They denigrate the secular policies, which are a hindrance to Hindu Right's unobstructed march to subjugate the oppressed in general and minorities in particular. The biggest area of concern is that the state has emerged to be complicit, as an actor and player in mounting this challenge to Indian pluralism, which goes under the name of Hindutva.The communal forces are actively propagating the myth that Secularism is a new mask of fundamentalism. "Pseudo-liberal" conveys a similar meaning. The govt has identified 170 districts as hotspots, where the lockdown will be enforced more stringently. BJP,as a party had never bothered to know the meaning and significance of "Secularism"!It managed all along with its cliches like "pseudo secularism", "minority appeasement"and "Vote-bank politics"! Indian secularism, once thought to be non-negotiable, is beginning to look shaky now. It has perhaps been ignored by the Indian National Congress (INC) to address lopsided secularism they practiced in order to achieve other great heights for the country such as economic prosperity while maintaining status quo on key political issues such as Uniform Civil Code (UCC). long period of time; accomplished in a long progress of time; as,

interests; not immediately or primarily respecting the soul, but the Origin, Definition and Meaning The Hindu nationalist politicians accused of being "communal" use it as a counter-accusation against their critics. The advent of globalization has been welcomed in India but it has also shaken people who fear that their own cultures will be destroyed. There are so many contradictions that it is easy to pick apart his main line of argument. He acknowledges Mughal persecution of Sikhs but tries to whitewash Aurangazeb's atrocities against Hindus, for example. "India First" fits well as a slogan for Indian Nationalism but NOT … With subdivisions of land holdings, there are few jobs left in the villages for the agricultural class. ... Maharashtra still with the highest no. Tharoor takes pride in Vedanta, in Sankaracharya, in Vivekananda and in most other things Hindu. The BJP began attacking, what they called "pseudo-secularism", which pampered the minorities at the expense of the majority and demanded that special rights for minorities be taken away.Supporting the BJP was the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, a relatively new outfit with branches all over the world and drawing on support, both moral and financial, from the Hindu diaspora in the West. Belonging to …

India has already begun to hit the Chinese economy. The very reason to use a different word is to protect what the original word meant. [FONT="]Be scared, very scared even if you are a Hindu on the moderate side, which for troll purposes comes under the ‘sickular’ brand name these days. What it means is that it is a state which honors all faiths equally and gives them equal opportunities.”.But, his word ‘equal’ is misleading.
So, even after 45 years, there is a lack of clarity about the reasons behind the inclusion of the word ‘secular’ in the Constitution.3. Current Affairs Magazine,Relevance of Nehruvian Secularism in India,Social Empowerment, Communalism, Regionalism and Secularism.Can online schooling be the future of education?Dose India need more Missiles or More Industries?COMMENT’S ON INDIA’S POLICY OF SOCIALISM.

It is precisely on this charge that the Father of Indian Nationalism, Mahatma Gandhi, was assassinated by one of the votaries of Hindutva.The Christians, who are much lesser in number, are accused of being more loyal to the Vatican, another outside force and of trying to convert poor Hindus with inducements of education and food. The first recorded use of the term "pseudo-secularism" was in the book,The state policies of independent India accorded special rights to Muslims in matters of personal law. In that sense, the govt. I actually did not interpret the word "secular" in a different way or gave it a twisted meaning. Modi to inaugurate Asia’s largest solar plant,90 per cent of West Bengal’s Active Cases from North and Central Kolkata,Mi NoteBook 14: Whether to Buy or Ignore Xiaomi Laptops.

They selectively concentrated on intolerant Muslim rulers, extending their often-brutal conduct to the entire period of Muslim rule and, even to all Muslims. The leaders of the Indian National Congress; Gandhi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Nehru and others were deeply committed to the ideal of … Ours is a society where Sufis and Bhakti saints have brought in a cultural acceptance for each other.

But, little did they know that it will take the ugly turn of vote-bank politics and change the course of India’s history forever, and take us back 70 years ago where we again begin ask ourselves the same question – what idea of Indian nationhood is better – majoritarian or pluralistic?After independence, our leaders came up with their own form of secularism different from the West. They refused to recognize the contributions of Muslims and other minorities, to India's history and culture. Supporters of this form of secularism claim that any attempt to introduce a,[FONT=q_serif]It is a sanskrit word and also used in hindi . The so-called Aryan-Dravidian theory was used by the British to create a north-south divide and the same was utilized to the hilt by E.V.Ramaswamy, who founded the Dravidar Kazhagam to come in to the limelight …

Or even the rape of some sisters in Gujarat, their fault being the spreading of the word of their God.The fact, however, is that the social and the economic conditions of the Muslim community is dismal. confined to a monastery, or subject to the rules of a religious spiritual or holy; relating to temporal as distinguished from eternal

There should be no feeling of "otherness" as we all have is a shared history.

These groups quickly mushroomed and poisoned the social space with communal rhetoric and the agenda of Hindu Rashtra; and launched an ideological, social and political onslaught on secular ethos, syncretic culture and composite nationalism.

But, why not majoritarianism?After 70 years of India’s independence, India is the world’s largest democracy and one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

A team of dedicated professionals are at work to help you!Salient Features of the Indian Constitution,Monthly