Animals include Golden Retrievers, monkeys, pigs, cows, rabbits, guinea pigs and more. These cells are taken INHUMANELY from live animals grown in laboratories, subjected to cruelty and unethical treatment. There also is a cell-based production process for flu vaccines that was approved by FDA in 2012. The cell line was a scientific achievement with profound future benefit to medical research, and was found to be remarkably durable and prolific as illustrated by its contamination of many other cell lines used in research. At the same period, Dulbecco made use of trypsin for generating replicate subcultures.Vaccine and cell culture history started in 1950’s with the M. Hilleman’s question about which cell substrate should be used to develop a live adenovirus vaccine. Essentially by default, normality was linked with primary cells, which were then used widely for vaccine development.A major development in cell substrates was the use of primary monkey kidney cells for the manufacture of the Salk inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Production of Mature Dendritic Cells The first step in ex vivo vaccine production is the generation of an enriched population of mature dendritic cells for vaccines.

Any statements or claims about possible health benefits of foods, supplements or suggestions here have not been evaluated by the FDA. Risk assessment related to the use of cell culture techniques are essentially the same as those identified in 1950’s: transmissible agents (e.g. The first commercially available veterinary vaccine produced in insect cells was the swine fever virus (CSFV) vaccine, and for humans medicine the European Medicines Agency licensed in 2007 the bivalent human papilloma virus vaccine indicated for the prevention of cervical cancers. From this, came Theiler’s safe and effective minced chick tissue vaccine 17D virus strain against yellow fever that found enormous application in tropical countries.The viral agent causing Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in cows and pigs was the first virus of vertebrates to be discovered in 1897, soon after the discovery of tobacco mosaic virus of plants. The government committee that reviewed these cell substrate options determined that HeLa cells were not acceptable and that normal cells should be used for vaccine production. Not a coincidence according to our research.

For example, egg-adapted changes could cause the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that are less effective at preventing disease caused by the specific flu viruses in circulation.

Genetic modifications induced during the immortalization process can have consequences on the karyotype with cells becoming aneuploid and containing abnormalities in chromosome number and structure.Continuous cell lines (CCLs) have been used for the production of safe and effective bio-therapeutics and vaccines since the 1970’s. Animals have been used in the industrialized production of human vaccines since vaccine farms were established to harvest cowpox virus from calves in the late 1800s.

It was not until late 1940’s to early 1950’s that several developments occurred that made cell culture widely available as a scientific tool.In the history of cell culture and vaccine development, a large breakthrough was the use of embryonated chicken eggs for viral growth by Goodpasture’s in 1931. This production method requires large numbers of chicken eggs to produce vaccine and may take longer than other production methods.

Because vaccine production requires live cells to grow the viruses. Cell-based flu vaccine production does not require chicken eggs because the vaccine viruses used to make vaccine are grown in animal cells.‘Cell-based’ refers to how the influenza (flu) vaccine is made. All information and suggestions found on this website are meant to educate and empower you to make your own health decisions based on your own research, and in cooperation with your health care team. Nevertheless, concerns about endogenous viruses in non-human primates continued as more latent viruses were identified. This cell culture is named,Following serial sub-culture of primary cells, cells that continue to grow are subjected to genetic reorganization and adapt to the new synthetic environment and proliferate serially, generating an immortalization event that results in a.The English physicist Robert Hooke (1635-1703) viewed, through a microscope of 50x magnification, a thin cutting of cork and discovered empty spaces contained by walls and used for the first time the term “cell” to describe it. A second category of duck cell line is the AGE1.CR1 which has been immortalized using E1 gene of adenovirus type 5, and which is grown in suspension cultures in serum-free media.Pluripotent SCs are well characterized and can be differentiated in different tissue specific cells showing some very interesting properties for virus productivity.As for differentiated cell lines, the non transformed nature must be considered as a pre-requisite for vaccine production.Vaccines are mainly prophylactic and sometimes therapeutic; they represent bio-pharmaceutical products making their development and commercialization complex. **,So if meat (or monkey kidneys or dog parts) are not your thing, then maybe vaccines aren’t either…,Learn The Risk/Council for Vaccine Safety, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is focused on raising awareness of the real dangers of pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, so people can take back control of their health.