Still, Bernier's chances of becoming prime minister — or even of supplanting the Conservatives as the right-wing alternative — still look infinitesimal at this point.Bernier could have an impact in other ways that could hinder the Conservatives — by drawing away volunteers and money, for example. Bernier capturing about 1,000 votes in these ridings could cost the Conservatives their two seats and their chances of winning seven others.At four per cent, however, the PPC would be earning an average of about 2,000 votes per riding. But if Bernier allows it to be a conduit for xenophobia, nativism and white supremacy, his support will remain confined to the fringes of Canadian society.Brian Budd receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).Bernier signs papers to make his party official in October 2018 in Gatineau, QC.Faith Goldy is seen speaking outside Wilfrid Laurier University in March 2018 after her controversial appearance there was interrupted by a fire alarm.Conservative MP Kellie Leitch’s step to the far right didn’t work out so well for her when she ran for the leadership of the party. Nanos suggests that between two and three per cent of Canadians pick Bernier as the best person to be prime minister. (Patrick Doyle/The Canadian Press) comments Maxime Bernier's People's Party has electoral district associations in 292 ridings across the country, but has yet to register much support in the polls. Blended into Bernier’s rhetoric and the party’s platform are proposals that reflect the ideological tenets of a,Bernier has woven xenophobia and nativism into his appeals to Canadians.Bernier’s blending of his libertarian beliefs with an embrace of radical right-wing populism is aimed at Canada’s far right groups and supporters.Among those in attendance at Bernier’s rally was controversial media figure and failed Toronto mayoral candidate, Faith Goldy. A Mainstreet Research poll from earlier this month suggested Bernier was tied with his Conservative opponent in Beauce.“It’s very hard from national polling, and even regional polling, to look at the potential of the People’s Party,” said Christian Bourque, a vice-president at the Leger polling firm.Bourque added that unless a party is polling in double digits regionally, it seems unlikely they would win any seats, with some special exceptions.Victory in Bernier’s own seat, for example, largely depends on the Conservative’s national campaign, Bourque said.And for the PPC to see more widespread success, it would likely need the Conservative national campaign to collapse, he said, and a more successful Tory campaign would make things difficult for the PPC.The Ontario riding of Pickering-Uxbridge northeast of Toronto, for example, is probably one of the first ridings a successful national Conservative campaign would hope to pick up from the Liberals, Bourque said.Even if polling suggests PPC candidates have a low chance of winning outright, whether Bernier will be able to participate in the federal leaders’ debates depends on the commission’s determination of whether they have a “legitimate chance” to do so.The criteria for what makes a “legitimate chance” is unclear. He also could be a drag on the Conservatives on the policy front. A week before that, the party said it had signed up about 33,000 members. Maxime Bernier's People's Party has electoral district associations in 292 ridings across the country, but has yet to register much support in the polls. 5 The People's Party of Canada was officially created on September 14, 2018 and voting intentions for the party were therefore not polled prior to this date.