The two sparked breakup rumors after unfollowing each other on social media, with names like Drama Alert’s.In an exclusive interview with celebrity news outlet Hollywood Life, she opened up about her breakup with RiceGum, as well as the ensuing hate that followed.“I fully knew that was gonna happen,” the Instagram star said of the ensuing hate train. Right now, they seem unconcerned at the prospect of Bryan trying to collect what he believes is due to him from Abby's earnings.The source also says Abby is lawyering up, with three different sets of external legal council on hand. Bryan, though, says he found the contract and posted Abby's "signature" on his Instagram stories. Despite admitting that she still loved him and remaining diplomatic on the issue, RiceGum hit out at the model months later during an April 2020 live stream via Twitch where he opened up on their split (a broadcast that also.In his stream, the YouTuber accused Rao of being too clingy, claiming that he was trying to focus on his own life and career without receiving support from her.“The main thing is like, she didn’t support me,” he claimed. In a statement to,"Euphoria" Cast Congratulate Zendaya's Emmy Win,Michelle Obama on the Importance of Mentorship,You Can Get Paid to Help With the 2020 Election,Breaking Down the "Julie and the Phantoms" S1 End.This content is imported from TikTok. "It's like a 5-year, I own a percentage of her, of everything," he said, though he claimed he hasn't collected anything from her. We may earn commission from the links on this page.Seventeen has the exclusive on this ongoing fight.Breakups and exes are stressful enough, but when they play out for the whole world to see, the stakes are that much higher and every move, every fight, every insult is played out online. “...he’s just mad that I don’t want to be with him any more!”,Rao went on to admit that she was hurt by his words, and even alleged that he’d accused her of getting too comfortable with other men in wake of her move to TikTokker Daisy Keech’s ‘Club House.’,“After everything we’ve been through together, that’s what you have to say?” she continued. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.This content is imported from Instagram. Abby and Bryan dated for over a year, ending things in November 2019. In response, the gamer went on Twitch to play Fortnite, but while there, he started discussing the circumstances of the budding feud. I think we just wanted different things, and I think that we cared about different things… I wanted to focus on the things I cared about, like life things, and he kind of wanted to care about more his career. ".Of course, this got Bryan's attention. Then,When one fan commented on the video, claiming that "Rice made Abby," the Clubhouse account responded with some choice words: "Rice is emotionally unstable without Abby he'd be even more of a wreck. Breakups and exes are stressful enough, but when they play out for the whole world to see, the stakes are that much higher and every move, every fight, every insult is played out online. I’ve never even been seen online with another guy. Seventeen picks products that we think you'll love the most. Boom," he says.That same day, Bryan went on the YouTube channel DramaAlert to talk to fellow YouTuber Keemstar about the situation. Meanwhile, he’s on his private Instagram with a stripper on his lap.”.The model has since decided to shelve the issue and wishes her ex-boyfriend well — a decision that comes in wake of an avalanche of “heartless” hate she received after their 2019 breakup.Published: {{day}}/{{monthNameShort}}/{{year}} {{hourTwoDigit}}:{{minuteTwoDigit}},Updated: {{day}}/{{monthNameShort}}/{{year}} {{hourTwoDigit}}:{{minuteTwoDigit}},Charli D'Amelio reveals why she didn't celebrate becoming #1 on TikTok,YouTuber Isaak Presley hits out at critics over potential Sway House move.