The pill bug tends to feed on young plants, and it is for this reason that they can often be considered pests, and many people want to get rid of them.Although the pill bug is considered a pest, it cannot be denied that they are also a great help for the environment.

They have 7 pairs of legs, and antennae which reach about half the body length.

Crawl spaces and attics need to be well ventilated.Remove excess vegetation and debris around exterior perimeter of the home. Pill bugs are small, about 1/2″ to 3/4″ in length, gray in color and oval. After 20 weeks, periods between moults are irregular.Sowbugs and pillbugs get blamed for more damage to garden plants than they actually do. It is when their populations dramatically increase that they may cause some damage. Here is what you can do to keep them away from your house.Most scientists claim that insecticides should not be applied indoors unless there is a severe infestation. The virus then alters the pill bugs’ behavior, causing them to move toward the light. The first thing you should understand is that these creatures can survive only in humid indoor environments. Sowbugs, apparently they are another species of insects similar to the mealybug, it does not roll.Pill Bugs are also known in other parts of the world as woodlice, and more than insects, they are also considered isopods. When an unsuspecting bird consumes an infected pill bug, the cycle is complete and the virus is back inside the preferred host.1. When threatened, they roll up into a ball and are fun to play with. When bed bugs enter your house, they can enter through gaps that can be found in the front door or foundation.This insect has many names according to the location in which it is found. Remember, if you don’t solve the moisture problem, the bugs will return no matter what chemicals you use, or how much you use them.Oval body, convex above and flat or hollow beneath.Head has eyes and prominent segmented antennae.Thorax is comparatively large and is composed of 7 hard individual but overlapping plates.2 prominent tail-like appendages (processes) from abdomen.Become inactive during winter months because of temperature.Depend on moisture to keep oxygen-absorbing gills under their bodies moist.Female gives birth to numerous, live young and carries her young in a pouch (marsupium) on the underside of the body. Spray steps and porches as well as sidewalks and areas around dense vegetation to eliminate them outside the house. Why do they do this and how can you explain this atypical behavior? Sowbugs are small crustaceans with oval bodies when viewed from above. This is how pill bugs penetrate into your house. Pill bugs, also known as rollie pollies, are a common yard and garden pest. When hatching occurs, the young bed bugs can stay in the bag for up to two months, to ensure that they are already able to take care of themselves.Females can live up to 3 years and can produce 30 to 40 days, but it all depends on the weather conditions. New generation are white in colour.

The brood is carries for an average of 44 days. These insects are not to be feared as they do not bite and will not cause any health problems.Pill Bugs have some peculiarities that you should know:They can live throughout their life on land, just like shrimp.They prefer dark or humid areas, as their body cannot resist water.Pill Bugs are also known as bed bugs, roly-polies, and armadillo bugs.You can find bed bugs or Pill Bugs in garden woods, in flowerpots, or garbage cans.Pill Bugs are also known as pill bugs, and they prefer nightlife.If bed bugs enter your home, they will surely become a nuisance pest. Pill Bugs can feed:Pill Bugs do not like to be disturbed, and if this happens, they will look for an isolated place to hide:It is very common for you to see some of these Pill Bugs inside your home, but the good news is that these insects will not damage your interior space’s infrastructure. They are great opportunists.Most annoyingly, sowbugs and pillbugs feed on tender seedlings, young roots, flowers and fruits and vegetables laying directly on damp soil. Read on to find out how to get rid of sow bugs in an organic garden. WORX WG505 3-in-1 Blower/Mulcher/Vacuum,2013 – 2020 © - All Rights Reserved is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliated sites.

The size of its antennae can reach half the length of its body, and the most seen are usually gray.The body of the pill bug is rounder and has more depth in its body. Again, this happens only when they significantly grow in numbers. This is where they hide until the sun goes down. Houses  built  on a concrete slab poured directly on the ground, can have more of a problem with sow bugs or pill bugs if there is no moisture barrier under the concrete.Built-in planters are usually a bad idea for many reasons. The color of Pill Bugs can vary between chalky and brown, and their cover is as hard as a shell.Pill Bugs have seven legs, bent antennae, and their appearance is very similar to that of the armadillo.

There is a bird virus that uses these little creatures as a vector or, in other words, as a means to an end. Leave it overnight. PILL BUGS FORAGING. Therefore, if you have a concrete floor, it must have a barrier against humidity. This insect is oval and is as slow to move as lobsters or crayfish.