The 16,000 pounds of weight behind the backhoe claw did not puncture the skin; nor did the foot-long metal spike, which was easily bent; nor the 6″ drill bit.

From Jefferson, T.A., Webber, M.A., Pitman, R.L., 2015. It was found associated with fossil shark teeth including those of the Megalodon. 14.9). HERE ARE SOME OTHER SIMILAR FOSSILS FOR SALE,3.4" Fossil Whale Lumbar Vertebra - South Carolina,3.5" Fossil Whale Caudal Vertebra - South Carolina,4.9" Fossil Whale Caudal Vertebra - South Carolina,This is a HUGE, Miocene aged, fossil Pygmy Sperm Whale (Kogiopsis sp) tooth found in South Carolina. They can carry morbillivirus and brucellosis which are zoonotic so people should definitely stay away. Town Board member Louisa Evans was instrumental in making the arrangements for the burial. Credit Jack Schneider Credit Jeff Edwards 8:00 pm: The NOAA stranding scientists arranged to have the carcass spray-painted, with lines on both sides, in case it drifted ashore at another location. Fins: Very small hook-shaped dorsal fin. There are 7–12 sharp, fanglike teeth in each lower quadrant and up to 3 teeth in each upper quadrant (Fig. Like their larger cousin the sperm whale, pygmy sperm whales have a … Behind the eye is a pale false gill plate, which looks similar to a fish's gill cover.

Teeth: 9 to 16 pairs of teeth on the lower jaw, and almost always 3 pairs of rudimentary teeth on the upper jaw. You may text (203) 801-8431 and we will notify the proper people.”.Since the whale was beached on the Town of Southold’s South Beach it became the town’s responsibility to take care of the carcass.

As well as Sarah Callan, Mystic Aquarium’s Stranded Animal Program; Kim Durham at Atlantic Marine Conservation Society (AMSEAS); Town attorney John Burke, and others.Below are more photos of the whale and the removal sequence. River dolphins, unlike most other cetaceans, can turn their head 90°. Their "bulging" eyes are dark with a light circular mark above and around them. This last tab with images is a bit gory with an internal organ photo – you have been warned.We await confirmation on the positive ID but are fairly certain it is a.If you should come across a stranded animal (dead or alive), do not approach or touch it, note the location, and notify Mystic Aquarium’s Stranded Animal on island volunteers including Mere Doyen,  Marlin Bloethe, Stephanie Hall, and Jane Ahrens. SOLD SIMILAR SPECIMENS. 2nd edn. Leading the way with squarish heads, they have small, underslung jaws that contain between 9 and 16 pairs of teeth in the lower jaw and up to 3 pairs in the upper. Figure 14.8. Pigmy and Dwarf Sperm Whales have the blowhole is on the left side of the tip of the snout, like Sperm Whales.

Even the long tusk of the narwhal is a vice-formed tooth.

In terms of colouring, pygmy sperm whales sport grey to blue-grey hues on their dorsal sides which gently fade to white, pale pink or pale blue … This is a HUGE, Miocene aged, fossil Pygmy Sperm Whale (Kogiopsis sp) tooth found in South Carolina. It took a Sawzall to slice through the skin and fat layer to relieve the gases from the body. It has fewer teeth than the pygmy sperm whale. The teeth of the lower jaw of pygmy sperm whales match sockets on the upper jaw.” ~ HLF Museum. REQUEST A FOSSIL . In many toothed whales, the depression in their skull is due to the formation of a large melon and multiple, asymmetric air bags. These whales would have been a food source for the gigantic Megalodon sharks living at the same time. AGE. Figure … Other cetaceans have fused neck vertebrae and are unable to turn their head at all. Like the pygmy sperm whale, dwarf sperm whales languish in tropical and temperate zones of all the world's oceans, with a particular penchant for the warm waters off the southern tip of South Africa and the Gulf of California. Dentition of pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps). Kogiopsis sp. They will notify the appropriate people.Please also report it to Pierce Rafferty at HLFM Museum and Stephanie Hall for the FI Conservancy at your first convenience.Check your inbox now to confirm your subscription.HL Ferguson Museum Illustrated Talks Accessed Online,Celebrate Fall @ American Legion’s Lobsterfest,Legal Notice: Town of Southold Public Hearing 6OCT20 on WP Application for Rezoning FIS Property,Southold Town Board Meeting Schedule, Agendas & Hearing Notices 2020,Lindsay Harvey Wooten & Michael James Day Wedding,IN MEMORIAM: Margaret “Miggie” Elliot Bryan,Do not touch or get too close to a stranded animal.