Polly Smith, Barbara Davis, and Ellis Duncan were associate costume designers. Kurri exclaims, Mushroom show future.

In The World of the Dark Crystal, concept designer Brian Froud commented that he based the Podlings off of potatoes, and originally they were going to have, like potatoes, eyes situated in various odd positions on their heads, but the concept was dropped as it would have made them look too unsettling. Some say the podlings of Gloomshade Grove bow to the mad king of …

The Podlings, or Pod People, are a simple, kindhearted race in The Dark Crystal. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

You're free to use names on this site to name anything in any of your own works, assuming they aren't already trademarked by others of course.All background images part of the generators are part of the public domain and thus free to be used by anybody, with the exception of user submitted backgrounds, images part of existing, copyrighted works, and the pet name generator images. Not many podling names exist, but those who do are generally short and simple. This was accomplished by sending the Garthim to raid the village and capture Podlings, bringing them back to The Castle of the Crystal for essence-draining.

[1], The Boblings were the descendants of Podlings who, thousands of trine ago, sought out new territories by navigating the Silver Sea, only to be swallowed by the Mondo Levidian.

They have their own language separate from the common language of Thra (which gives the effect that viewers of the movie will not be able to understand their speech). Explorers who pay attention to the color of podlings' flowering buds can ascertain whether they favor poison, ensnaring, or physical attacks to incapacitate their victims. Podling Definition from Language, Idioms & Slang Dictionaries & Glossaries. But even these longer names are generally melodic and easy to pronounce. The aim of this generator and all the info below is to help you create or generate a new language for your stories. https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Podlings?oldid=1205471. [2], Once they came of age, they would be gifted with a ceremonial jangler, a bioluminescent antenna which they wore on their heads to traverse the darker areas of their cavernous world.

While fungi are not actually a type of plant (despite common misconception), the podlings of Shadowmoon Valley can be seen dancing around an image of a sporeling, projected by Leaf-Reader Kurri, hinting at some sort of connection. Podlings are small, potato-headed beings who love nothing more than to sing, tend their gardens and make music. [3], Podlings appear in a wide range of bright and eye-catching colours.

podling you can click anywhere, but just don't click here. In their own language, they referred to themselves as apopiapoiopidiappididiapipob, which translated as "master gardeners who live in bulging plants."

Unfortunately, the Podlings' lives have not been entirely peaceful.

Small and seemingly harmless, they work together to capture their prey, attacking only when they have numerical superiority. In their own language, they referred to themselves as apopiapoiopidiappididiapipob, which translated as "master gardeners who live in bulging plants." Podling in English. They enjoy singing, dancing, and celebrating, and are very close to nature.

They live in the Pod Village, located in the forests of Thra. [1], Being cut off from the light of the Three Suns and the changing of the seasons, the Boblings kept track of time by counting the Mondo Levidian's digestive cycles and skin moltings.

The language had no system of writing, and was thus completely oral in nature. They enjoy singing, dancing, and celebrating, and are very close to nature.

They are members of the Primal faction. Some podlings such as Phlox have been known to speak exclusively in rhyme. The podlings are a race of small, wide-eyed and extremely vicious plant-creatures native to Draenor. According to Thriya, many Gelfling could speak the language during the early Age of Division. In the early beta, they were referred to as the foreling. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This sounds like a Russian words meaning "happy."

Kira was fully fluent in it, having been raised by the Podlings after the death of her parents.