He built a chapel as a shrine t They went to visit the shrine at the site where the tragic death occurred. Example sentences from the Collins Corpus. 15. Henry Cousens had suggested that there must have been an original shrine at the level of the hall, but this does not detract from thc sacrality of the lower shrine. 16 13 He set the flashlight on the table where it would shine on the floor and started for the living room. She thinks that young people today are becoming increasingly selfish, and worship at the,29. This shrine is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu. ‘The five-room, two-bedroom unit was a shrine to Ava Gardner.’ ‘There is a memorial garden, which has become a shrine to the event.’ ‘Mum, daughter and son-in-law turned it into a shrine to the Royal family.’ ‘The fourth was a temple of a goal, a shrine to what this team was all about.’ At the back of the garden you can see a shrine to the household gods.The church became the shrine of the eikon of the Theotokos 227Hodegetria.The darkness of the shrine symbolises the darkness of the world, of life and death and being.But the oracle comes because we had previously laid siege to the shrine.But the crowd had heard him and the insult offered to the shrine.They will make no sacrifices on the shrine of their country.And you might do a prayer stunt or two at the shrine you mentioned.Francis, in his childhood, also knelt and prayed at this shrine.On many a hill and in many a village of Japan may still be seen a shrine to his honor.Let us see if the beacon that lights to the throne should not show the path to the shrine also. Hybrid 250332 My jeans shrank in the wash. CK 295030 He never shrinks from danger. The young man had a shrine dedicated to his favorite football player. The shrine was an object of pilgrimage. For Warholians, a more loyal army of fans, the statue is a,As I prayed this weekend, I lit the candles in our little,It is directed to a pantheon of deities, gods and goddesses, each of whom are housed in their own,The final pillar entails a pilgrimage, or hajj, to the Kaaba, the holy,Towards the north-east corner of the site there was a,The walls which encase the tea room double up as a,It is of a transcendent level of kitsch, unsurpassed in any votive,I think it stems from the tradition of visiting your local,Just a few yards away from the mahal, the strains of Carnatic music emanate from a small,According to devotees, pilgrimage to the Nizamuddin,On that day, children of those ages are taken to a Shinto,Backyard bouquets, notes, and cryptic ex voto objects are left at the small outdoor,Adriana hid the trinkets in her bedroom, in her little,Robben Island, for hundreds of years an international symbol of repression, now a,It's all about buying the best animals here, but the posh dining room on the top floor is truly a,The parade left Fred's home in Radcliffe Road, a,The poster is still on the wall in the bedroom my mother has turned into a,In amongst the hand-drawn maps and dinosaur relics, I found in Room 26, a,She even invited me into her house one day and showed me a room that was like a,Twenty years ago this week the India army stormed the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar, the holiest,The government mounted a new Operation in May 1988 to displace these bandits from the holy,As we were driving through Calcutta, my friend pointed to a little,A time bomb, packed with about 6.6lbs of explosive, went off among pilgrims as they took supper in an open area about 490 ft from the,Wax masks were worn by Roman actors in funeral processions and were kept in a special,Join the jet-set and admire some of the most stunning views anywhere from this,In due time Baba's holy body was placed and preserved in the central,Nine monks performed a ritual ceremony to sanctify the,It's an awesome place and the Celts associated it with their Goddess of Waters, Sul, sanctifying it into a,The dancers, arrayed in awe-inspiring costumes and hideous masks, enact weird rituals before the village,The television has at last gained its rightful and proper place as household god, oracle and,Some devotees convinced him to join and to start taking charna amrit, the water which naturally flows from under the feet of Mata in the,The tone here is adulatory and uncritical but the photographs alone will delight those who worship at Gandhi's,Now, having inspired the entire neighborhood to renovate Her,The stony path wound up the hill past a cave,The second grave in the children's burial plot has been fenced off into a,The Canterbury Tales bear eloquent witness to the fact that for centuries Becket's tomb in the cathedral was the greatest pilgrimage,In Herat I paid my respects to the grave of dost Mohammad Khan at the Sufi,This would typically comprise individual cells arranged around a central courtyard very often enclosing a railed tree, a,In the middle of the courtyard, where the public apparitions took place, a large,You know, they could have shot him up, but it would have damaged forever the,The national culture of literati who regarded him as the most important figure of the area built a,This treasury which is located inside a safe locked basement beneath the,One of the most important rooms in the temple is the,In a long struggle with a smack addiction, he made novenas at the,Justin Bieber was forced to apologize for his visit to the,A photograph of the balustrade and the underside of the eaves of the main sanctuary at the inner,Yes, some even crawl the last mile to the,After it was settled, the fighters at the,You are invariably greeted with a whopping great,It had an assembly hall, or basilica, where the orders were issued, and there was a,Taki and Eiko stopped before the torii of the local Shinto,It's home to Meiji Jingu, possibly the foremost example of traditional Japanese,It was established in 1869 by Emperor Meiji as a Shinto,Securing awe and applaud from people standing on both sides of the road, the procession moved on to the holy,It is now a hotel which its owner, Francisco Pons Montanari, a Menorcan of Italian descent, has virtually turned into a,Mum, daughter and son-in-law turned it into a,The National Trust for Scotland has signalled that it does not have the means to buy or run the mansion, which is preserved as a,There is a memorial garden, which has become a,Mr Clarke is so proud of his country and its history that he transformed the living room of the couple's Odsal home into a,It is now accepted in art circles that the belt was a reliquary or,The mahout bowed to the Goddess, hands arched in the gesture of namaskar, then began circling the,For example, the few photographs taken inside a dark doorway or unlit,Police are following a definite line of enquiry in their ongoing investigation into the vandalisation of a memorial,The portraits and incense sticks of the family,This Sunday, October 26, a record number of people are expected at Knock,Rather than being religious in character, the,Free langars organised by Sri Mata Mansa Devi,The Feast of the Assumption was celebrated with prayers at the Marian,The memorial ball, however, was descended directly from the main sanctuary at Ise,The Vincentian Pilgrimages takes place to Knock,In 1993, I was with the choir of the National,It hangs, canopylike, from the ceiling of a gallery, making the exhibition look like a temporary encampment and like a,During the English Reformation, Augustine's,James to the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, in Galicia, Spain, where the,This trope of hagiography was offered for a sign that the new,Henry III rebuilt the abbey in honour of a royal saint, Edward the Confessor, whose relics were placed in a,Thereafter, it was occasionally visited, but left untouched, as a kind of,Chichester Cathedral, founded in the 11th century, is dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and contains a,There will usually be at least one lamp in each,Notable buildings in the city include the,There is a spot in Mactan Island called the Mactan,The Magellan's Cross and the aforementioned Magellan's,The style is characterized by tall pyramids supporting a summit,Maya lineages were patrilineal, so the worship of a prominent male ancestor would be emphasized, often with a household,The Huguenot Society of America maintains Manakin Episcopal Church in Virginia as an historic,A talisman of the Grand Shrine of Ise was placed vertically within the,In the classic Heian period, the court would travel to Ise to visit the,His vehicles were known as fiacres, as the main vehicle depot apparently was opposite a,In 1250, the year of her canonization, her body and that of her husband were exhumed and placed in a new,In 1250 Pope Innocent IV canonized her, and her remains were reinterred in a,Lady Penelope, the arbiter of good taste and a chic blonde, she who genuflects at the,Nevertheless, the level of participation remains high, especially during festivals and occasions such as the first,He is worshiped along with his brother, Balarama, and sister, Subhadra, in the main,The relics of David and Justinian of Ramsey Island were kept in a portable casket on the stone base of the,Lady Penelope, the arbiter of good taste and a chic blond, she who genuflects at the,Consequently, he named his first son Edward and built the existing magnificent,A lot of people are under the impression that the reliquary will be something similar to that of St. Therese of Lisieux which visited the,When we find the first seed it will be covered in Saranwrap and laid to rest in the,In Chicago, a favourite resto is Topolobampo, celebrity chef Rick Bayless's,Tenders are invited for Upgradation of illumination system of,The Minerva Shrine in the Roman quarry is the only rock cut Roman,She challenges the received logic that holds a,Every lane, bylane and road leading to the,Pilgrims from all over Scotland came in large numbers hoping to be blessed, and in many cases to be cured, at the,When Gregory was informed, he told Augustine to stop the cult and use the,The penitents form a procession and they walk together to a,Many Sikhs strongly maintain that the attack resulted in the desecration of the holiest Sikh,It was also a centre of family religious rites, containing a,Charles Lamb worshipped, like the Spartans in Edgar Poe's story, at the mysterious,Grievers laid a wreath near the Saint Thomas historical,One notable factor in the book reportedly talks about the Jedi Temple at Coruscant being built over an ancient Sith,This revenue included the profits from the sale of pilgrim badges depicting Becket, his martyrdom, or his,In the event, Henry VI was not canonised and the project was abandoned, although the,The April date is the date when his relics were translated to a new,In a chapel east of the crossing and high altar, there are remains of the fourteenth century marble,Beijing also demanded that Abe declare he will no longer pay visits to the war-linked Yasukuni,In 1020, he made a pilgrimage and offered his own crown upon the,In 1104 Cuthbert's tomb was opened again and his relics translated to a new,On 7 July 1220, in the 50th jubilee year of his death, Becket's remains were moved from this first tomb to a,The tabs are sold for scrap metal by the Aleppo,She also long participated in her parish church's pilgrimages to the Knock,Wherever he was shipwrecked, he was to build a,Henry Cousens had suggested that there must have been an original shrine at the level of the hall, but this does not detract from thc sacrality of the lower,During the remaining three days of the hajj, the pilgrims continue the ritual stoning before performing the circumambulation of the Kaaba,The devotees go through a round of prayers, including 11 circumambulations of the,Surprisingly, no one has yet set up an online,Coming home, therefore, I sat me down secretly under the,A common sight in India is a crowd of people gathered in the courtyard of a temple or at the doorway of a streetside,The final day is spent in Haifa to visit the Bahai,About 15 to 20 million pilgrims visit the,They range from early examples of the 8th and 9th centuries, such as the brass Crowned Buddha Shakyamuni from Gilgit and an intricately carved wooden travelling,David was buried at St David's Cathedral at St Davids, Pembrokeshire, where his,If your heart flutters for yesteryear's Hollywood goddesses, spritz, gargle, and straighten your dinner jacket for a visit to this,For example, on special occasions, they purchased flowers and candles, which were placed near butsudan, a small wooden,During the 10th and 11th centuries the Cathedral was regularly raided by Vikings, who removed the,If I profane with my unworthiest hand, This holy,On the south side of the River Dee, in Handbridge, is Edgar's Field, another public park, which contains Minerva's Shrine, a Roman,Among the prominent tombs or dargahs are the Dargah Sharif of Hazrat Khan Saheb at Cotta in Ponda, the,Sometimes the relics were held in a separate,St Candida and Holy Cross at Whitchurch Canonicorum is the only church in the country, besides Westminster Abbey, to have a,Other examples of great importance are the portal of the,We possess his relics and they are enclosed in the,It was only necessary to call the guardian of her,The Empress, her head bowed in silence, knelt before the weird impressive,As it was yesterday so it was to-day in that gracious,A cluster of stephanotis in a low Venetian vase stood in front of that portrait, like flowers before a,One legend informs us that a woman who had been married many years and had not been blessed with a child prayed at Inari's,Ah, yellow and irradiant sunflower of my soul's secret,This latter, like the temple of Jagannath at Puri, is suspected of having been a Buddhist,If you visit them you will see everything is accordant with the great,He therefore has inside his house his prayer wheel and his little,The Anunnaki, wishing to give an expression of their admiration for Marduk's heroism, decided to build him a,Not the most daring of visitors had ever been known to desecrate that,If a woman greatly desires a child she will go to a,The body was then lifted to its place in the,Another custom known as dharna is that of a suppliant placing a stone on the,Trent, watching her, felt that at last he had explored to the inner,By her presence she had sanctified it and made of it a.Medallion pictures in neutral colors, of a cathedral porch,Thus, with Piero for mystagogue, we enter an inner,Occasionally a rude figure of the bull Nandi, and an iron trident mark the,A voice was heard from behind the bamboo curtain of the,Little wonder that the n.o.
Examples of Shrine in a sentence. NekoKanjya 28365 There used to be a small shrine around here. 2. Cosma and Damian, itself a shrine and place of pilgrimage. The singer's grave in Paris has become a,19. One memorable afternoon, we visited a Shinto,28. Wanting to create a shrine to Elvis, the fanatic was searching for paraphernalia on the rock singer. The word shrine is used 17 times in the book Things Fall Apart. Here Are Our Top English Tips,The Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage,The Most Common English Language Questions,Browse The English - Spanish Translations,Browse The Spanish - English Translations. 1092142 Tom's new shirt shrunk when he washed it and now it doesn't fit. French Translation of “shrine” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Apparently the shine is off Mr. Faust's halo. shrine meaning: 1. a place for worship that is holy because of a connection with a holy person or object: 2. a…. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases.

very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by particular groups of people,Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English.Click on the arrows to change the translation direction.0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Old English scrīn ‘cabinet, chest, reliquary’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch schrijn and German Schrein, from Latin scrinium ‘chest for books’.Which of the following is a type of wild cat?A place regarded as holy because of its associations with a divinity or a sacred person or relic, marked by a building or other construction., temple, church, chapel, tabernacle, altar, sanctuary, sanctum.A place associated with or containing memorabilia of a particular revered person or thing.A casket containing sacred relics; a reliquary., burial chamber, sepulchre, mausoleum, crypt, vault, catacomb, reliquary, charnel house.A niche or enclosure containing a religious statue or other object., monument, cenotaph, cairn, place dedicated to …,These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In English.Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English? Shrine in a sentence 151.
1. shrine in a sentence - Use "shrine" in a sentence 1. The mosque/shrine was desecrated by vandals.

CK 67725 It rained so hard that the shrine was washed away. CK 1 2369625 My jeans shrank. Elvis's home has become a shrine for his fans.