Octopus Outsmarts Testers in Intelligence Experiment.

Cephalopod intelligence is a measure of the cognitive ability of the cephalopod class of molluscs.. Intelligence is generally defined as the process of acquiring, storing, retrieving, combining, comparing, and recontextualizing information and conceptual skills. Though these criteria are difficult to measure in nonhuman animals, cephalopods seem to be exceptionally intelligent invertebrates. Just how smart is an octopus?

Why We Should Never Underestimate the Intelligence of an Octopus, Killer Plants Routinely Outsmart Ants With Clever Trick, Slime Mold Proves That Intelligence Isn't That Difficult, How Mother Bears in Sweden Are Outsmarting Hunters. Octopuses have distinct personalities, can navigate through complex mazes, use tools, and figure out all kinds of complicated human stuff. Mmm hmm. Ugh, octopuses are so smart. Most octopuses: Sorcerer-rogue, high int. Combine that with their eight tentacles, each of which has a mind of its own (seriously), and you've got a force to be reckoned with. Which of the 8 Kinds of Intelligence Do You Have?

In fact, the octopus genome is almost as large as a human’s and actually contains more protein-coding genes: 33,000, compared with fewer than 25,000 in humans. Melissa Breyer is Treehugger’s editorial director. In the intelligence test, they gave the octopus a twist top bottle with a tasty snack inside.

They are so unworldly and so advanced – honestly, they make us humans look like rubes. Researcher: The only way to get at the fish is by unscrewing the top.Octopus: Hold my beer. Intelligence of Apes Misunderstood Because of Bias and Bad Science, Octopus Crawls Out of Water and Walks on Land, This Is What an Octopus City Looks Like (Video). And those arms can execute cognitive tasks even when dismembered. "It’s always fun when an experiment takes a turn we did not expect.". With all of these marvelous maneuverings in mind, I confess I wasn't that surprised to see what happened when handlers of the beautiful boy in the OctolabTV video below presented him with a puzzle. In the intelligence test, they gave the octopus a twist top bottle with a tasty snack inside.

Montgomery suggests that part of what makes octopus intelligence so alien to us is their short lifespans.

As Octolab notes, "He was able to find another way into the bottle that was not foreseen by his handlers." Is the Plural of Octopus 'Octopi' or 'Octopuses'? She is a sustainability expert and author whose work has been published by the New York Times and National Geographic, among others. # DestinationWild. This story was originally broadcast January 12, 2020.

Dogs are suddenly acing some tests that our closest relatives ... A fat juicy octopus would give him enough protein for days, but ... she performed study after study to test his intelligence.

("Ugh" as in: I love them so much I am rendered nearly speechless.)

Buahaha, thinks the octopus.

It's one of the most bizarre creatures on Earth, and not just because it looks so different. Octopuses have eyes like cameras, have mastered invisibility, can slip through tiny holes, and have not two, but eight arms ... that happen to be decked out with suckers that possess the sense of taste. Obviously, they were expecting to watch the little guy figure out how to unscrew the top. Yet another example of the uncanny intelligence of our 8-armed overlords. score, stealthyThis octopus: BARBARIAN, I swear at the end he was looking at the camera as if to say "I will not be thwarted puny human". Comparing octopus intelligence to mammal intelligence is a dubious proposition, but the point is, they're really freaking smart.)
To find out more about octopus intelligence, we spoke to Jennifer Mather, ... threatening (touching the octopus with a test tube brush) and feeding (the octopus was given a crab to munch). We put one to the test in this watch-and-learn challenge. Obviously, they were expecting to watch the little guy figure out how to unscrew the top. I liked the part where the octopus stole the researcher’s credit card and ordered more fish from Amazon.