“You won’t get penalized for trying to be cute.”, When preparing for an interview, it’s better to study up on the latest news regarding the organization, rather than thinking up ways to seem like an insider. Oh, and make sure it’s not the only thing you’ve got going for you (i.e., you need to be qualified for the job).

google_ad_client = "ca-pub-5991182858449186"; … Name-dropping is a different beast.”. Because hiring managers field hundreds or even thousands of resumes, being contacted by a candidate who knows an employee on the inside can be the thing that makes you stand out. Making mention of one person at the company and stating your admiration is an appropriate way to name drop. If you get a name, then you’re ready to do the drop. “If you want the person on the other side of the table to know that you know someone, you should just say it. The players are also encouraged to make their answers hard for the other players to guess who’s card it is. Name-dropping is a technique that might seem smart during an interview, but experts say that most good hiring managers will see right through it and the ploy could backfire drastically.

Expert Answer . Don’t name-drop it.”, The difference is in the delivery. 1) Spell out the symbol or 2) drop the symbol and leave a space. You could see the person you know in the hallway when you interview. The Name Drop Guess Who is a good, simple get-to-know-you game that is especially good for groups with new people, or for whenever you wish to help people get to know each other better to break the ice. They don’t care if you’re golfing buddies with one of the vice presidents, so don’t mention something like that in passing. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-5991182858449186"; Jenny Foss, Muse Master Coach and columnist, has some smart advice for how you can navigate the murky situation when it comes to applying for a position that catches your eye. Just be smart about your approach. What is a cause that you are willing to fight for? You have to show that you’ve done your homework. What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't? Oakley said that demonstrating knowledge about the latest earnings reports or product lines will do more for your image than any kind of name-dropping. “I have a saying given to me years ago by a friend: ‘You can’t unring a bell,’ ” Rexroad said. Who is a famous person that you would go out of you way not to meet? We love you.

What is a book that you can read over and over again? Who is a famous person, living or dead, that you would like to meet? Usually knowing someone at a company where you’re seeking employment is a good thing. If he (or) she speaks to you, you will get big points for not name-dropping.”. If you get a name, then you’re ready to do the drop. The percent Frequency of S&P 100 companies in the Consumer Discretinary sector is less than the percent Frequency of S&P 500 compan view the full answer. “There’s a fine line between that working well and that backfiring,” Oakley said. All three of them are avid New York Mets fans. Instead, these new question formats use available technologies to make the test a more reliable assessment of your knowledge.

if (window == window.top || parent.document.location.href.indexOf("main.html") == -1) { , Asking the right questions is more important than knowing the answers. Foss advises that you reach out to the person your contact mentioned (fingers crossed it’s the hiring manager) and say the following: “I was talking to [name of the lukewarm connection]. } If you are promoting soon, you may want to wait to lock in the higher pension amount since your base salary will be higher.

Lynn Berger a NYC-based career coach, stresses the importance of “mutual interest.” If, for example, you’re applying to a job where your connection isn’t even lukewarm (say, you’ve never met the person, but you admire his or her work and follow his industry moves to a T), you can still bring him up, you just need to do so carefully. He said you may be able to provide me with a bit more information about the [position you want]—may I ask you a couple of quick questions?”. What was the last national park you visited? Show transcribed image text. if (typeof(theTemplate) != 'undefined' && theTemplate.hasFlashNavigation == "true") { 200 Plus random answers from GetToKnowU.
google_ad_height = 60; The purpose of adding these questions was not to confuse you as a test-taker! At this point, you’ve accomplished your goal, indicating that “you know someone on the inside of the company, which may be quite advantageous.

The incessant name-dropper doesn’t know when to call it quits. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?