found in the Word ..and in the way He has delivered us in the past when we have gone through …yet we still live and breathe…even when we do not want to! I propose we cease saying, “God won’t give you more than you can handle,” and begin to encourage people by saying, “God will give you all the grace you need in every situation you face.”. This rule should be applied to 1 Corinthians 13 as well: Can “temptation” be referring to temptation to sin and to testing/suffering at the same time? was centred around this very issue. Jeff. While the motivation behind this interp… Part of HuffPost Religion. You, my friend, have spoken the truth in just 1 of those sentences! God created the universe, and us, to function in certain ways. Jam 3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. God bless you both for the work that you do,and I know you are human beings has well. Where if someone fell and broke their leg it was logical,because they could figure it out easy. Many times this verse is interpreted to mean that God will not allow anyone to experience any more heartache or difficulties than they can withstand. Where Does the Phrase "for Everything There Is a Season" Come From? Jesus said “Seek and you shall find” Knock and the door will open” Paul, however, is not addressing cancer or genocide or mental illness or divorce. BTW, When I asked my husband when he intended to return ..He said it would only be overnight….but said he ‘did not know where he would be going or staying’ …this is concerning …no word from him overnight…and in his state of mind this is difficult since he is self willed and apparently acts upon impulses from ‘influences’ we know in the word that encourage sinful and rebellious thoughts and actions…. Mr. Cotton, I have seen your posts here for a long time, I know you struggle, but I also know that you seek to know and do God’s will. Jhn 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. The walk is one that is done by the WORD as we take it in and then live…the Word is spirit and it is life as Jesus said. Jam 3:14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. May God bless you all to help you with your troubles.