We did not have any more innoculations given to him. Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for medical care when it's used appropriately. They're approved for people with a severe allergy to eggs. Had to be hospitalized for stiches and numerous EEGs trying to figure out what the heck was going on. We just happened to be in that less than 1% of 10% :-(  Of course, the VAERS "table" did not list seizure as an adverse reaction at the time that my son's problems began. Hi. Lessons of 1976 outbreak prompt early action to warn off lawsuits, From LA Times Reliance about information on LearnTheRisk.org is solely at your own risk. If you want more than just the calculated 'take away' message then you'll have to look beyond CNN. Compassionate, Professional, Better Business Bureau Accredited Pet Care. My daughter started having seizures within 48 hours of her 6 month shots and I still can't get any doctor to listen to that. The economics of the situaion ensure that the vaccines will never be cleaned up. About a month ago he was diagnosed with children epilepsy. He has had genetic tests including a muscle biopsy and everything was normal. My son's seizure with his first vaccine is on record with the Health Department only because I called in and went through the interrogation necessary to get it recorded. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke & FDA- References 7, 8, — Encephalitis, which causes swelling of the brain, another adverse reaction from vaccines, also increases the risk of seizures. Investigate that. lots out there in regards to autism, but not necessarily just epilepsy. That doesn't make you "nuts." Vaccination Triggers, Rather Than Causes, Seizures. FluMist is for use in adults up to 49 years old, and children who are at least 2 years old. Also, as mentioned above, flu vaccines not made with eggs are available. Many cases of epilepsy are due to causes other than vaccines such as car accidents, etc. id have to agree mine had her 6 month needles then the siezures started im only knew at this stuff and only found out to nights ago that she now has epilepsy i duno what sort of epilepsy as i didnt know there was heaps of different types shes now 2 years old and stil having them shes on epilim but makes her go crazy and uncontrolable i duno if its just the meds and docs are suggesting up the doasage. i am so so very sorry and angry for what has happened to your daughter. Pediatrics, June 2016. My daughter has never had a vaccination and she has never had an earache or the flu and rarely gets a cold. It is best to do a double blind, impartial study to truly receive unbiased research. If you are moderately to severely ill, your doctor may recommend waiting to get the shot until after you recover. This should be, but is generally not, done by the doctor. 2- 9 month old – normal – within a week of his shots mom noticed no interaction anymore – autistic and disgusting. Unfortunately, the practice of repeated vaccinations have caused tremendous harm in both humans and pets. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HERPES,thank you Dremuansolution@gmail.com or whatsApp +2347032195889. Then another -Nedar P R, and Warren, R J, “Reported Neurological Disorders Following Live Measles Vaccine”, 1968, Ped, 41:997-1001.

I don't know.

— The package insert for the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine cautions patients against using this vaccine if their family has a history of convulsions. I also read "A Shot in the Dark" 51/2 years ago. She is 23 now. W/out any compensation or compasion .

WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Drug studies funded by industry are more likely to yield good news, From The Daily Mail When he started school we signed an exempt form due to medical reasons. 1 – 4 month old died of "SIDS" the night of his vaccinations Contact your local Epilepsy Foundation >>. Also, everyone who says vaccines saved humanity please look at the Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial TImes to 1970. Now that he is on the medicine, they are coming while he is taking a bath, standing in line at a carnival, playing at McDonalds or riding in the car. Side Effects and Risks for Adult Flu Vaccines, Healthy, non-pregnant people ages 2 to 49, Flu Shots and Flu Vaccines: It's Not Too Late, Flu shot: The flu shot is typically given to people six months and older. . I had a couple as a child. There are 150,000 new cases of epilepsy every year and a shocking 1 in 26 people now have it. I am old enough to remember the times before vaccines, the loss of an only child of a friend to diphtheria, the belief that rheumatic fever was contagious. I also have a friend that suffered from a reaction from a seizure from the polia shot when it first come into effect and now suffers serve seizures from it and has some other serve side effects from it. I've lost . In fact, according to a 2015 study of 1,000 people published in Vaccine, 43 percent believed that getting the flu vaccine could give you the flu. in fact, keep a whole file with all medical records, reports. The flu news this week is that the FDA and CDC are investigating an increase in reports of fever-related seizures following a child flu vaccination.. Fluzone is the only flu vaccine recommended for use for this season for infants and children 6 to 23 months old. YOU CAN REPORT it even if your doctor won't. they WILL discuss what has happened, and they do have treatments to help your child. I also drink reishi tea regularly to boost up my immune system and my last flu lasted 3 days. Fever-Related Seizures Prompt Look At Flu Vaccine For Kids : Shots - Health News FDA says there have been 42 cases of febrile seizures in young children after Fluzone shots as … One at least had no pre-existing conditions. unfortunately, i beleive that no matter what doctor you see, they will never admit a connection due to liability. Research. Vaccine, July 2015. The benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks in most cases. Breakthrough: why MMR vaccine can give children febrile seizures. My oldest boy suffered seizures from the MMR shot when he was 15 months after he received his immunization shots. She just woke up with a fever and she was having a seizure, strange. He was so smart in the beginning and then he suddenly slowed down. You know your own body.