Everyone loves listening to music!Writing can be intimidating for a lot of people, however, it is such a great way to express yourself, especially during difficult times. ).Springtime activities are still fun in the summer!RECIPE OF THE WEEK : Guacamole with Orange,http://lovefeasttable.com/blog/lovebomb-challenge/,How to Have Peace, Serenity AND Breakfast in Bed on Mother’s Day (Recipe),Disclosure, Privacy, & Advertising Policy. Using emailing, resident texting, or social media, you can involve your current residents in a variety of contests. Their furry friends deserve all of the love, and recognition in the world right now. Here’s a few ways to get to know your neighbors.Whether you live in a suburban neighborhood or an urban high-rise, summer is a great time to catch up with neighbors you’ve known for years.It doesn’t have to be fancy: make it potluck, create a family-friendly playlist and pipe it through speakers, and set out a few outdoor games (ideas:Scout out locations in desperate need of floral intervention and transform the landscape of community eyesores—.A few days later, garden together! Just plain ol’ vanilla and everyone brings a toping.

Plus, these are quick games that do not require a lot of time, or effort.With a large increase in time spent at home, many residents will be cooking more than they ever have before! I love to know others and to be known – and I want that for my children as well!“Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire;This is beautiful, thank you.

Send detailed instructions to your residents on the tasks required to complete the scavenger hunt. First send your residents a bingo card that they can download, and use. With ongoing economic, social, and health changes it is so easy to feel discouraged during this time. Host regular virtual meetings that will dive into the book, and connect neighbors! I’m thinking of starting by following up with them and seeing what the interest is.Great, great ideas Megan…and thanks for the link. How easy is that?! This is a great game for a variety of people and can be a fun way to host an activity that feels like a regular resident event.Social media may just be one of the best ways to connect with your residents during this time. Car wash for residents by site team. This is AWESOME, mamas. From here, you can have residents submit the crafts that they have made, and share them on social media.

I love how easy that is. Thanks Megan ,And, ever since I read Eren’ post about Outdoor Movie Night I’ve been pondering the possibilities … ,I would love to have a community yard sale.

You can send out a list of approved songs, and set up a time, and virtual space for the event to happen. (It can be read in under a minute, pinky-swear. The.Facilities that provide care for aging folks always welcome visitors. Love, love, love.Here’s an idea I learned from Donald Miller’s latest book: Put on a parade.
Compile a list of.Working on a simple creative project can be the ideal way to take your mind off of the stress that you’re feeling!

Due to the convenience of digital media, you can share the activities online for free. Tell your resident’s to join in on a unique virtual resident event that will … Does the host family provide that? Consider choosing a.Tell your resident’s to join in on a unique virtual resident event that will enhance their Netflix watching experience.Many people are feeling down, as their normal workout, and health routine has been disrupted. By doing this, you can help people step outside their comfort zones while also performing what they love. Music, craft time, performances—tons of options, and they’d all be a blessing.Wouldn’t it be fun to read a book as a family and then share thoughts and reactions with other families? Easy virtual resident event ideas include online bingo, Netflix party nights, and online book clubs.Yes. Encourage your property management team to participate, and show off their talents!Most modern apartments have a patio/balcony that can work as the perfect set-up for one of your virtual resident events. Loads of fun!I love the family book club idea. In all of your resident retention efforts, you want to consider how you can maximize the number of people involved. Consider using social media methods Facebook Live, and Instagram Live to instantly stream to all of your residents.