They elect the mayor, who chairs the city council, as well as Deputies to the Mayor.The term of office of councilors, the mayor and his deputies is, in principle, six years. 2013-403 of 17 May 2013 amending the wording of Article L. 2 July 2122 of the general code of local authorities.Law No. by MyParisTexas March 2, 2020. by MyParisTexas March 2, 2020 0 comment. 2013– 403 of 17 May 2013 concerning the election of county councilors, councilors and community councilors and amending the electoral calendar.Article L. 231 8 of the election Code, as amended by the Act of 17 May 2013.State Council, 18 January 1984, municipal elections in Trois-Fonds.Christopher Golden and Andre Chastanet, "Parity running slow",Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen,Établissement public de coopération intercommunale (Public Establishment for intercommunal cooperation),syndicat intercommunal à vocations multiples (multi-purpose intercommunal organization),fr:Loi du 31 décembre 1982 relative à l'organisation administrative de Paris, Marseille, Lyon et des établissements publics de coopération intercommunale,Law on the administrative organization of Paris, Marseille, Lyon,Public establishment for cooperation between communes,National Commission for Campaign Accounts and Political Funding,law on the administrative organization of Paris, Marseille, Lyon,"LOI n° 2013-403 du 17 mai 2013 relative à l'élection des conseillers départementaux, des conseillers municipaux et des conseillers communautaires, et modifiant le calendrier électoral","Loi n°82-974 du 19 septembre 1982 modifiant le code électoral et le code des communes relative à l'élection des conseillers municipaux et aux conditions d'inscription des français établis hors de France sur les listes électorales",décret "Décret n° 2013-938 du 18 octobre 2013 portant application de la loi n° 2013-403 du 17 mai 2013 relative à l'élection des conseillers départementaux, des conseillers municipaux et des conseillers communautaires, et modifiant le calendrier électoral","Résultats des élections municipales 2008","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article L2121-2","Décret n°77–90 du 27 janvier 1977 Portant Revision Du Code De L'administration Communale Et Codification Des Textes Legislatifs Applicables Aux Communes (Premiere Partie: Legislative)","Loi n°82-974 du 19 novembre 1982 Modifiant Le Code Electoral Et Le Code Des Communes Relative A L'election Des Conseillers Municipaux Et Aux Conditions D'inscription Des Francais Etablis Hors De France Sur Les Listes Electorales","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article L2513-1","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article L2512-3","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article L2122-4","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article L2121-7","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article L2122-8","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article L2122-7","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article L2122-2","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article L2122-7-2","Code général des collectivités territoriales – Article LO2122-4-1","Modes de scrutin pour les élections municipales et concours de l'État aux candidats","Municipales : trois questions sur un premier tour indécis","Municipales : 36,45%, taux définitif de l'abstention au premier tour","Les Grands Principles De La Loi Municipale De 1884","Fac-similé JO du 07/02/1959, page 01686","Fac-similé JO du 28/06/1964, page 05635","Fac-similé JO du 20/07/1976, page 04324","Fac-similé JO du 20/11/1982, page 03487",,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,In the first round, candidates are elected if they receive an absolute majority of votes cast and the vote of a,In the second round, a simple majority suffices. The City Clerk serves as the election administrator for all elections called by the.This office provides voting district information, applications for ballots by mail, and early voting location. Macron's critics say he shouldn't have allowed the first round to go ahead at all, since it was held just as infections were exploding across Europe and just two days before France introduced sweeping nationwide lockdown measures.The spread of the coronavirus has slowed significantly in France in recent weeks and almost all restrictions on social and business activity have been gradually lifted over the last month. For example, 25.2% of non-voters were recorded for the first round of the 1959 municipal elections, an,The law of 5 April 1884 is considered as the founding act of municipal democracy in France, establishing a uniform legal regime for all municipalities of France. That is a satisfaction.”.Sunday's voting was meant to choose mayors and municipal councilors in about 5,000 towns and cities.The electoral process was suspended after the first round of the nationwide municipal elections on March 15, which produced decisive outcomes in 30,000 mostly small communes. France has reported nearly 200,000 confirmed cases and 29,781 deaths in the pandemic but experts believe all reported figures are undercounts due to limited testing and missed mild cases.The elections, though ostensibly focused on local concerns, are also seen as a key political indicator ahead of the 2022 French presidential election.Macron had said he wasn't considering the elections as a pro- or anti-government vote.Yet a government reshuffle is expected in the coming weeks, as Macron seeks a new political boost amid the economic difficulties prompted by the virus crisis. These results are automatically generated from Google. Council Members are elected from District Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6 in even-numbered years and for District Numbers 4, 5, and 7 in odd-numbered years. While Macron, 42, won over voters in the capital in the 2017 presidential election, Socialist incumbent Mayor Anne Hidalgo was hard to beat after a series of stumbles by Macron’s campaign in Paris.