By mothman777 13th February 2012 Remember the ‘Samson Option’. Don't fight Iran or any other country for Israel.Not Israel, a Usa-backed Israel is the threat to the world. Governments are supposed to be the most talented people engaged by the electorate to best articulate their wishes.

France's high-risk diplomacy is in danger of hurting France itself,THEY wouldn't do it, would they? Thus millions will avoid horrific suffering and death in wars currently planned by the Jews. But they only hear their chosen one(s).Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.The Samson Option = Name for Israel’s deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a “last resort” against any country who threatens Israel. If they don’t they are just plain suicidal.Jews should wise up and leave the false security of their fake religion, which is just a terrorist cult in reality, and stop trying to sanctify it. The film ‘911missinglinks’ gives ample testimony to the real source of the evil that currently seeks to inflict the inconceivable terror of world war upon us all, as did the attack on the USS Liberty.It is the Jews who believe they are the only true humans, the master race, the slave masters of all the gentiles, who are merely animal souls granted a human body temporarily by Yahweh to make them better suited to serve the Jews in a more articulate fashion. As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War II, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War III within five years. On a visit to Warsaw, she warned the Poles that their support for America was endangering their chances of joining the,Are such threats for real? Biblical Insights on Israeli Strategy in the Nuclear Age",,"We have the capability to take the world down with us",,,1046646,00.html,,"Israeli Letter-poem to Grass: If We Go, Everyone Goes",,Israel and Samson. Seymour Hersh’s book gives (& also hints at) the detailed overall history as to how Israel became a nuclear power.SAMSON OPTION = ISRAELIS REPEATED THREATS TO END EUROPE WITH NUKES & THREATENS NUKE WORLD WAR III.Concise Politics — Your Time should NOT be wasted.REGAINING AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE FROM BRITISH-ISRAEL ROTHSCHILDS ZIONIST CRIME SYNDICATE.USE SEARCH (On phones on Right side — scroll down if necessary) among 1700+ — Articles TRY IT!Click for Source Article on Samson Option,Click for Source Article on Reviews on Seymour Hersh Book,,,SAMSON OPTION = ISRAELIS REPEATED THREATS TO END EUROPE WITH NUKES & THREATENS NUKE WORLD WAR III,RABBI QUOTES THAT MAKE YOUR STOMACH CHURN WITH REVULSION AND REPULSION,SAMSON OPTION = ISRAELIS REPEATED THREATS TO END EUROPE WITH NUKES & THREATENS NUKE WORLD WAR III — Concise Politics — Your Time should NOT be wasted.

During his 2006 confirmation hearings before the,Notably, former U.S. President and Nobel Laureate Jimmy Carter spoke at the 21st Hay Festival, May 25, 2008 as reported by REUTERS/ under the heading, "Israel has at least 150 atomic weapons: Carter"- Carter addressed a news conference during the event; the following is a transcript of his remarks: “The U.S. has more than 12,000 nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union (Russia) has about the same, Great Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more. However, over the years, some Israeli leaders have publically acknowledged their country's nuclear capability: Ephraim Katzir in 1974, … !Chinese Siege of Ladakh and Galwan Valley - Brig Samson Interview!! Most of their so-called enemies have no idea about the fact of the existence of this scriptural edict anyway, but the Jews in their paranoia believe that they do know, and so continue to plot their demise, even whilst those very same goyim constantly suck up to the Jews and push the agenda of their holocaust industry for them quite willingly, in the mistaken belief that the Jews are their friends. Theodor Herzl, the founder of the present Zionist movement, himself suggested that Jews should undergo mass conversion to a non-Jewish religion to put an end to all the disputes, but the Jews of the time were not wise enough to follow his recommendation, and chose instead to pursue their present bloody path, which will cause terrible suffering for all, including themselves. "Israel and the Bomb". Peter Medgyessy, the Hungarian prime minister, remarked (in immaculate French), that he was “too well brought up” to respond to Mr Chirac's gibes. In the longer term, France's strategy is even harder to fathom.