Their hard work has paid off.”,Bach continued, “The success of this project is due to the visionary leadership of Stan Kroenke. View the full release here:After breaking ground on the state-of-the-art stadium in November 2016, the joint venture has overseen a team that encompassed approximately 3,000 workers daily at peak, with more than 17,000 people in total contributing to make the NFL’s largest stadium a reality.

His passion for design, experience in construction and his praise and support for our workforce is what got us here. Haunted Drive-Up Hayride Halloween 2020: San Dimas.FREE, Insta-worthy Mini Photo Sessions with Shoott!Free Household Hazardous Waste & E-Waste Roundup,Planning for Your Loved Ones - FREE Estate Planning Webinar,Trustee and Power of Attorney Training School Webinar (Live Q&A),Oktoberfest Virtual Party 2020: Common Space Brewery, Hawthorne,FREE Online Probate Webinar - The Hayes Law Firm,Adolescent Videoconference-delivered Group CBT + Light Therapy,Marina Del Rey / Garage Sale of Interior Designer's Furnishings.Storewide Sale! The Rams are scheduled to open … You still got to win the game.”.The NFL’s other California team, the San Francisco 49ers, also will begin their season without fans at home games.Get the latest on L.A.'s teams in the daily Sports Report newsletter.You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times.Jeff Miller is the Chargers beat writer for the Los Angeles Times. SoFi Stadium To Open As November Voting Station - Los Angeles, CA - The LA Rams & Chargers' new home will provide ample social-distance space for voters from Oct. 30-Nov. 3. "Our goal is the help expand polling access for our local community and the greater Los Angeles region, providing Angelenos with more locations and greater ease of access to exercise their right to vote," Jason Gannon, managing director of the stadium and Hollywood Park, said in a statement.Voters will be able to enter the stadium property at Prairie Avenue and Arbor Vitae, then turn right on District Drive and park in Lot N. The vote center itself will itself will be located at the NFL Trailer.Officials said the center will adhere to all state and county health regulations mandated by the pandemic, including face coverings and frequent cleaning, including cleaning of each voting station after every use. The company continues to embrace emerging technologies and offers an increasingly diverse set of services. At the end of the day it’s about keeping one another healthy, keeping one another safe.

Los Angeles Rams take the field in front of an empty stadium prior to a NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys on opening night at SoFi Stadium … The grand opening of SoFi Stadium will take place in summer 2020, before the kickoff for the NFL season. The open-air stadium will have seating capacity of approximately 70,000, and it will be expandable up to 100,000 when needed. They should use it,‘Tsunami’ of hotel closures is coming, experts warn,The first ever virtual Emmys were the perfect awards for our times,Awards hit an all-time ratings low with 6.1 million viewers,Bobcat fire grows to 103,000 acres, making it one of L.A. County’s largest blazes ever,Fires continue to take a toll on California air quality,Venice’s new football stadium is nearing completion,Chicago Bulls hire Billy Donovan as coach,Audit finds 22 UC students were ‘inappropriately admitted’ as athletes,Displaced Whitecaps face LAFC amid fires, pandemic. The Rams and Chargers announced Tuesday that games at SoFi Stadium will be held without fans until further notice because of the COVID-19 pandemic. He grew up in Southern California and graduated from Cal State Northridge.Rams inside linebacker Micah Kiser caused an early fumble and finished with a team-high 16 tackles in Sunday’s win over the Philadelphia Eagles.Rams have some injury issues to resolve at running back as Malcolm Brown has left pinky repaired and Cam Akers is questionable with rib injury.Darious Williams intercepted a pass in the end zone intended for Eagles receiver J.J. Arcega-Whiteside in the third quarter Sunday to keep the Rams’ lead.A look at the notable numbers behind the Rams’ 37-19 victory over the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday.Crisis has engulfed the L.A. Times newsroom as prominent editors have been pushed out or demoted because of ethical lapses or other failures.If Republicans insist on replacing Ginsburg before a new president is in place, Democrats should vow to expand the court should they win the Senate and White House.The Luxe Rodeo Drive is the first L.A.-area luxury hotel to go out of business because of the pandemic. The deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 3 election is Oct. 19.The vote center at SoFi Stadium will be open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Oct. 30 through Nov. 2, and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on election day, Nov. 3. We do not intend, and undertake no obligation, to update any forward-looking statement.COMTEX_371432663/2456/2020-09-17T06:55:29,,Tesla’s stock skids 7% as promised ‘Battery Day’ innovations remain off in the future,At Tesla shareholder meeting, honking greets Musk's profit promise,Nike stock rallies after big earnings beat,Gold is at historical highs - here's what investors need to know,Your retirement probably won’t be anything like your parents’…and that’s not good news. It was great to see the Los Angeles Rams win their home opener after all of the planning and work to make this stadium a reality.”,“We are thrilled that the world will be finally able to experience this state-of-the-art stadium,” said Jay Badame, president of AECOM’s Construction Management business. Therefore, we won’t speculate on any timeline as to when fans will be able to join us. The Rams and Chargers announced Tuesday that games at SoFi Stadium will be held without fans until further notice because of,The Rams are scheduled to open the new $5-billion venue,Said Rams chairman/owner Stan Kroenke in a statement: “While we are doing everything to safely open SoFi Stadium and ultimately fulfill its promise to Rams fans, the NFL and to this region, we know our ability to welcome fans into the building will be guided by the wisdom of health care experts and the policies of local, state and federal government officials.