Hurricanes Irma and Maria shattered Puerto Rico, plunged the islands into darkness and caused the deaths of almost 3,000 Puerto Ricans three years ago; the islands' residents and the Boricua diaspora remember it as if it happened yesterday.On Friday, however, the president declared: "I have to say in a very nice way, very respectful way: I'm the best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico," even though,That was the nominal reason for his statement: He was promising nearly $13 billion in federal disaster funding to repair the electrical grid and educational infrastructure — only 1,095 days after the hurricane and years after Congress had appropriated nearly three times as much, which his administration has not yet distributed. So I'm leaving it.We want to hear what you THINK.

",Over the next three years, Trump consistently blocked disaster funding for the archipelago, saying Congress had "foolishly" spent $92 billion of aid money for Puerto Rico (it was less than half that amount), which had mostly been "squandered away or.So why did Trump suddenly come out as Puerto Ricans' best friend forever and unblocked billions of dollars in federal disaster aid? Video taken from San Juan shows the incredible force of Hurricane Maria, the strongest hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in 85 years.

22 (UPI) -- Contact tracers in two North Carolina counties have struggled to get COVID-19-positive patients to cooperate with investigations, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report released Tuesday.CDC advises against traditional Halloween trick-or-treating.Sept. The deluge caused dozens of landslides and left about 3,000 people dead.
The entire island lost power, some areas for months. "It was probably motivated by Biden's campaign to attract votes.

Congress has approved about $43 billion. In the city of Kissimmee, where Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made a campaign stop last week to announce an economic recovery plan for the island, 1 in every 2.5 residents is of Puerto Rican origin. Hurricanes Irma and Maria shattered Puerto Rico, plunged the islands into darkness and caused the deaths of almost 3,000 Puerto Ricans three years ago; … An estimated 74,000 to 97,000 individuals have moved to the mainland each year since 2013.Roughly 133,500 Puerto Ricans moved from the island to the mainland in 2018 not long after Maria hit. Here's why they're with him.announced a comprehensive plan for Puerto Rico.As a Latino, I no longer feel safe in Trump's America. On Friday, the president announced $9.6 billion in FEMA grants to rebuild the island’s electric grid plus another $2 billion for school buildings.Altogether, there are 5.8 million Puerto Ricans residing on the mainland and 3.2 million on the island.The population on the island has been in decline, according to census data. “I hand over the apartment on Nov. 13,” he said.The 32-year-old entrepreneur came to Orlando attracted by business opportunities and the strength of the local Puerto Rican community.“I considered it the perfect place to make a transition,” Hernández Nieves said.But his goal of establishing a coffee shop in downtown Orlando.“Right now it is risky to open a business here in Orlando because it is a city that is driven by tourism,” said Hernández Nieves.Orlando’s city boundaries may have seen a slight uptick in residents of Puerto Rican origin, while Orange County had more leave than move in, but the margin of error makes it inconclusive, the latest community survey data shows for 2018 to 2019.Among Florida counties, Palm Beach had the largest increase, estimated to have seen its Puerto Rican population rise by more than 15,000 in 2019. "We've done more for Puerto Rico than anybody," Trump said during the briefing.When asked why the administration didn't grant the funding three years ago, immediately after the natural disaster, Trump said, "because what we're doing is we've been working on it for a long time.