is of utmost importance to me. (cruel),4. You probably can recall that.Abstract nouns are words that name things that are not concrete.
Qualities, relationships, theories, conditions, and stages of being are examples of the types of things abstract noun defines.

Notice that although the ideas expressed are real, they are things you can’t see, touch, taste, smell, or hear.• When Sarah jumped into the lake to rescue a drowning cat, her.Many abstract nouns are formed from adjectives, though some are formed from verbs or nouns.


(waste).8. "Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." 1. From common nouns. Qualities, relationships, theories, conditions, and states of being are some examples of the types of things abstract nouns define.It’s not always easy to determine if a noun is abstract or concrete. Slavery from slave. The important thing to remember here is that it is a state of mind.cannot be counted and cannot be written in the plural.The table below lists different types of abstract nouns.The following sentences contain abstract noun examples which have been underlined for easy identification.
From verbs. Let us discuss each of these nouns separately.Learn All About Nouns and Types of Nouns with Examples.A noun that denotes an abstract quality, state or action, rather than a concrete quality is called an abstract noun.These nouns have no physical shape. 78% average accuracy. In other words, an abstract noun does not refer to a physical object. Synonyms: protection , security , guard , screen , precaution , shield , defence , aegis , buffer , preventive , cover , surety , provision , shelter , ammunition , egis , defense , armor , fail-safe , caution , prophylactic , palladium , ward , wall , buckler , insurance , indemnity , bulwark , armour , armament , safety measure , convoy , escort , safety device , safety net They are often, not always, formed by adding an ending to the root words. is the best period of one’s life. 3rd grade.

Here, I will be defining abstract nouns and concrete nouns, provide examples and give you the information you need for using an abstract and concrete noun to write interesting sentences.Abstract nouns and concrete nouns are usually defined in terms of one another. Its all about English!NPK Gender Nouns A noun is an important part of speech . Every school has so many people, objects, and related words to make our...Your email address will not be to Multiplication Worksheets Grade 4,link to School Vocabulary: Words related to school and education,School Vocabulary: Words related to school and education.Ability, Adventure, Beauty, Bravery, Brutality, Leadership, Brilliance, Charity, Coldness, Calmness, Compassion, Confidence, Courage, Communication, Comfort, Contentment, Curiosity, Determination, Dedication, Enthusiasm, Ego, Elegance, Evil, Envy, Fear, Hatred, Generosity, Honesty, Goodness, Graciousness, Hope, Honor, Humility, Humor, Integrity, Jealousy, Insanity, Intelligence, Loyalty, Kindness, Sanity, Maturity, Patience, Self-control, Stupidity, Perseverance,  Sensitivity, Talent, Sympathy, Sophistication,  Tolerance, Wisdom, Trust, Weakness, Warmth, Wit, Dictatorship, Failure, Justice, Knowledge, etc.Adoration, Anger, Amazement, Belief, Deceit, Clarity, Anxiety, Awe, Delight, Apprehension, Despair, Excitement, Disturbance, Disappointment, Fascination, Disbelief, Grief, Friendship, Helplessness, Happiness, Joy, Hate, Infatuation, Pain, Love, Helpfulness, Dreams, Misery, Power, Relief, Pleasure, Pride, Sadness, Relaxation, Silliness, Romance, Satisfaction, Uncertainty, Sorrow, Tiredness, Strength, Weariness, Energy, Surprise, Worry, Wariness, Idea, Imagination, Life, Motivation, etc.Every firefighter has to take ________ to fight fires.My _________ was full of adventures and I cherish it.Mr.

mrssoco. The noun badge is a thing that we can see or touch whereas the noun bravery is a quality that we cannot see or touch. Something that is abstract exists only in the mind, while something that is concrete can be interacted with in a physical way. (dark),It is my _______________ to welcome the mayor. Abstract nouns are words for things that you cannot experience with any of your five senses. 1.

- Plato,"Men say they love independence in a woman, but they don't waste a second demolishing it brick by brick." Exercise. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."