Once you have let your follicles spread their wings, assess the situation. We dubbed it the Stubble Cycle, and it does nothing but keep you in a perpetual state of patchiness. Here’s how working out and beard growth go hand-in-hand: No one likes it when you don’t get enough rest and you wake up in the morning groggy and irritable. No, we want a beard that’s full and thick; bearded glory, if you will. His work was mentioned in countless notable men's grooming and style publications, including Beardbrand and AskMen. Genetics may also play a role: It’s more common in those related to someone with alopecia, asthma, or allergies. Exclamation mark hairs — hairs narrower at the bottom — sometimes grow in and around the bald patch. Fatty fish such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed oil are good sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which promote overall hair growth while preventing it from becoming dry and brittle. Adding supplements to your diet can give you a boost of zinc and biotin, which can promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Usually, the visible skin is smooth, though it can feel rough. Applying coconut oil for sometime at night can be helpful. If your hair roots are determined to be hormone-resistant, hormone treatments are prescribed by a doctor to enhance the effects that hormones have on hair roots and follicles.

Experiment with different treatment options to see if one of them can offer you an improvement or solution. If so, what methods have you tried and with what success? Once those first patches pop up after a week or two, you go straight for the razor. Another is the chin strap, which isn’t much of a beard at all, but is still a somewhat popular style that leaves your cheeks clean-shaven while bringing hair to your jawline and chin. Actually, I don't think his beard is patchy anymore. The increased blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrients while providing a nice boost to facial hair growth. Some experts would argue that proper nutrition is the most important factor in fixing bald spots while creating a fuller beard. You don’t like it, your significant other doesn’t like, and your beard doesn’t like it.

Shampoo cleans away dirt, debris, and dead skin cells, and keeps it soft and manageable. I think it's been thickening as he's gotten older, but he hasn't had a beard since he was around 25 or so, so I can't be certain. Your email address will not be published. Loaded with essential oils, which treat the skin, hair follicles, and enhance healthy beard growth, beard oil is important to full beard growth. Minoxidil For Beard: Does Rogaine Really Work For Facial Hair? If you’ve tried to grow one overnight, then you know it’s simply impossible. For instance, keeping your beard shorter is one way to keep your patchy spots from being too obvious. You’ll like the patchy beard before and after photos when you’ve completed the process. Beard shampoos don’t mess with the natural oils of your face that are essential to beard growth.

Bald patches occur in small circular patches about the size of a quarter.

A study from 2016 examined the effects of a similar marine complex supplement. This can depend on how much hair loss you have, your age, and other factors. Sunflower oil is often used for dull, dry hair and to smooth frizz.
While we’re at it, let’s not forget beard shampoo, another essential part of your beard-grooming routine. Spinach, citrus fruits, and sunflower seeds are excellent sources of vitamins C and E. Vitamin A and Beta A Carotene promote better hair growth because they’re good for repairing skin tissue. Vitabeard’s list of ingredients includes vitamin C, a protein which repairs and prevents split hairs. “If it works up here, why not down here where I have a scruffy, patchy, beard that doesn’t want to realize its full potential?”. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Wish I could post a pic to show what it currently looks like lol.