After all this is a history blog, isn’t it?

1200 year old olive oil soapery direcovered and a few board games too.

This was Tuesday’s dinner: ‘Tuesday.

When it's evenly blended, add a few drops of cold water and start to mix with the knife, using curving movements and turning the mixture around. Several recipes already on the blog use suet: Fresh suet can be bought from your local butcher at a very low price. If you’ve never heard of Spotted Dick, it is a spongy steamed pudding that contains suet instead of butter.

Suet is the essential fat in many British puddings, both sweet and savoury, as well as stuffings and dumplings, mincemeat at Christmastime and – of – course suet pastry. Remove the pudding and let it stand for 5 or 10 minutes before you unwrap, slice and serve it. First, make the suet pastry. Turn out the pudding onto a serving plate and serve immediately with plenty of custard. I prefer to do the latter, as it’s quick and easy. Sit the rolled pudding on some greaseproof paper and fold the edge up in a pleat, tucking the edges under, making sure there is room for the pudding to expand. After around 20 minutes, turn the heat down to medium-low and leave the pudding to steam for 90 minutes. Spotted Dick is a great pudding because it lies somewhere in between a suet pudding and a sponge pudding and is borne of that period of prolific pudding invention: the Victorian Era.

Grater or mincer, you will need to remove any membranes and blood vessels – much easier to do as you grate, hence why it’s my preferred method.

To make a savoury or sweet suet pudding to serve 6, first sift 12 oz (350 g) of self-raising flour and salt into a large mixing bowl.

It’s been a while since I wrote a post on a good old British steamed pudding, and this is one of my all-time favourites.

You’re looking for a mixture of dropping consistency. Filed under food, history, Nineteenth Century, Puddings, Recipes, The Victorians, Tagged as dessert, jam, pudding, recipe, roly-poly, suet, suet pudding. Suet is the compacted, flaky and fairly homogenous fat that is found around animals’ kidneys, protecting them from damage. Can I substitute the wholemeal flour in Carrot Cake? Fill the pan up with boiling water if there is danger of the pudding boiling dry.
Spotted Dick is a great pudding because it lies somewhere in between a suet pudding and a sponge pudding and is borne of that period of prolific pudding invention: the Victorian Era. Take the roly poly out of its little tin prison, place on a baking tray and pop it in the oven for 10 minutes to crisp up. If you haven’t made pastry before, don’t worry, suet pastry is the easiest of all the pastries to make. A roly-poly is a pudding made from suet dough that is spread with jam and then rolled up.

For a 2 pint pudding basin, that serves 6 to 8 people: In a bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, suet, sugar, currants and lemons. Next time I do a pudding I will do it the old-fashioned way. If British puddings are new to you, I’ve already written a couple of posts on the history of puddings (the first one here, and the second one here). Suet puddings need to make a revival as they have been shamefully neglected and they really are the ultimate in comfort food.

10g baking powder.

Although not as good as fresh, packet suet bought from a supermarket is a perfectly good product and store cupboard standby.

I have never tried a sweet roly-poly with anything other than jam, and even then I will only use raspberry or blackcurant jam. ROLY-POLY. It makes some of my most favourite British foods.

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