Actor Rushad Rana shares the story behind his separation. My in-laws probably did not like the profession, and therefore wanted me to change my career. I am a Professional Actor from Mumbai who has starred in over 30+ Bollywood Movies and Blockbusters with leading Bollywood Actors, 50+ TV Shows and Numerous Advertisements and Short Films. He has done many roles in various Hindi television shows like Diya Aur Baati Hum (Star Plus), Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan (MTV), Crime Patrol (Sony TV), Hip Hip Hurray, etc.

RUSHAD RANA Actor - Movies & TV Shows Welcome to my Website!

",He shares, "During this tough phase, my parents inspired me to get back on my feet and focus on my work.

Actor Rushad Rana opened up about his marriage and separation recently. They were good people, but I could not leave my career because that's where my happiness lay. I am a Professional Actor from Mumbai who has starred in over 30+ Bollywood Movies and Blockbusters with leading Bollywood Actors, 50+ TV Shows and Numerous Advertisements and Short Films. Rushad Rana is known to be a very guarded actor and with the support of his family, the actor is back to work much stronger. Rushad Rana is currently seen as Anirudh in Rajan Shahi’s “Anupamaa”. Now, I feel that work is my happiness and I need someone who understands my profession and respects it. My in-laws probably did not like the profession, and therefore wanted me to change my career. Rushad Rana is an Indian television and film actor. I would like to strike a good balance between films and television" he excerpts.The interesting story behind the making of Raja Harishchandra.Copyright © 2020 Mid-Day Infomedia Ltd. All Rights Reserved.This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations. Actor Rushad Rana shares the story behind his separation. Real-life experiences help me shape my character on-screen in 'Anupamaa': Rushad Rana - His on-screen character is currently going through a separation, and talking about the same, the actor said his real life experiences of going through a divorce makes it easier for him to relate to it. Check out basic details below and keep scrolling to see more of my work.

Please help to establish notability by citing,Learn how and when to remove these template messages,Learn how and when to remove this template message,"Dor (2006) – a film about female solidarity – Hill Post","Dor Story, Dor Hindi Movie Story, Preview, Synopsis","Rushad Rana is satisfied with his TV roles","Entertainment: Par Is Dil Ko Kaise Samjaye",,,,,,,"Terrorist Herat in Ullu App's Peshawar is compassionate: Rushad Rana",,BLP articles lacking sources from October 2015,Articles with topics of unclear notability from October 2015,All articles with topics of unclear notability,Biography articles with topics of unclear notability,Articles with multiple maintenance issues,All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English,Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,This page was last edited on 17 September 2020, at 12:49. Rushad Rana has been known to be a very guarded actor.

Learn more about me and my work by scrolling down.I am a Professional Actor who has starred in over 30+ Bollywood Movies and Blockbusters with leading Bollywood Actors, 50+ TV Shows and Numerous Advertisements and Short Films. and in many Bollywood films like 8X10 Tasveer, Veer Zaara, Mohabbatein, Dor, etc. Rushad Rana has been known to be a very guarded actor however, with the support of his family, he is back to work much stronger.

He has done many roles in various Hindi television shows and some Bollywood films as well. They felt that it was not a secure profession, and I should pursue a corporate job. The “Hip Hip Hurray” actor had a love-cum-arranged marriage in …