They may not be too serious about life all the time and that also affects their relationship. To know why you will need to simply ask them. As optimistic as I am, I much prefer to live in my fantasy world, than to have idle conversations with mainstream society. Their nature of trying to make things happen often lead to losing patience. They enjoy being around people even if they don't enjoy taking part in the conversation. Show loyalty. So True Talk about me. Sagittarians are great people, but they are inconsistent. As they seek adventure or excitement most of the time, they seldom get bored. Intellectual, Optimistic and Energetic. Also they value freedom more compared to money. 14 Reasons Why Sagittarius Women are Exceptional. Blunt and tactless, Sagittarius has a habit of telling others how to live their life. Boring guy ever. To attract Aquarius, have patience with their episodes of detachment. To confirm what they see or and feel or think. Falling into a romance is second nature for this couple. It’s a small challenge that can be easily overcome if they want to do so. The traditional strengths of a Sagittarius include their high level of enthusiasm. To know more about Sagittarians, here are some strengths and weaknesses that serve as guide in understanding their ups and downs. Shutterstock Aries: Friends With Benefits Doesn't Sound Too Shabby. I am a LEGIT Sagittarius I was born on 12/12… SO many people misunderstand me… I remain positive and love change and I recently left my 70k a year career because I had NO freedom. They are people that most likely have relationships with foreigners. Thanks for the article, much gratitude to you. this is so true. Your signs are always of a compatible “element” (for example, they’re a Water sign and you’re an Earth sign, which are both of the “feminine” quality). They give time to friends and family without the need for favors in return. Sag want to say friends, I believe, because they don not want blame on them that they thought more of the relationship. Their comments can, however, sometimes be too harsh and may hurt other people. Generally, the irresponsibility that a Sagittarius has is because they’ve got their plate too full of obligations. Next Post →. Not all Sagittarians are introverted and even if they are, they’re not afraid to take risks. They can teach you to live an exciting life full of adventure and fun moments. left us alone during my high risk pregnancy. There’s nothing wrong with being generous or having a big heart, but not everyone deserves this kindness. Sagittarians are big hearted and generous to a large degree. Capricorns are very reserved and only interested in a few of their friends because they’re very career-oriented. The obstacles they face is nothing compared to the intense feelings they develop for one another. The lack of patience often lands them in stressful situations. As they become bored quite easily, Sagittarians don’t focus on anything for long. They find truth to be the basis for their sense of humor and are not very concerned with emotions (or overtly emotional people). If he tosses a casual remark about the new top you’re wearing or nonchalantly compliments how your fresh haircut suits you better, there’s probably something more than casual in his feelings about you. Sagittarians must remember to take the time to tend to themselves and not let others walk all over them. It is very difficult to keep them entertained. Sagittarius, test! Sagittarius is intellectual. When working with others, they deliver a hefty dose of creativity to their team. It’s good to be confident but not good to be overconfident. All readings are 100% risk free, confidential and anonymous., Read more about >> Aquarius and Taurus love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Gemini love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Cancer love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Leo love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Virgo love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Libra love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Scorpio love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Sagittarius love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Capricorn love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Aquarius love compatibility<<, Read more about >> Aquarius and Pisces love compatibility<<, Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Breonna Taylor case annoucement to be made by Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, ♥ ♥ ♥ Aquarius - Gemini: They make for an intellectual couple. DAMN THIS IS CREEPY AT HOW SPOT ON IT IS WITH ME! It’s a bit much. Sagittarius, the third fire sign, directs its energy internationally, through the initiative of education, research, travel, and scholarship. Their common ground makes them feel they’ve found a lost part of themselves. Sagittarius women can easily get hurt but easily to forgive other and their self, tend to the attitude of love is not heavy. A little challenging. Sagittarius-born people often push the things too hard especially when their energy is not canalized properly. Being honest and straightforward is one thing, being tactless is another thing altogether. You have been intimate. Overconfidence says that you can do it better than anyone else and borders on arrogance. They don't like to spend the time that may be required to develop a relationship or any other benefit. at the start of the relationship he would worship the ground I would walk on. Many Sagittarius are searching for the deeper meaning of life, also in religion. and the most problematic thing about me is i start with so mch of enthusiasm n then i jst cant bear doing it till the end. They love to argue and discuss, always want to tell others how to do things. At the same time, they do not listen to anyone’s opinion but themselves. If they find a project to be without challenge, they will leave that project without finishing it and won’t care for it anymore. how do I buy the t shirt, am in Nigeria. They also look for friends that can be a cohort in adventures. This sign in constant search of freedom, which means that not everyone is compatible with you. Especially having scorpio in their chart. Freedom Rather than Money, Adventurous Nature. There’s fun to be had in and out of bed! This is partly due to their ability to think out of the box and to apply good judgment in order to cope with anything.