Nova Scotia’s municipal elections to continue as planned in October, minister confirms. Pam Berman is CBC Nova Scotia's municipal affairs reporter. She's been a journalist for almost 35 years and has covered Halifax regional council since 1997. “What is most important is that the democratic practice is in place. Municipal Elections Act Forms. My concern is always that, given the times, we need to do this right. The Nova Scotia Municipal Elections Act Click Here calls for municipal elections on the third Saturday in October for all Nova Scotia Municipalities every four years. Sessions to Learn More about Local Politics, Running for Election, and Getting Involved in Community Decision Making – a partner project with the Local Government Program, College of Continuing Education, Dalhousie University and African Nova Scotian Affairs. “It seems reasonable to expect that returning to regular operations will take many weeks, and it is hard for me to imagine an election running smoothly this October.

".In a letter of response sent to Mood on Wednesday, the minister assured her that “we examined your request to postpone the October 2020 election carefully,” before confirming that the elections would go ahead as scheduled.“I encourage municipalities to continue their preparations for an October election with the current public health protocols in mind; specifically the requirements around social distancing,” Porter wrote.“There are several options for municipalities in terms of how they conduct elections, how electors can vote, and how candidates campaign, such that an election can be held safely.”.Porter went on to list some of those options, specifically the use of provincial and federal voting lists rather than conducting door-to-door enumeration and alternative voting methods like mail, telephone or computers in addition to paper ballots.Porter also offered the options of increasing the number of polling stations to limit the number of voters at each station and marking polling station floors to direct voters to maintain two-metre distances.

The following information is correct as of 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22.Information about the Halifax Regional Municipality such as, regional planning, employment, information for newcomers, and more.Information on Halifax Water, animal services, property taxes, solid waste collection and more.Get around using Halifax Transit, walking, driving, or cycling. That includes the ability to get out and get yourself known to the public. Sorry you must be at least 19 years of age to consume this content.Municipal elections will go ahead as scheduled in October despite onerous COVID-19 stumbling blocks.“We got word this week that elections will take place as originally planned,” Pam Mood, mayor of Yarmouth and president of the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities (NSFM), said Friday.“We set out precautions … making sure that the folks deciding understood how (elections) would have to take place and the different concerns.”.Those concerns were delivered in an April 7 letter from NSFM to Chuck Porter, minister of the province’s municipal affairs department that ultimately makes decisions concerning municipal elections.Electors from all 49 provincial municipalities will go to the polls Oct. 17 in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act stipulation that elections be held every four years on the third Saturday in October.The New Brunswick government passed legislation in March postponing scheduled May 11 municipal elections there for a year or less depending upon how quickly the COVID-19 outbreak subsides, but Porter said such a move isn’t necessary in Nova Scotia.“At this point, we see no reason why municipal elections can’t move forward,” Porter told reporters this week. Nomination day has come and gone and the candidates are hitting the Nova Scotia municipal election campaign trail.

Residents of the Municipality of the County of Annapolis will be able to vote in the 2020 Municipal Election on October 17, 2020. By Alexander Quon Global News. Declared candidates have until end of day on Sept. 9 to withdraw from the election. As well, it’s to have the public being able to vote in a manner that they are comfortable.“It seems reasonable to expect that returning to regular operations will take many weeks, and it is hard for me to imagine an election running smoothly this October. We will have to do this differently. “Will we be permitted to knock on doors? He also suggested encouraging voters to cast ballots by advanced voting and urging candidates to use signs, phone, social media and virtual options instead of canvassing door-to-door.Mood said municipal reaction to Porter’s decision is mixed.“Some municipal leaders are good to go, others have concerns,” Mood said. The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents of the following updates and impacts to municipal services as a result of Hurricane Teddy. People need to be able to campaign and people have to get out to vote.”,In her April 7 letter, Mood pointed out to the minister that preparing for an election under COVID-19 restrictions “will increase the already considerable operational burden on municipal staff across the province.”.She said even if current distancing measures were to be relaxed this summer, municipalities would still face serious difficulties in preparing for an October election.Mood’s letter said enumeration and canvassing door-to-door is not possible in the current COVID climate.“For every projection or scenario you can find, a protracted recovery period is projected, with serious economic and social implications,” Mood’s letter stated. Corrupt practices under the Municipal Elections Act of Nova Scotia In Elections. Election Day . Municipal elections will go ahead as scheduled in October despite onerous COVID-19 stumbling blocks.